
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/07 20:15:54

我也会用在线翻译的 不想回答何必浪费时间复制粘贴呢~

entering 2009, the economy is uncertainty-ridden. but we have condifence in the growth of our business, and are looking forward to more business interaction in the coming days. we hope,through communication, to broaden our international horizon, share out mindsets of success, explore market trends, and promote business growth.

In the coming year of 2009, even though the economy keeps fluctuating, we are still confident on the business between us. We are looking forwards to the future cooperations, and hope to develop international perspectives, share successful mindsets, discuss market trends and promote business growth through communication.

Entered in 2009, although the economic situation is full of variables, but we grow the business on both sides are full of confidence in the future work of the exchange is full of expectations, hopes t...


Entered in 2009, although the economic situation is full of variables, but we grow the business on both sides are full of confidence in the future work of the exchange is full of expectations, hopes to communicate to develop an international perspective, to share successful ideas, discuss market trends, and promote business development.


进入09年,虽然经济形势充满变数,但我们对双方的业务成长充满了信心,对今后的工作交流充满了期待,希望通过交流开拓国际视野、分享成功理念、研讨市场趋势、促进业务发展.我也会用在线 2010年我国经济形势 虽然还没进入下学期,但提前做准备! 今年我们国家整体经济形势怎样 我们虽然看起来一样,但我们根本不同 汉译英 用望组词,不能重复.对未来,它充满了( )家里虽然穷,但他非常( )读书实现四个现代化,是全国人民的共同( )旧社会,劳动人民的生活没有( )我们要珍惜幸福的学习生活,绝不辜负党对 “虽然没去成公园,但我们非常高兴”的英语翻译 我们虽然忙但很快乐的英文 修改病句 虽然我进入初中学习 但与小学教师的手足之情时刻不忘 2013年经济形势呈现什么趋势? 如何正确认识2010年我国的经济形势 2010年我国当今国内经济形势 2012年世界政治经济形势怎么样 当前经济形势下我们应采取怎样的宏观经济政策? 形容一个人虽然邪恶但依然充满魅力的词语?好像带一个“邪”字的成语 我国2011经济形势特点和2012年经济形势的展望 1500字左右 在这个充满变数的世界上,有什么是永远不会改变的 根据句子的意思,用“望”字组词填空!不能重复哦!我们要珍惜幸福生活,决不辜负党对我们的().旧社会,劳动人民的生活没有()家里虽然穷,但他非常()读书.对未来,他充满了()老班长