Sorry,又要麻烦大家了,帮帮忙吧!J: hello, Liu Yang. You look very happy today.L: Yes, John. You know my dream has come true.J: What?L: I have just bought a house in the country.J: Really? Congratulations. What is it like?l: It is a two

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 14:46:09

Sorry,又要麻烦大家了,帮帮忙吧!J: hello, Liu Yang. You look very happy today.L: Yes, John. You know my dream has come true.J: What?L: I have just bought a house in the country.J: Really? Congratulations. What is it like?l: It is a two
J: hello, Liu Yang. You look very happy today.
L: Yes, John. You know my dream has come true.
J: What?
L: I have just bought a house in the country.
J: Really? Congratulations. What is it like?
l: It is a two-floor building with four rooms, one big livingroom and the bedrooms.
L: It sounds very nice. Do you have a garden, too?
I: Yes. There’sa nice big garden in front of the house. My wife and I are very satisfied with it .
J: Why not busy some furniture for your new huose,liujang?
L: Yes. I’ve got a bed, two chairs and a table. I’m going to order some more.
J: I think you should also buy some bookshelves.
L: Yes, you are right. I plan to buy two bookshelves and two wardrobes as well.
J: What style do you like, Chinese or Western?
L: Chinese style, of cuorse.
J: I want to buy some furniture of Chinese style, too.
L: And I can tell you where to buy the best.
J: That’s great.
C: Can I help you ,sir?
J: Yes.Can I have a look at one of your apartments?
C: Sure.come with me ,please.
J: Fine.
C: Look. We have a telephone and a Tvset in each apartment.
J: Do you have hot water?
C: Yes.We have hot water 24 hours each day. Now let’s have a look at the bathroom,shall we?
J: Yes.
C: O.K. Here is the switch.
J: It’s very nice. I’ll give you an answer tomorrow after a talk with my wife.
C: That’s all right.
J: What a beautiful garden you have here,Liuyang!
L: Thank you, John. I’m interested in growing flowers.
J: Are there any roses?
L: Yes, they are over there.
J: Oh,aren’t they lovely! You’re a wonderful gardener.
L: Well, I like gardening. I’ve read a lot of books about plants and got some advice from florists.
J: Why not plant some fruit trees?
L: Yes. That’s what I’m thinking of doing.
J: When are you going to do it ?
L: In the coming spring.
A House for Sale
Foulsham House is a fine stone house of the 1790’s .It stands high avove a river, in twenty-five hectares of the best farmland in the Southwest of England.
Smithson Foulsham built the house, and the dtory goes that George, the young Prince of Wales, fell in love with the beautiful Lady Kitty Wake,at one of the first Lord Foulsham’s wild parties. Many great men have rieedn on the hills around Foulsham House, and many fine ladies have taken tea in the Green Room.
The house has eight bedrooms, three barthrooms,two living rooms and a dining-room. The gentleman’s library has a good view over the park and the river. All rooms are light and airy, with good, high windows and wood floors.
At the back of the house,there are buidings, and the famous third Lord Foulsham once kept horses there. Now one of the buildings has become a garage for four cars. In many other ways,this house of the 1790’s can even meet the needs of the 21st century.
If you wish to know more about Foulsham House, write to me.

Sorry,又要麻烦大家了,帮帮忙吧!J: hello, Liu Yang. You look very happy today.L: Yes, John. You know my dream has come true.J: What?L: I have just bought a house in the country.J: Really? Congratulations. What is it like?l: It is a two










L:Yes.I’ve got a bed,two chairs and a table.I’m going to order some more.是的,我买了一张床,两把椅子和一张桌子.我正要去订购一些别的

J:I think you should also buy some bookshelves.我想你也应该买一些书架.

L:Yes,you are right.I plan to buy two bookshelves and two wardrobes as well.是的,很正确.我想还是买两个书架和两个衣柜比较好.

J:What style do you like,Chinese or Western?你喜欢什么风格的?中国的还是西方的?

L:Chinese style,of cuorse.当然是中国风格的.

J:I want to buy some furniture of Chinese style,too.我也想买一些中国风格的家具.

L:And I can tell you where to buy the best.我可以告诉你哪里买得到最好的.

J:That’s great.那真棒.

C:Can I help you ,sir?先生,有什么可以为您服务的吗?

