certain lands in the RT完整句子是Most of the tablets that have been found are bussiness records,such as deeds to certain lands in the area.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/21 11:26:01

certain lands in the RT完整句子是Most of the tablets that have been found are bussiness records,such as deeds to certain lands in the area.
certain lands in the
完整句子是Most of the tablets that have been found are bussiness records,such as deeds to certain lands in the area.

certain lands in the RT完整句子是Most of the tablets that have been found are bussiness records,such as deeds to certain lands in the area.
Most of the tablets that have been found are bussiness records,such as deeds to certain lands in the area.



deed 是功绩。
certain lands in the area是deed的后置定语 用来修饰功绩


certain lands in the RT完整句子是Most of the tablets that have been found are bussiness records,such as deeds to certain lands in the area. The shuttle flies in space.Then it returns to the Earth.It lands like an aeroplane.的意思 youth,moving is lands toward the future! 翻译:Many in the industrial lands have a sense that their world of plenty is somehow hollow your host serves the food in a certain order. in a certain way act in a certain in a certain sense 帮忙房翻译一下The real act of discovery is not in finding new lands,but in seeing with new eyes. 请帮我把以下单词连成句子,1.tiger,jumps,it,after,races,and,on2.passengers,snow,soft,sled,unloads,the,and,its,lands,in,deep,the Then we visited a lake.It is in the high lands.怎么变成The lake开头的带定语从句的复合句 it is said in china there are more lands than the government knows__(what to do with it)为什么不填what to do it with? you only eat things at certain times of the year --for example strawberries in june and turnips in winter ,特别是at certain times of the year 的意思 in the aftermath of the earthquake,certain buildings had remained...6个字母(adjectives) Hardly had they seated themselves in the theatre when the certain went up 什么意思 it is certain that the new plan will (a )some people in the company 挑战级别“英文翻译”,who can ?You will embrace this rebellion. Support it from our lands in the north. I will gainEnglish favor by condemning it and ordering it opposed from our lands in the south .逐句翻译,解释语法提示:they're Is the famous country in the world, that is Lands by Enclosed seas _______?A.the Heland B.the Fenland C.the XinxilandA荷兰B芬兰C新西兰我个人认为是芬兰,因为芬兰是千湖之国