
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/02 17:55:58


Breaking through the relative significance and impact which are presented by sustainable development and the purpose of the financial management,this paper studies the connction between the sustainable development and the financial management and scopes the construction of the properly objective practise with the instruction of the sustainable development theory.to further the aim of enterprise financial management which follows the socio-environment-economic coordination with the sustainable development.Thoses would be discussed and studied.

This article related to the sustainable development proposed to proceed with the influence and financial management objectives, the research enterprise for sustainable development with the financial m...


This article related to the sustainable development proposed to proceed with the influence and financial management objectives, the research enterprise for sustainable development with the financial management of the association to meet the objective reality to explore the establishment of sustainable development under the guidance of the theory, promote social - environmental - economic coordinationsustainable development of enterprise financial management objectives discussed in this study.


This paper from the sustainable development put forward the meaning and influence and to study financial management goal, the sustainable development of enterprises and the financial management of the...


This paper from the sustainable development put forward the meaning and influence and to study financial management goal, the sustainable development of enterprises and the financial management of the association, under the guidance of sustainable development theory to build with objective and actual, promote social - economy - environment of harmonious and sustainable development of enterprise financial management objectives, this study discussed.希望可以帮到你,望采纳完任务


英语翻译本文从可持续发展的提出的相关涵义与影响和财务管理目标着手,研究企业可持续发展与财务管理的关联,探讨在可持续发展理论指导下建立切合客观实际,促进社会-环境-经济协调可 可持续发展的主张是谁提出的 英语翻译流动未成年人犯罪越来越被社会所重视,本文从认知发展,人格分析,家庭教养等综合角度出发,利用有针对性的问卷以及查阅相关卷宗了解流动未成年的犯罪心理特征,并由此提出相对 英语翻译【摘 要】本文致力于从现行的国家税收优惠政策出发,利用所学经济学相关概念和原理,针对高新技术产业发展中已存在的种种税收弊端,深入浅出地分析其要害,并提出相应改善措施. 英语翻译还有:我们提出的支持可持续发展理论认为,可持续发展的人类社会需要教育的有力支持,而且,在可持续发展的支持系统中,教育无疑是最重要的支持系统.要想建构可持续发展的教育 耗散结构是谁提出的,具体有什么涵义? 英语翻译摘要:关系营销使房地产企业营销策略涉及到所有利益相关者,正确处理好房地产企业与所有利益相关者之间的关系.本文通过对关系营销及其本质特征、营销的对象的深入分析,提出 可持续发展的主张是谁提出的拜托了各位 关于可持续发展的事例说明可持续发展的3个原则的相关事例~ 全球问题和可持续发展思想提出的哲学意义 提出了以人为本、全面协调可持续发展的科学发展观时间 可持续发展理念应该是1992年联合国提出的呀 可持续发展的概念和含义及其相关理论 英语翻译我国会计监督现状及其发展内容提要 摘要:本文分析了我国会计监督的现状,对存在的相关问题提出一些措施,从社会、国家和企业的角度对会计监督做出展望,要提高会计信息的质量 英语翻译建立中高职、应用本科“直通车”,实现我国物流人才的可持续发展本论文从分析我国物流人才培养中存在的瓶颈问题着手,借鉴上海、江苏等地职业教育衔接发展的经验,提出适应我 从哲学的观点分析人与自然可持续发展 英语翻译从国际法的角度看中菲“黄岩岛之争” 与此同时,本文也将会提出武力、协商谈判和法律,这三种解决途径 英语翻译本文提出X波段脉冲雷达系统发射机中重要组成部分之一脉冲调制器电路的设计方案,介绍了脉冲调制相关原理及其硬件电路的设计和调制功率的测量电路.系统采用MMIC芯片HMC232LP4为开