解决一个英语选择题1. Did your speech ____ to the audience?A.get through to B.get across to❤答案为B.请问为什么不能选A,我查了一下字典也有使理解的意思啊?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/07 14:17:17

解决一个英语选择题1. Did your speech ____ to the audience?A.get through to B.get across to❤答案为B.请问为什么不能选A,我查了一下字典也有使理解的意思啊?
1. Did your speech ____ to the audience?
A.get through to B.get across to

解决一个英语选择题1. Did your speech ____ to the audience?A.get through to B.get across to❤答案为B.请问为什么不能选A,我查了一下字典也有使理解的意思啊?
get across to 意思是指通过语言使某人了解,get through to 意思是指得到,使理解,进入.

get through 是 通过 ; 完成 ;接通的意思 没有 理解的 意思吧 就算有的话 这也没办法解释 英语是一门语言 不可能严谨到 一个单词都要仔细推敲 有的题 没办法用语法解释 你记住就行了

get across to是通过言语使人明白的道理之类的,指通过语言使某人了解
get through to 意思是指得到,使理解,进入

是因为搭配问题吧,get through后面不跟to,直接说get through by the audience吧




1. Did your speech ____ to the audience?
A.get through to B.get across to


1. Did your speech ____ to the audience?
A.get through to B.get across to
get across
(1) 过 <桥、街道等> ,渡过; 越过 <国境等>
(3) 渡[到…],横过[到…][to]
(4) <论点、意思等> 传 [到对方] , [被对方] 瞭解; <人>使想法等传 [到对方] ,使…瞭解[to]
The words didn't ~ across to her.
(5)<戏剧等>投 [观众等] 所好,博得好评,风行,成功[to]
The singer's new song has failed to ~ across.
这歌手的新歌没能博得好评 [没能唱红]
(6) 使<人等>渡过…,将<物>运过…
~ an army across a river
(7) 使…渡过,将…运过去
(8) 使[对方]瞭解 <论点、笑话等> [to]
He couldn't ~ it across to her.
(9) 使<戏剧等>被 [观众等] 接收,使…搏得好评,使…受欢迎,使…成功[to]
They could not ~ the play across.
再看get through的用法:
1. get through sth
(a) use up or consume (the specified quantity or amount of sth) 用完, 消耗掉(一定量的某物)
She gets through forty cigarettes a day. 她一天抽四十枝香烟.
We got through a fortune while we were on holiday! 我们度假花了一大笔钱!
(b) (manage to) do or complete sth (设法)做或完成某事
I've got through a lot of correspondence today. 今天我处理了一大批信件.
Let's start; there's a lot of work to get through/to be got through. 开始吧, 有大批工作要做呢.
2. get (sb) `through (sth):
(help sb to) be successful in or pass (an examination, a test, etc) (帮助某人)(考试、 测验等)及格
Tom failed but his sister got through. 汤姆不及格, 但他妹妹及格了.
She got all her pupils through French `A' Level. 在她的帮助下, 所有学生的法语高级考试都及 格了. get (sth) `through (sth)
(cause sth to) be officially approved or accepted (使某事物)正式通过或被采纳
Do you think the Bill will get through (Parliament)? 你认为那议案(议会)能通过吗?
get a proposal through a committee 使委员会接受一项建议.
3. get `through (to sb)
(a) reach (sb) 到达(某人处)
Thousands of refugees will die if these supplies don`t get through (to them). 数以千计的难民若得不到这些救济物品, (他们)就要死亡.
(b) make contact (with sb), esp by telephone (与某人)联系(尤指通电话)
I tried ringing you several times yesterday but I couldn't get through (to you). 昨天我给你打了几次电话, 可是都没(和你)接通. get `through (to sth) (of a player or team) reach the next stage of a competition (指运动队或队员)进入下一阶段比赛
Everton have got through to the final. 埃弗顿队已进入决赛.
4. get `through to sb
make sb understand the meaning of what one is saying; communicate with sb 所说的话使某人理解; 与某人沟通
I find her impossible to get through to. 我发觉无法跟她沟通思想.
Try to get through to him that he's wasting his life in that job. 设法让他明白做那种工作是浪费生命.
5. get through with sth:
finish or complete (a job, task, etc) 完成(工作、 任务等)
As soon as I get through with my work I'll join you. 我工作一做完就来找你们.
从:get across之:
(4) <论点、意思等> 传 [到对方] , [被对方] 瞭解; <人>使想法等传 [到对方] ,使…瞭解[to]
The words didn't ~ across to her.
和get through之:
4. get `through to sb
make sb understand the meaning of what one is saying; communicate with sb 所说的话使某人理解; 与某人沟通
I find her impossible to get through to. 我发觉无法跟她沟通思想.
Try to get through to him that he's wasting his life in that job. 设法让他明白做那种工作是浪费生命.
可以看出其主语的不同。前者多为:论点、意思等,后者的主语应该是“人”,因为只有“人”才能make sb. understand sth.才能communicate with sb.
所以这里只能用get across to ...


get across to 意思是指通过语言使某人了解 被人的以理解

解决一个英语选择题1. Did your speech ____ to the audience?A.get through to B.get across to❤答案为B.请问为什么不能选A,我查了一下字典也有使理解的意思啊? 英语选择题语法问题如何解决 跪求英语高手解决高中选择题 一个英语定语从句选择题 麻烦解决一个英语选择题,解释下理由:If you don't see it___himself,you shouldn't believe it.A:by,B:for,C:with,D,at 一个英语选择题,While mother____some washing,I____a kite.While mother____some washing,I____a kite.A.did,make B.was washing,made C.did,was making D.do,was making答案选的C.要具体. 九年级上英语选择题1. 英语选择题英语选择题英语选择题 英语适当形式填空与选择题1.jenny drives as()(care) as me2.kitty did quite () in the english ,i did even()a.better;well b,good;better c,well; better d.well;better 3道英语选择题求解1.---Did you watch the basketball match yesterday . -----yes.I did you know .my brother ____in the matchA.is playing B.was playing C.has played D.had played2.----I'm sure Andrew 帮忙解决一下化学选择题 4道英语选择题,希望学霸可以帮我解决, 英语 选择题 英语,选择题 英语,选择题. 英语阅读+选择题( )1.____ here and ask him about it yesterday?A.Did you come B.Would you not go C.You didn't come D.Aren't you go( ) 2.____ he ____ a good time last Sunday?A.Were:were B.Did;do C.Did:has D.Did;have( ) 3.The students hardly s 英语选择题 英语选择题 英语选择题 英语选择题 英语选择题 英语选择题 英语选择题 英语选择题 英语选择题 英语选择题 英语选择题 英语选择题 英语选择题 英语选择题 英语选择题 英语选 英语反义疑问句选择题1.The workers can't have finished their work yet,____?a.have they b.do they C.are they D.can they百度上搜索到一个:陈述部分为can't have done,依情况用did,has,have.神马叫“依情况”= =汗 为什么