为什么 有although 和 yet 连用?although geographically speaking Britainispart of Europe, yet the fact that it is a separate island has made its people feel different from the rest

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/08 04:50:37

为什么 有although 和 yet 连用?although geographically speaking Britainispart of Europe, yet the fact that it is a separate island has made its people feel different from the rest
为什么 有although 和 yet 连用?
although geographically speaking Britainispart of Europe, yet the fact that it
is a separate island has made its people feel different from the rest

为什么 有although 和 yet 连用?although geographically speaking Britainispart of Europe, yet the fact that it is a separate island has made its people feel different from the rest
我们中文有个关联词“虽然.但是.” 在英语中用了although(though,就不能用but,但可以用yet,表示“但是”
Although/ Though he is young,(yet) he knows a lot.

although 和 yet 为什么 有although 和 yet 连用?although geographically speaking Britainispart of Europe, yet the fact that it is a separate island has made its people feel different from the rest yet为什么能和although在一个句子中出现例句:Although he is considered a great write,yet his works are not widely read.我总觉得这句子不对、yet和although我觉得像But和although一样.不能连在一个句子中.请高手给 为什么yet可以与although 连用而but不行呢? although和yet,still连用翻译成什么意思 although yet/still/alreaduy区别和用法RT 请给出although...yet. 和although...still 的例句.万分感谢 although 作连词,意为虽然,.在同一个句子里,although不能和but连用,但可以和yet连用是什么意思,最好有举例,我觉得Although I am young,but I can do anything.也挺通顺啊 yet 和still的区别Although he is very young,he can repair the new type of computer.A.but B.yet C.still D.and请问选什么,为什么?为什么? although和though后接的转折连词有什么区别比如他们不能接but 但是可以接 nevertheless still yet 这些词分别在什么时候用 我知道although不能和but连用,但是为什么although可以和yet连用呢?请看清我的问题补充再回答吧.这个问题专业性有点强,说语言习惯问题什么的就不用回答了.我知道although是从属连词,连接复合句 .however 为什么不能和although 连用 yet 和 and yet 有什么区别.例子:we know it will be a tough game,_____we just don't want to give up 这里的答案是and yet .为什么不是yet呢? 英语高手进,分析一道英语题目Although her grandpa is old,____ (but/yet)he is very strong错解:but正解:yet为什么呢? although和however在用法和意义上的区别还有就是yet,but,however的区别,although能不能和however和yet连用.这几个词折磨我很久了 although...yet...为什么可以连用而与but却不可以可以从词性分析.词性上怎么分析? although和though有什么区别?英语 although和though有什么区别?