
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 11:52:14


lean 1
/ liːn; lin/ adj (-er,-est)
(of people and animals) without much flesh; thin and healthy (指人或动物)瘦的:a lean athletic body 瘦而矫健的身体.
(of meat) containing little or no fat (指肉)脂肪少的,无脂肪的:lean beef 瘦牛肉.
[esp attrib 尤作定语]
(a) small in amount or quality; meagre 少量的; 质量低的; 贫乏的:a lean diet,harvest 量少的饮食、 收获.(b) (of a period of time) not productive (指一段时间)产量低的:lean years 歉岁 * a lean season for good films 好影片不多的一段时期.
> lean n [U] lean part of meat 瘦肉:a lot of fat but not much lean 肥肉多瘦肉少.
leanness / ˈliːnnɪs; ˋlinnɪs/ n [U].
lean 2
/ liːn; lin/ v (pt,pp leant / lent; lɛnt/ or leaned/li:nd; lind/) =>Usage at dream2 用法见dream2.
[I,Ipr,Ip] be in a sloping position; bend 倾斜; 弯曲; 屈身:lean out of the window,back in one's chair,over to one side,etc 探身窗外、 仰靠椅背、 俯向一侧等 * Just lean forward for a moment,please.请稍稍向前弓一下身.
[Ipr] against/(up)on sth rest on sth in a sloping position for support 倚靠在某物上:a ladder leaning against the wall 倚着墙的梯子 * The old man leant upon his stick.那个老先生拄着个手杖.* lean on sb's arm,one's elbows,etc 靠在某人的手臂上、 支撑在两肘上.
[Tn.pr] sth against/on sth cause sth to rest against sth 使某物靠在另一物上:The workmen leant their shovels against the fence and went to lunch.那些工人把 往篱笆上一靠就吃午饭去了.
(idm 习语) bend/lean over backwards => backwards (backward).
(phr v)
lean on sb (infml 口 esp US) try to influence sb by threats 威胁或恐吓某人:If they don't pay soon we'll have to lean on them a little.要是他们不马上付款,我们就得给他们加点压力了.
lean (up)on sb/sth (for sth) depend on sb/sth 依靠某人[某事物]:lean upon others for guidance 依靠别人的指导 * lean on his friends' advice (他)听信朋友们的意见.
lean towards sth have a tendency towards sth 倾向:He leans towards more lighthearted subjects in his later works.他在后期的创作中倾向於比较轻松的主题.
> leaning
n tendency; inclination 倾向; 爱好:have a leaning towards socialism/have socialist leanings 有社会主义倾向.
# `lean-to
n small building or shed with its roof resting against the side of a larger building,wall or fence 披屋; 单坡棚:They keep hens in a lean-to at the end of the garden.他们在园子尽头处的单坡棚里养母鸡.* [attrib 作定语] a lean-to greenhouse 单斜面温室.

lean vi 倾斜倚
lean vi倾斜屈身靠
lean a瘦的无脂肪的
lean to lean manufacturing lean production lean body mass lean burn david lean lean on me lean on lean management lean into it