问句英语句子的意思Does the emphasis on ownership apparently runs counter to biological needs for cooperation among humans?能分析下吗并解释

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/07 18:54:32

问句英语句子的意思Does the emphasis on ownership apparently runs counter to biological needs for cooperation among humans?能分析下吗并解释
Does the emphasis on ownership apparently runs counter to biological needs for cooperation among humans?

问句英语句子的意思Does the emphasis on ownership apparently runs counter to biological needs for cooperation among humans?能分析下吗并解释
我觉得这个biological needs直译是生物学需求,但其实是说人类这个物种从一开始就要分工合作才能生存的,而强调所有权就是强调独立,而不是合作

问句英语句子的意思Does the emphasis on ownership apparently runs counter to biological needs for cooperation among humans?能分析下吗并解释 英语问句句子Sean drives a red Ferrari.的问句下面那个正确what does Sean drive?what drives Sean? 英语排列句子,还是初一的.he,with,is,his,good,friends这是一句the,her,guitar,well,very,does,sister,play中文第一句是问句 EM的含义和用法set'em,change'em 这里的EM是不是都是指立刻的意思?'em这个是怎么用的?不是句子,原文就是set'em ,change'em 英语改同意思的句子:how heavy is the stone?要改成:how ( ) does the stone( 问句英语句子的意思They showed that the defibrillators provided no more protection from death than a person skilled in C.P.R. 解释一下下面英语句子的意思1.How long does it take to travel to the airport?2.What time should we arrive at the airport? 英语句子 play the flute 的意思 根据汉语意思,完成下面的英语句子.每空一词.他在信的开头说了什么?What does he say __ __ __ __ the letter? 英语中you can have 'em后面的缩写`em什么意思?麻烦回答的正确些 what does the underlined phrase starting a family mean 这个句子的意思 What does going downmean in the last paragrph?的句子意思 What does his aunt do?改成意思相同的英语句子是怎么改 I was scared when the man pointed his knife at me.求英语达人答出以上句子的问句 英语问句开头的单词英语的问句开头的单词各不一样,句子的意思也就不一样,那么,什么样的开头的单词有什么意思?有着怎样的句式 英语的难处what is 和 what does开头的问句有什么区别? 是叫你把普通句子转成问句的.He often reads newspaper .Does he often read newpaper 答案是这样的我不知道为什么要加Does,我当然知道是做的意思啦,是不是代表他做那件事,所以转问句就用那个呢?还有一 what does the doctor say的意思