n=0 for m=1 to rs.PageSize if rs.EoF then exit for

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 20:42:42

n=0 for m=1 to rs.PageSize if rs.EoF then exit for
n=0 for m=1 to rs.PageSize if rs.EoF then exit for

n=0 for m=1 to rs.PageSize if rs.EoF then exit for
for m=1 to rs.pagesize
if rs.eof then
exit for
end if

n=0 for m=1 to rs.PageSize if rs.EoF then exit for 看看这个代码里的 exit for for 1= 1 to rs.recordcount //rs为一个记录集.Rs.movenextif Rs.eof then exit fornext end if 请问当rs.eof为真时执行 exit for next for i=0 to rs.fields.count-1是什么意思啊 vfp中K!+(K+1)!+……M!里面的!下面程序的执行流程:clearinput请输入K值: TO Kinput请输入M值: TO Ms=0for r =k to mdo sub with a,rs=s+aendforS的值为:,sreturnprocedure subparameters p,np=1for l=1 to np=p*lendforreturn for m=0 to 7step 3 for n=1 to 3 next n next m 求内循环总次数 具体过程 物理题:1Pa=1N/m^2表示什么 1Pa=几N/m的平方 物理中1Pa=?N/m压力压强 n=6 m =8 x=max(n,m) for i=x to m*n if mod (i,m)=0 and mod (i,n)=0 y1=1 str(m*n/y 这个程序的内层循环总次数是几次 for m=0 to 7 step 3 for n =m-1 to m+1 next n next mfor m=0 to 7 step 3 for n =m-1 to m+1next nnext m Dim m%,n% For m=1 To 3 For n=1 To 5 Step 2 n=n+1 Next n Next m.问n=n+1执行多少次 vb下面程序,运行时内循环总次数是 For m=1 to 3 For N=0 to m-1 next N next mFor m=1 to 3 For N=0 to m-1 next N next m 1N= 多少Pa 1Pa=?n/mm2 1Pa=?N/平方米? vb求m+mm+mmm+...+mm...mmm(n个m)要求 n ,m值 用 inputbox输入Dim m%,n%,i%,j%,a(0 To 9999999) As IntegerPrivate Sub Form_Click()m = InputBox(请输入m值 )n = InputBox(请输入n值 )For i = n To 0 Step -1a(n) = a(n) + 10 ^ (i - 1)Next iPrin linux shell 脚本 wak语句中 awk 'BEGIN { FS=''';RS= } {for (i=2;i Private Sub Form_Click()Dim m%,n%m = 1For n = 1 To 10 Step 2m = m + n n = n + 1 Next nPrint n=; n,m=; mEnd Sub