
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/03 06:51:59

The below sentences are permitted to use by G An for his final project.

In last chapter,we were talking about log utility.However,there are some other more complexed utility functions adopted widely in the present study and research for investment portforlio optimization,such as linear utility function.In this chapter we will take the exponential utility function as an example to discuss the optimization of other utility functions

In the chapter, we dealt with the effectiveness issue. optimized nesting in the current about investment portfolio to optimize the academic research, and other widespread adoption of more complex utility function, such as linear utility function. in this chapter we mainly index utility function as a

In the last chapter, we mainly solved logarithmic utility optimization problem
And now about investment...


In the last chapter, we mainly solved logarithmic utility optimization problem
And now about investment optimization problem studying, there are other more complecated and more extensive used utility functions, like linear utility function.
in this chapter, we mainly use exponential function to compare with other utility functions about optimization problem
不确定optimization problem是不是最优化问题


In the chapter, We dealt with the effectiveness issue about logarithm optimization (最优化) And in the current about investment portfolio to optimize the academic research, other widespread adoption of ...


In the chapter, We dealt with the effectiveness issue about logarithm optimization (最优化) And in the current about investment portfolio to optimize the academic research, other widespread adoption of more complex utility function, such as linear utility function. In this chapter we mainly index utility function as an example to explore other utility function in optimization. 额..差不多了吧


In last chapter, we were talking about optimization of logarithmic utility. However, there are some other more complexed utility functions adopted widely in the present study and research for investm...


In last chapter, we were talking about optimization of logarithmic utility. However, there are some other more complexed utility functions adopted widely in the present study and research for investment portforlio optimization, such as linear utility function. In this chapter we will take the exponential utility function as an example to discuss the optimization of other utility functions.


接下来的句子允许用“G An”(这个我不明白 应该是专业词汇吧或是打错了)作为他最后的课题

In the last chapter, we mainly handle the optimization problem of logarithmic utility. And in the current investment combinatorial optimization problem of academic research, and some other widely adop...


In the last chapter, we mainly handle the optimization problem of logarithmic utility. And in the current investment combinatorial optimization problem of academic research, and some other widely adopted more complex utility function, such as linear utility function. In this chapter, we mainly index utility function as an example to discuss the other utility function optimization problems.


In the previous chapter, we have mainly dealt with the logarithm effectiveness optimization issue. But in current about in investment profolio optimization question scholarly research, but also has ot...


In the previous chapter, we have mainly dealt with the logarithm effectiveness optimization issue. But in current about in investment profolio optimization question scholarly research, but also has other widely to use the more complex utility function, for instance linear utility function. In this chapter, we mainly discuss other utility function optimization take the index utility function as the example the question.


In the previous chapter, we talk about the optimization of logarithmic utility. But at presentthere are some other widely adopted and more complicated utility functions in academic study on investmen...


In the previous chapter, we talk about the optimization of logarithmic utility. But at presentthere are some other widely adopted and more complicated utility functions in academic study on investment portforlio optimization, e.g. the linear utility function. In this chapter, we are to discuss the optimization of other utility functions primarily taking the exponential utility function as an example.


In the last chapter, we mainly deal with the effectiveness of several optimization problems. In the current portfolio optimization problems on academic research, there are other widely used in more co...


In the last chapter, we mainly deal with the effectiveness of several optimization problems. In the current portfolio optimization problems on academic research, there are other widely used in more complex utility functions, such as linear utility function. In this chapter, our main example of the exponential utility function other utility function optimization problems.


In the last chapter, we mainly deal with the effectiveness of several optimization problems. In the current portfolio optimization problems on academic research, there are other widely used utility fu...


In the last chapter, we mainly deal with the effectiveness of several optimization problems. In the current portfolio optimization problems on academic research, there are other widely used utility function is more complex, such as Linear utility function. In this chapter, our main example of the exponential utility function other utility function optimization problems.


Depend on previous chapter , our problem having handled the logarithmic efficacy optimization's mainly. But in current relative academic research with investment of combinatorial optimization problem,...


