
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/12 08:18:51


1 How have your past circumstances and experiences (such as your upbringing,community,and/or activities) impacted who you are,your future goals,and your choice of major?If you haven't decided on a college or major yet,briefly explain your intentions and aspirations for your first year at Illinois.Please limit your response to approximately 300 words.
In no more than 300 words,tell us something about yourself that isn't covered elsewhere in this application,some interest or experience of yours that you think the University of Illinois should know about as part of the admissions review.

同学,你申uiuc吗?uiuc的essays是什么呀? uiuc uiuc的环境如何 UIUC怎么样? UIUC是什么意思? 关于UIUC的申请请过来人给看看:TOEFL105左右,SAT I 2000,SAT II 750+750+800,A-LEVEL 2或3个A能不能申UIUC啊?还有,这个大学有没有EARLY DECISION的说法? UIUC申请时提到托福的Full Status Admission是102分, UIUC 的 Division of General Studies 求救!这是什么地方?收到了 uiuc的admit-alternate offer.被分到了Division of General Studies.通过uiuc网站得知The Division of General Studies,a member of the Campus Center for Advising and Academi SAT 单次阅读600 写作770,SATII数学II 都800 世界史670,托福110,申哪个大学有戏?活动一般般,想要申UIUC UCB UCLA 威斯康星麦迪逊还有迈阿密,GIT,除了UC的都EA,能大概中几个? 为什么“两物体恰能“相遇”的临界条件是两物体处在同一位置时,两物体的速度恰好相同.uiuC UIUC文书题目是啥为啥我下载PDF 只有一个叙述难忘经历的文书.是不是我看漏了.顺便求解怎么写? UIUC:college of art and science- ECON VS Purdue:Kannert school of management- ECON的选择?我是2011 Spring的本科转学,收到5个OFFER,打算在这两个里做最后决定.1.UIUC:college of art and science- ECON 2.Purdue:Kannert school of manag SAT1880,托福93,SAT2,MATH二800,PHYSICS680,MATH一790,能去什么大学?能去南加大么? 还能去哪些20-40的学校? 原来定了申请UIUC,NYU,U MIichigan现在纠结于选什么学校.中介是让我申华盛顿SEATTLE 还有威斯康辛大 申请伊利诺伊香槟的toefl和sat以及sat2的分数我想学computer science或者software engineering之类的不知收分多少、另外能不能给我说一下uiuc的天气状况、 大学退学后申请美国大学的Freshman,有几个问题.比如UIUC这一段:Any student who enrolls at a university is considered a transfer student and is not eligible for freshman admission.This is true even if the student has not finished h 请问托福要考到100分难度大吗?请问托福要考到100分难度大吗,我上次考了83分,想申请UIUC,不知道这个学校要求托福必须上100么?SAT 5月份第一次考了1800,准备10月份考第二次.我准备7月份再考一次 过来帮我看看,sat该不该送分sat1590 阅读350+(读不完啊!) 写作400+托福96 阅读满分(有机经帮助) 口语21 写作21UIUC PSU UWS OSU 普渡 石溪 申请本科送sat分好不好?纠结啊…… 帮我看看,sat该不该送分sat1590 阅读350+(读不完啊!) 写作400+托福96 阅读满分(有机经帮助) 口语21 写作21UIUC PSU UWS OSU 普渡 石溪 申请本科送sat分好不好?纠结啊……