
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/04 19:22:18


新生的自我介绍 -- 给新同学留个好印象!;
Hello everybody.My name is Stone.I come from Guangdong province in China.;
嗨,大家好.我的名字叫石头,我来自 中国广东.
I am very happy to come here to study with you.;我很高兴来这里和你们一 起念书.
When I arrived at this school three days ago,I fell in love with it.;
当我三天前来到这个 学校时,我就喜欢上它了
It is so beautiful and exciting here,and everyone is kind to me especially Kim.;
这里是那么美丽,那么振 奋人心,这里的每个人都 对我很亲切,
特别是Kim 老师.
This class feels just like one big family to me.;
而这个班集体对我来说就 像一个大家庭.
I'm interested in sports,music and mountain climbing.;
我对运动、音乐和爬 山很有兴趣.
I hope I can become your friend soon.Thank you very much.;
最后,我希望我能很 快成为你们的朋友,

Hua Wenting students:
Art classes in her class is representative of the job seriously. Her excellent academic performance, handling, "San Haosheng" the certificate. Her English is especial...


Hua Wenting students:
Art classes in her class is representative of the job seriously. Her excellent academic performance, handling, "San Haosheng" the certificate. Her English is especially good, "Harry Potter" all seven English original has been read. Her hobbies broad, such as painting, reading and so on. At school, she is a good helper teacher and classmates, and good partners. At home, she helped the parents to do things. She was raised today to the five-star red flag, very happy.
One semester was over, and we are soon promoted to first form. Embarked on yet another new phase of life. In this semester, I truly understand the "competition" word. Needs to compete everywhere in life, every minutes, every second can not be relaxed. From the beginning of the semester quizzes, maturity in the final exam, a sub-have become so important. So I learned to study and work, we must hold on steady play a down. In this semester, I learned a lot of knowledge. I learned to know the most commonly used basic Zhengshi triangle and algebraic operations. Through the study of biology, I know the human body, understanding of the human body. Study history,
I know a lot of countries in human customs. Today, the learned knowledge, I have more confidence in each lesson to learn in the future and strive for greater progress.
提问人的追问 2009-08-25 17:51
回答人的补充 2009-08-25 17:52
二、一个学期又过去了,我们马上就要升入初一。踏上了又一个人生的新阶段。在这个学期,我真正懂得了“竞争”二字。人生处处需要竞争,每一分,每一秒都不能松懈。从学期开始的各项小测验,到期中期末考试,一分都显得那么重要。因此我懂得了,学习和工作都要稳抓稳打,踏踏实实。 在这个学期里,我学到了很多知识.我学到认识了最常用的三角形和代数最基本的整式运算。通过学习生物,我认识了人体,了解了人体。学习历史,我懂得了很多国家的人情风俗。如今,学会了这些知识,我就更有信心学好今后的每一节课,争取更大的进步。
回答人的补充 2009-08-25 17:54


Hi,i'm ***.l'm 12 year old.I like read book.

