来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 09:12:41
First we would like to get our bless for our bride and bridegroom from the Great Heaven and Nature!Seconde we we would like to get our bless for our bride and bridegroom from their Great Parents!Finally we would like to get our bless for our bride and bridegroom from all the notable friends and relatives!
One. The wedding ceremony master of ceremonies l一.婚礼司仪台词选 婚礼司仪的开场白,往往是向人们说清自己在婚礼中充当的角色、自己的工作单位和姓名即可,时间为半分钟,不宜过长。 天使献花 当新郎新娘亲吻献花的天使后,司仪可为他们祝贺。 例:一束鲜花分外香,诗情画意里面装,愿你们今后的生活,就像这鲜花一样,永远鲜艳奔放。让我们给予掌声,为新人表示祝福。...
One. The wedding ceremony master of ceremonies l一.婚礼司仪台词选 婚礼司仪的开场白,往往是向人们说清自己在婚礼中充当的角色、自己的工作单位和姓名即可,时间为半分钟,不宜过长。 天使献花 当新郎新娘亲吻献花的天使后,司仪可为他们祝贺。 例:一束鲜花分外香,诗情画意里面装,愿你们今后的生活,就像这鲜花一样,永远鲜艳奔放。让我们给予掌声,为新人表示祝福。 The wedding ceremony master of ceremonies prologue, often is talks clearly oneself the role to the people which acts as in the wedding ceremony, own unit of work and the name then, the time is half minute, not suitable has grown. The angel offers flowers After the bridegroom bride kisses the angel which offers flowers, the master of ceremonies may congratulate for them. Example: Bunch of fresh flowers particularly are fragrant, rich in poetic and artistic flavor inside will install, hopes your next life, likely this fresh flower will be same, forever will be bright boldly.Let us give the applause, expresses the blessing for the new person.三拜 新郎和新娘,新婚莫忘爹和娘,爹娘把你们从小拉扯大,辛苦不寻常。小时候怀中抱哇,夜晚搂身旁,如今,你们俩知成了才,可是父母的两鬓已熬成了霜。我希望你们俩有好房要先请爹娘住,有好饭菜要先请爹娘尝,父母晚年得安乐,儿女脸上也有光,这养育之恩不能忘,为了感谢父母的养育之恩一鞠躬。 交杯酒 美丽的彩蝶恋牡丹,天上的星星把月亮陪伴,你们俩为什么情投意合,只因那爱情的情丝紧密相联。恩爱的夫妻,甜蜜的伴侣,今后你们俩将要学习生活在一起,妻敬夫来,夫敬妻,请喝上一杯交杯酒表表心意。请新人喜喝交杯酒。 结束语,是整个婚礼仪式中的尾声,也是会场最高潮的时候。司仪在这段台词中,既有总结性,又有祝福与赞美, The Sanbai bridegroom forgets dad composes in reply mother with the bride , newly-married Mo , father and mother takes great pains to bring up you from childhood , the laborious block of wood is common. By the side of when one was young, carrying the body in breast , gathering up in night in the bosom, now, two of your knows the hair on the temples having become talent, but parents already having endured having become frost. I hope that two of your has good house to ask father and mother to live first , finish having meal need father and mother to taste , parents old age to get peace and happiness, first please, children in the face also bright, this gratitude for the love and care given one from childhood can not forget, for thanks parents gratitude for the love and care given one from childhood once in a discreet and scrupulous manner. The colored beautiful "cross-cupped wine " butterfly feels attached to peony , the heavens star accompanies the moon , why two of your agrees in opinion , the god of the earth looks at and appraises a couplet because that amatory feeling silk is rapid and intense. Affectionate husband and wife , sweet companion, two of your will learn living in together from now on, the wife respects a husband coming , the husband offers a wife "cross-cupped wine " politely , invites having drunk a cup of to express intention. Ask a newcomer to be fond of drinking "cross-cupped wine ". Concluding remark , epilogue in being entire wedding ceremony, be also a meeting place most the climax moment. The ceremony master is hit by in this paragraph of actor's line, now that have a summary , have a blessing and eulogize二.主婚人讲话词选 各位嘉宾,各位朋友: 今天是X月X日,是XXX先生和XXX小姐喜结良缘的大喜日子。室外阳光明媚,大自然在向这对新人倾泻温馨和光明,亲朋好友共同祝愿新人一生平安、幸福美满。火红的年代,热闹的婚礼,预示着这对新人今后的生活红红火火。XXX先生、XXX小姐,请你们永远记住这难忘的时刻,希望你们心心相印到永远。 新婚,是人生重要的一个阶段,是人生中一个新的里程碑,他将给人生永远留下一个美好的记忆。新婚,标志着新生活的开始,也意味着这一对新人从此将肩负起社会和家庭新的责任。为此,我作为主婚人在这里希望新人在今后的共同生活中,要互敬互爱,相敬如宾,夫妻永远恩恩爱爱,让爱情之树永远常青。夫妻并肩携手,共创美好的未来。希望XXX先生、XXX小姐,在今后的共同学习和工作中、互相帮助,互相支持,共创事业的辉煌。也希望这对新人,继承和发扬中华民族的优良美德,肩负起为人母、为人父的家庭责任,孝敬双方父母,尊老爱幼,合家欢聚,共享天伦之乐。最后,再一次的祝福这对新人,生活美满幸福,The two person who presides over a wedding ceremony speech word chooses distinguished guest , friends: Today is that X month X gradually is that XXX Sir and XXX Miss are fond of forming the happy match red-letter day. Sunlight is bright and beautiful outside , nature is pouring sum light mild and fragrant to this to the newcomer , the blood friend close friend wishes newcomer lifetime commonly safely , happiness is happy. Flaming age , boisterous wedding, be foreboding this to newcomer life the days to come flourishing. XXX Sir , XXX Miss, ask you to remember this unforgettable moment forever , hope that you are closely at-tached to each other arriving at forever. Newly-married , being a important stage of life, is that a new milestone , he will leave life a fine memory forever in life. The go ahead newly-married , being indicating new life, also implies this newly married couple will take on up society and new responsibility of family herefrom. For this purpose, I hope that the newcomer needs to mutually respect and love , respect each other like guests in collective life the days to come, husband and wife is forever affectionate , make tree of love forever evergreen as the person who presides over a wedding ceremony in here. Husband and wife establishes a bright future together hand in hand shoulder to shoulder. Hope XXX Sir , XXX Miss, in common the days to come learns composing in reply middle , mutual help of job , splendidness supporting each other , founding an undertaking together. Also hope that this directs on a newcomer, virtue inheriting and developing the Chinese nation good character, family responsibility , moral obligation to look after self's parent both sides parents taking on up the conduct mother , the conduct father, respect the aged and love the young , the whole family happy get-together, shares family happiness. Pray for happy happiness that this checks the newcomer , livelihood final , still more primary,