请教大家,我的这篇雅思作文大概在多少左右I think museums refer to the place where wecan study and learn local culture and history. Today our cultural identify isheavily influenced by globalization. As far as I concerned, the most imp

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 02:33:57

请教大家,我的这篇雅思作文大概在多少左右I think museums refer to the place where wecan study and learn local culture and history. Today our cultural identify isheavily influenced by globalization. As far as I concerned, the most imp
I think museums refer to the place where we
can study and learn local culture and history. Today our cultural identify is
heavily influenced by globalization. As far as I concerned, the most important
target of museums is attracting more local inhabitants. Free tickets’
advantages outweigh disadvantages.

Personally, I think that cultural identify
should be preserved to some extent. Free admission for local history or art
museums is a necessary method to attract more people. For instance, western
cultures are popular in China, especially in students. However, few of them
interest in traditional culture such as calligraphy which represents our
particular art. Consequently, they are more likely to participate in a western
singer’s performance rather than visit a local museum.

Furthermore, the museums are freely opened
to local individuals since individual pays tax. It is general believe that the
original function of museums is to serve the public and provide places for
people to relax and learn. Charging is opposite the authorities’ function of
public service and disturbs our wellbeing society.

In spite of that, free admission of all museums
costs a great deal of money to the government, since there are a lot of demands
on tax revenue. By that I mean the government prefers to fund researches rather
than give free tickets for the sake of social development.

In my opinion, culture possesses similar
importance as modern technology in terms of society developing. Those people who
are against this opinion fail to realize the significance of cultural value. As
a result, free admission of museums dramatically benefits local residents and
society alike and must be made available.

请教大家,我的这篇雅思作文大概在多少左右I think museums refer to the place where wecan study and learn local culture and history. Today our cultural identify isheavily influenced by globalization. As far as I concerned, the most imp

请教大家,我的这篇雅思作文大概在多少左右I think museums refer to the place where wecan study and learn local culture and history. Today our cultural identify isheavily influenced by globalization. As far as I concerned, the most imp 开挖土石方需要多少钱一立方大家好,我想请教一下我有个工程许要需要开挖35立方左右的工程量,这大概需要多少费用. gre作文分数我写了篇托福雅思gre的作文,怎么才能知道大概能的多少分? 求雅思写作单项在6.5以上的同学交流下经验哈!我英语基础很一般,考前需要练习写大概多少篇雅思写作?我需要雅思写作单项在6分以上,大作文我已经写了,每个类型一篇共14篇,现在写的过程中 请教一下,雅思写作大概要求要多少的基本词汇量呢? 词汇量在4000左右,听力、作文能力中等.考雅思大概能考几分? 关于五星红旗的作文怎么写老师要们我谢3篇作文,抄一篇作文,有一篇关于五星红旗的作文我不会写?请教一下大家,关于五星红旗的作文如何写,大概300字. 电磁铁吸引力的计算想做个电磁铁,铁心的直径20mm,需要吸附4kg左右的东西,请教计算公式是什么?大概得多少匝线圈,怎么确定,电流大小在12v左右,请教计算公式是什么? 立定跳远2米8,急行跳远大概能跳多远?本人15岁,男的,立定跳远在2米8左右,由于没有训练过,想知道这个水平急行跳远大概能跳多远.另外请教一下助跑距离和起跳的角度大概多少合适.我100米13秒 马上就要考新GRE了,不知道自己的水平,GRE36篇现在大概是1个exercise错4个左右,陈圣元句子填空7道题错3个左右~大家觉得我V能上160么?大概在什么水平?还有,作文老是写不完啊怎么办啊?我都要抓 要考雅思6.5,难度大不大?如题我大一新生平时英语水平还可以.词汇量大约在6000-7000左右要是想取得雅思6.5的成绩,大概有个多长的备考周期 英文四级,考雅思,求复习计划我的英文底子是四级左右,请问靠雅思如果自己准备的话,大概一个什么样的计划何时.我想在今年考了它~6个月=6.5分 四级490,考雅思6.5需要复习多久?开学大三,希望大家给个意见~我暑假刚上完新东方的雅思强化,假期一直在忙,也没有学习,明年3月份考能到6.5吗? 还有,我问的是大概需要多少时间?!! 雅思6.5~7分三个月复习计划9 月11日考的第一次雅思5分,听力4.5,阅读5,作文4.5,口语5想在12月考到6.5甚至7分,大概2个多月的时间,针对我的情况有什么详细复习计划吗?麻烦大家帮帮忙! 请教关于24K黄金纯度24K黄金手链的配件是千分之900黄金的,如果我把这条手链高温溶解之后,测试出来的黄金纯度会因为配件的纯度低而降低吗?这样测试出来的纯度大概在多少左右,能按照足金 目前塑料opp原料的价格大概在多少左右? 我雅思听力对了33个,大概多少分?雅思的阅读和听力的评分标准是不是一样的? 关于雅思词汇的问题我看见大家说考雅思需要8000左右个单词,请问8000个单词是不是全部要会读会写,会用.如果不是,那么需要多少个单词会读会写会用!