英语翻译摘 要新《公司法》的制定是我国公司立法上的新里程碑,一人公司的正名更是众望所归,但是新《公司法》对一人公司的制度设计也还有令人遗憾的地方.其中最明显的一个缺陷就是立

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/08 14:28:56

英语翻译摘 要新《公司法》的制定是我国公司立法上的新里程碑,一人公司的正名更是众望所归,但是新《公司法》对一人公司的制度设计也还有令人遗憾的地方.其中最明显的一个缺陷就是立
摘 要

英语翻译摘 要新《公司法》的制定是我国公司立法上的新里程碑,一人公司的正名更是众望所归,但是新《公司法》对一人公司的制度设计也还有令人遗憾的地方.其中最明显的一个缺陷就是立
New "Company Law" is the formulation of legislation of a new milestone in the company, one is welcomed by name the company, but the new "Law" of one person's unfortunate design of the system still has a place. The most obvious flaw is that legislators only a clearly defined set of one-man company's legal status, but did not clear the existence of a person's legal status and degree of both convergence between Royal l. This paper tries to clarify the existence theory of one-man company to establish the necessity and the legal characteristics which make a little improvement on the Law of the proposal. January 1, 2006, the new "Law" into effect, one system for the formal establishment of the company is one of the highlights of the law, ending a long debate, one of the company the company finally get a clear legislative recognition . Legislative history of the company which is a big step forward, but the new "Law" of one person's unfortunate design of the system still has a place. The most obvious flaw is that legislators only a clearly defined set of one-man company's legal status, but did not clear the existence of a person's legal status, as well as convergence between the two systems. This will "Company Law" in practice cause some trouble. This paper tries to clarify the existence theory of the need to establish one-man company and its legal characteristics, and the "Company Law" perfect offer some suggestions.
The first part focuses on the survival of a person's basic theory.
Part II describes the national legislation of one company's inspection and assessment.
The third part of the "Law" of the existence of one-man company position resolution.
Keywords: one-man company; established one-man company; existence of one-man company


债务加入制度,近来成为我国司法审判中的热点和难点问题,我国法律对此项制度却无明确规定,理论界的研究也不充分。 Debt join the system, recently became the administration of justice in the hot and difficult issues, our legal system has failed to specify the p...


债务加入制度,近来成为我国司法审判中的热点和难点问题,我国法律对此项制度却无明确规定,理论界的研究也不充分。 Debt join the system, recently became the administration of justice in the hot and difficult issues, our legal system has failed to specify the provisions of this theoretical research community is not sufficient. 实务之难主要在于债务加入制度与诸如保证、免责的债务承担、第三人代为履行等相似制度的区分上。 The main practical difficulty is that the debt, such as adding system and guarantee the debt exemption commitments on behalf of a third party to fulfill such a distinction similar to the system on. 欲解决此实务上的难题,从理论上考察债务加入制度的产生、发展、建构等仍是不可缺少的步骤。 To resolve this practical problem, from a theoretical study by adding a system of debt creation, development, construction, etc. is still an indispensable step. 债务加入制度在理论上也存在诸多难点和争点,本文主要以我国民法的现实结构为基础,对这些难点和争点作出解释。 Debt to join the system in theory, there are many difficulties and strive for, this article primarily on the reality of China's civil law based on the structure of these problems and strive for an explanation. 在研究方法上,因着眼于解决实务问题,所以做了大量的案例研究;为求在理论上对债务加入制度作较全面、深刻的探讨,运用了比较的、历史的研究方法。 In research methods, due to focus on solving practical problems, so did a lot of case studies; for the sake of adding a system of debt, in theory, be a more comprehensive and profound exploration of the use of the comparative and historical research methods. 研究过程中,始终注意理论联系实际,在查阅了大量有关债务加入的案例以及相关文献资料的基础上,提出了一些新的见解。 Course of the study, always pay attention to integrating theory with practice, in the access to a large number of cases related to debt, as well as to join on the basis of the relevant literature and put forward some new ideas. 如:在论述债务加入概念时,提出了债务加入制度除了具有保证的功能外还具有融通的功能;在论述债务加入制度与其他制度的区分时,结合各级法院的判决理由以及国外实务中的一些判断方法,总结归纳出相对清晰的裁判规则。 Such as: in his discussion of the concept of debt by adding proposed addition to the debt guaranteed by adding a system function, also has the function of intermediation; in his discussion of the debt by adding the distinction between system and other systems, the combination of reasons at all levels of court decisions and foreign practice in the judgments and methods, are summarized with relative clear-cut rules of adjudication. 通过理论上的构建以及考察债务加入制度在实务中的运用,认为债务加入制度有其自身独特的无法取代的制度功能,我国民法应对其作出一般性规定。 Through the theoretical construct and to study the debt-to join the system in practice in the use of debt by adding a system that has its own unique system of functions can not be replaced, our country also needs to be the general provisions of civil law. 最后得出结论,即债务加入制度是一项独立的民事法律制度。 Finally come to the conclusion that the debt to join the system is an independent civil legal system.
关键词债务加入制度架构裁判规则独立制度 Key words institutional structure of debt to join an independent system of rules of adjudication


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The new company law of our company is the new milestone, the legislation of one-person company name is much, but the new "law of one-man company system design also regret. The most obvious...


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The new company law of our company is the new milestone, the legislation of one-person company name is much, but the new "law of one-man company system design also regret. The most obvious defects is only specified lawmakers established the legal status of one-man company, but did not make clear the legal status of one-man company, and the emperor l degrees between them. This paper is intended to clarify the surviving theoretically the necessity of establishing one company law and its characteristics of the perfect company some Suggestions. On January 1, 2006, the new company law formally implement system of one-man company, is a formal establishment method, the debate over a long time, finally


英语翻译摘 要新《公司法》的制定是我国公司立法上的新里程碑,一人公司的正名更是众望所归,但是新《公司法》对一人公司的制度设计也还有令人遗憾的地方.其中最明显的一个缺陷就是立 英语翻译摘 要新《公司法》的制定是我国公司立法上的新里程碑,一人公司的正名更是众望所归,但是新《公司法》对一人公司的制度设计也还有令人遗憾的地方.其中最明显的一个缺陷就是立 英语翻译我国外商投资企业法与公司法的关系内 容 摘 要外商投资企业法是外商投资领域中的商事组织法,是我国重要的部门法.其作为一个独立的法律部门,与在我国商事组织法体系中起着举 新《公司法》中关于有限责任公司和股份有限公司的区别.注意,是新公司法啊.越多越好, 根据我国公司法的规定,依照我国公司法在我国境内设立的公司可以是有限公司,也这话说的对吗?根据我国公司法的规定,依照我国公司法在我国境内设立的公司 可以是有限公司,也可以是无限 拜托~公司法论文的英文摘要翻译摘要:我国于2005 年修订通过的公司法受到了学界的广泛好评,与旧《公司法》相比,新《公司法》的修改内容主要集中在公司资本制度、公司法人治理制度、 你指的05年新的公司法出台,是06年1月1号实施的新《公司法》吗? 我国公司法所规定的公司法人治理结构是怎样的 我国宪法是如何制定的? 我国制定一切方针的政策是? 我国的GMP是根据什么制定 我国制定会计准则的主要依据是 新《公司法》关于对外投资的限制与旧《公司法》有什么不同? 公司法新修?公司法新修有哪些? (2)我国新的《义务教育物理课程标准》和《高中物理课程标准》是在什么背景下制定的? 我国最新的公司法在那一年修订的? 我国《公司法》规定的公司形态有什么? 我国《公司法》有关有限责任公司组织结构的法律规定