急求英译汉,有关材料方向的,The as-cast ingot corresponding to the composition Al–14wt% Fe–2wt% .Si was used for the present study.The supplied alloy was prepared by melting 4N purity(99.99%) Al with high purity Fe and Si in an Al2O3 cr

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/08 19:15:44

急求英译汉,有关材料方向的,The as-cast ingot corresponding to the composition Al–14wt% Fe–2wt% .Si was used for the present study.The supplied alloy was prepared by melting 4N purity(99.99%) Al with high purity Fe and Si in an Al2O3 cr
The as-cast ingot corresponding to the composition Al–14wt% Fe–2wt% .Si was used for the present study.The supplied alloy was prepared by melting 4N purity(99.99%) Al with high purity Fe and Si in an Al2O3 crucible settled in a vacuum high-frequency induction-heating furnace.Specimens of 15-mmdiameterwere sectioned from this ingot,and remelted in a high-frequency induction furnace and then cooled down to room temperature with programmed cooling rates of 1,5,10 and 100K/s,respectively.The desired cooling rate was achieved by simultaneously adjusting the cooling rate of argon-jet through the inner induction heating copper coil and the output power of the high-frequency generator controlled by the computer.
Samples for microstructural examination were polished using standard met-allographic technique,etched with the reagent (5 vol.% HNO3 + 95 vol.% C2H5OH)and observed under an OLYMPUS C-35A optical microscope and a XL30ESEM scanning electron microscopy with OXFORD ISIS300 energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyzer.
The sizes and morphology of IMCs in the final microstruc-tures of the explored Al–14wt.% Fe–2wt.% Si alloy at low cooling rate of 1,5,and 10K/s are shown in Fig.1.The size and distribution of IMCs are not uniform.Fig.1a and b shows the quite different morphology of the IMCs in the sample cooled at 1K/s because of the various cooling rates at different locations of sample.In some area with the lower cooling rate,the bulk platelet intermetallic phase Al3Fe forms (Fig.1a),and in the other large area with higher cooling rate,only the thinner and shorter Al3Fe exists (Fig.1a).Besides,there are also a small quantity of other phases can be observed in the solidified sample,such as -AlFeSi and Si (denoted by arrow in Fig.1b).However,the micrographs of sample at intermediate cooling rates show more homogeneous feature than that at low cooling rate

急求英译汉,有关材料方向的,The as-cast ingot corresponding to the composition Al–14wt% Fe–2wt% .Si was used for the present study.The supplied alloy was prepared by melting 4N purity(99.99%) Al with high purity Fe and Si in an Al2O3 cr
该铸铝锭相应的组成铝14wt %铁2wt % .四是用于本研究.所提供的合金是由熔融19-4纯度( 99.99 % )高纯度铝与铁和硅的氧化铝坩埚解决在真空高频感应加热炉.标本15 mmdiameterwere切片从这个锭,和重熔在高频感应电炉,然后冷却到室温下冷却速度的程序1 ,5 ,10和10万/秒,分别.理想的冷却速度是通过同时调整冷却速度氩射流通过内铜线圈感应加热和输出功率高频率发生器所控制的计算机.
样品的显微检查抛光使用标准会见- allographic技术,蚀刻与试剂( 5卷.%硝酸+ 95卷.%乙醇) ,并观察了奥林巴斯C - 35A条光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜XL30ESEM与牛津ISIS300能源色散X射线( X射线能谱)分析仪.
的大小和形态的法团校董会在最后的微观期货的探讨铝14wt .%铁2wt .% Si合金在低冷却速度为1 ,第5和的10K / s的显示图.1 .的规模和分布法团校董会并不统一.图.1A和B显示了完全不同的形态的法团校董会的抽样降温1000 / s的,因为各种冷却速度在不同地点的样品.在一些地区,较低的冷却速度,大部分血小板间阶段Al3Fe形式(图1A )款,以及其他大面积高的冷却速率,只有更薄和更短的Al3Fe存在(图1A )款.此外,还有少量的其他阶段也可以看到在巩固样本,如- AlFeSi和Si (指的箭头图.1B款) .然而,镜样品中间冷却速度表现出更多的同质功能比在低冷却速度