Depend on previous chapter , our problem having handled the logarithmic efficacy optimization's mainly. But in current relative academic research with investment of combinatorial optimization problem, there are still some adopt more complicated efficacy function other broadly, for instance , linear efficacy function. In this, chapter , we once take exponent efficacy function as example mainly discussing the problem that the efficacy function optimizes other most.


In the last chapter, we mainly deal with the effectiveness of several optimization problems. In the current portfolio optimization problems on academic research, there are other widely used in more co...


In the last chapter, we mainly deal with the effectiveness of several optimization problems. In the current portfolio optimization problems on academic research, there are other widely used in more complex utility function, such as Linear utility function. In this chapter, our main example of the exponential utility function other utility function optimization problems.



英语翻译在上一章,我们主要处理了对数效用最优化的问题.而在当前的关于投资组合优化问题的学术研究中,还有其他一些广泛采用更复杂的效用函数,比如线性效用函数.在这一章,我们主要以 微观经济学答案26.某消费者逐渐增加商品的消费量,直至达到了效用的最大化,在这个过程中,该商品的 ()A.总效用和边际效用不断增加B.总效用和边际效用不断减少C.总效用不断下降,边际效用不 英语翻译主要对HEADING 和HEADLINE在同一句中不太会处理,两个都是标题 英语翻译仅仅支持纯人工翻译——机器的免进!这篇文章主要讲了导致世界粮食危机的原因以及我们应当如何处理这些问题,同时作者也提出号召及其想法. 我们在月球上散步了 主要表达了什么? 英语翻译utilities 主要是这个词的意思,字典翻译成:功用,效用,我实在很难理解! 英语翻译我已经转交给我们的财务来处理了. 期望效用和期望值效用怎么区分我在看西方经济学,的三章江到了期望效用和期望值效用,而且书上还用到了彩票期望值效用和彩票期望效用.通过比较确定消费者对风险态度,这个我也理解不了 消费者效用最大化,收入效应和替代效应1.消费者用150元购买了5箱牛奶,用50元购买了5公斤牛肉.若在这个购买组合下,牛奶的边际效用为15效用单位,而牛肉的边际效用为10效用单位.为了实现200 英语翻译搞错了,抱歉了!应该是:“学会如何独立处理我们生活中的问题是很重要的吗?” 微观经济学 “在消费者均衡条件下,消费者购买的商品的总效用一定等于他所支付货币的总效用.”这句话错哪了? 工厂里的生活污水需要工厂自己处理吗?我们公司自己建了一个污水处理房,主要是用来处理工业污水,请问是不是化粪池里的生活污水是不是也要经过处理才能排放? 怎么写领导们在工作上的缺点和优点呢?我们单位近期因为工作上出现了好多的问题都是接二连三的发生本不该发生的事情.领导们给我们开了一个大会.会议内容主要是1我们员工在处理顾客投 英语翻译中国农村集体土地征用制度的现状及其完善摘要:现行征地制度在征地目的、程序、补偿等多方面存在的弊端制约了经济、社会的和谐发展.坚持最大限度地发挥土地的效用,最大限 碱性蚀刻液如何处理?PH在8左右,COD一般是1000多 日处理水量最多20吨.里面主要是要处理氨氮,氨氮的含量在2000以上,要求处理到8以下.我们的计划成本是处理一顿水7块钱左右、这个废水是线路板 请准确地汉译英以下几个句子1.这段视频主要介绍了如何去处理突发事件.我们需要注意关键时刻的重点问题.2.大致内容在强调去真正做好一件事情,在不同的情况下要适当取舍.3.如果我们能够 英语翻译随着计算机技术的迅猛发展,图像处理技术在各个领域都得到了广泛的应用,已经涉及到了人类生活和工作的方方面面.本文主要介绍了利用VC.NET编写一个简单的图像处理工具ImageBoard的 盐酸小檗碱片主要含有哪些成分 有何效用