英语翻译Fighting fires has always been a dangerous job.The job has grown even more risky in recent years.That’s because changes in building over the last 30 years have resulted in hotter fires that are more unpredictable.Today’s buildings use

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英语翻译Fighting fires has always been a dangerous job.The job has grown even more risky in recent years.That’s because changes in building over the last 30 years have resulted in hotter fires that are more unpredictable.Today’s buildings use
Fighting fires has always been a dangerous job.The job has grown even more risky in recent years.That’s because changes in building over the last 30 years have resulted in hotter fires that are more unpredictable.Today’s buildings use many moresynthetic materials than those built 30 years ago did.As a result,when they catch fire,they burn at a much higher temperature and give off much more energy than their older counterparts do.Furthermore,most modern buildings are extremely well insulated.That means that when they catch fire,they hold most of the fire’s heat.Hotter fires result in especially dangerous situations for firefighters.The fires themselves are dangerous,of course,but evenmore problematic are the super-hot gases created by the fires.These cause “extreme fire behaviors” a term firefighters use to describe quick-moving,life-threatening events at the scene of a fire.They include flashovers(跳火).Temperatures increases so greatly that some materials in an area burn up at once.They also include backdrafts(反风流),during which oxygen rushes into an area,causing a fireball.The most dangerous effect of a backdraft is that it can actually take in all the oxygen out of a room where firefighters are working.Finally,there are gas explosions(爆炸).They happen when extreme heat causes gases to spread quickly.American firefighters have worked hard to fight against the dangers of modern firefighting.Unfortunately,death rates have remained nearly unchanged during the last 30 years.That’s a poor showing compared to Sweden and Great Britain.Both of those countries have cut death rates among firefighters in half over the same period.Why are the British and the Swedes more successful at protecting their firefighters?Some within the firefighting community believe it’s because both countries use a procedure called “3-D firefighting.” For now,most American fire companies will stick with firefighting strategies and believe that 3-D technique(技术) cannot be effective.Supporters of the technique claim that it greatly reduces the likelihood of an extreme fire behavior.In 2002,the fire department of Gresham,Oregon became the first in the United States to accept 3-D firefighting techniques.The company’s battalion chief,Ed Hartin,has become a supporter for the procedure,conducts trainings,and has written a book on the subject.Maybe the use of 3-D firefighting is held back by its cost in the United States.

英语翻译Fighting fires has always been a dangerous job.The job has grown even more risky in recent years.That’s because changes in building over the last 30 years have resulted in hotter fires that are more unpredictable.Today’s buildings use



救火一直是一个危险的工作。在近几年的工作变得更危险的。这是因为建立在过去的30年里的变化,导致在炎热的火灾,更不可预知的。今天的楼宇使用许多moresynthetic的的材料比那些建于30年前的“。因此,当他们着火,燃烧在更高的温度,并释放出更多的能量比他们的老对手。此外,最现代化的建筑是非常良好的绝缘。这意味着,他们着火时,他们认为最火的热量。越来越热的火灾,导致在特别危险的情况下,为消防队员。的火灾本身是很危险的,当然,但变得更加成问题的是超热气体的大火。这些原因“极端的火灾行为”来形容一个长期消防员快速移动的,危及生命的事件在火场。他们包括闪络(跳火)。温度增加,所以大大一次在一个地区,有些材料燃烧起来。还包括backdrafts的反风流,在此期间,氧气冲入一个区域,造成一个火球。最危险的燃的影响是,它可以真正的一个房间里,消防队员正在采取所有的氧气。最后,有瓦斯爆炸事故(爆炸)。他们发生时,极端高温会导致气体迅速蔓延。美国消防队员的努力,打击现代消防的危险。不幸的是,在过去的30年中,死亡率几乎保持不变。这是一个糟糕的表现相比,瑞典和英国。这两个国家的同期降低死亡率在消防队员在一半以上。为什么英国人和瑞典人更成功地保护他们的消防队员吗?在消防界人士认为,这是因为这两个国家使用的过程称为“3-D灭火。”现在,大多数美国消防公司将继续坚持与消防策略,并相信3-D技术(技术)不能进行有效的。该技术的支持者声称,它的一个极端的火灾行为的可能性大大降低。 2002年,美国俄勒冈州Gresham的火系成为第一个在美国接受3-D灭火技术。该公司的中队长,埃德哈廷,已成为支持者的程序,进行培训,并写了一本书的主题。使用3-D消防也许,这阻碍了其在美国的成本。
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