J:Yes.Can I have a look at one of your apartments?是的.我可以看看你们的公寓吗?

C:Sure.come with me ,please.当然可以.请跟我来.


C:Look.We have a telephone and a Tvset in each apartment.看,每间公寓里都有电话和电视

J:Do you have hot water?有热水吗?

C:Yes.We have hot water 24 hours each day.Now let’s have a look at the bathroom,shall we?有.每天24小时都有热水.现在我们去看看洗澡间好吗?


C:O.K.Here is the switch.好,这里是开关.

J:It’s very nice.I’ll give you an answer tomorrow after a talk with my wife.这真好.明天我和我妻子商量一下再给你答复.

C:That’s all right.没问题.

J:What a beautiful garden you have here,Liuyang!你有个多美的花园啊,刘洋!

L:Thank you,John.I’m interested in growing flowers.谢谢你约翰,我对种花很感兴趣.

J:Are there any roses?有玫瑰吗?

L:Yes,they are over there.有,它们在那里.

J:Oh,aren’t they lovely!You’re a wonderful gardener.真可爱!你是个奇妙的圆丁!

L:Well,I like gardening.I’ve read a lot of books about plants and got some advice from florists.是的,我喜欢园艺.我看过很多种植方面的书,从种花人那里得到了一些建议.

J:Why not plant some fruit trees?为什么不种些水果树呢?

L:Yes.That’s what I’m thinking of doing.是的,那是我正在考虑作的事情.

J:When are you going to do it 你打算什么时候种?

L:In the coming spring.来年春天

A House for Sale 有房出售

Foulsham House is a fine stone house of the 1790’s .Foulsham House 是1790年造的石质房子.It stands high avove (什么词?)a river,in twenty-five hectares of the best farmland in the Southwest of England.在英格兰西南方的一个最好的25公顷的农田里.

Smithson Foulsham built the house,(Smithson Foulsham 造了这座房子)and the dtory goes that George,the young Prince of Wales,fell in love with the beautiful Lady Kitty Wake,at one of the first Lord Foulsham’s wild parties.Many great men have rieedn on the hills around Foulsham House,and many fine ladies have taken tea in the Green Room.

The house has eight bedrooms,(房子有八间卧室) three barthrooms,(两间洗澡房)two living rooms(两间客厅) and a dining-room.(和一个餐厅) The gentleman’s library has a good view over the park and the river.(先生们的藏书室能很好的看到院子和河.) All rooms are light and airy,(所有的房子都是明亮通风的,) with good,high windows and wood floors.(有着大而且好的窗户和木地板)

At the back of the house,(在房子的后面)there are buidings,(有一座建筑) and the famous third Lord Foulsham once kept horses there.(著名的三个Foulsham领主都在这里养马)Now one of the buildings has become a garage for four cars.(现在其中的一间做为了一个放了四辆车的车库) In many other ways,(在其他的许多方面)this house of the 1790’s can even meet the needs of the 21st century.(这座1790年代的房子在21世纪也能满足某些人的需求)

If you wish to know more about Foulsham House,write to me.(如果你想知道关于Foulsham House更多的情况,写信给我.)


J : 你好,刘·杨。 您今天看起来非常愉快。

L : 是,约翰。 您知道我的梦想实现了吗。

J : 什么?

L : 我在乡村买了一个房子

J : 哦? 恭喜。 它是怎么的,能说一下具体情况吗?

l : 它是一个两层楼的建筑与四个房间、一个大客厅和卧室。

L : 它听起来非常好。 您是否有一个...


J : 你好,刘·杨。 您今天看起来非常愉快。

L : 是,约翰。 您知道我的梦想实现了吗。

J : 什么?

L : 我在乡村买了一个房子

J : 哦? 恭喜。 它是怎么的,能说一下具体情况吗?

l : 它是一个两层楼的建筑与四个房间、一个大客厅和卧室。

L : 它听起来非常好。 您是否有一个庭院?

I : 是。 房子前面有个大花园。 我妻子和我非常满意的与它

J : 为什么不忙着置办一些家具为您新房子呢, liujang ?

L : 是。 我有床、二把椅子和桌。 我还要去置办一些。

J : 我认为您应该也买些书架。

L : 是,我同意。 我计划买二个书架和二个衣柜。

J : 什么样式您喜欢,中式的还是西方的?

L : 当然是中国式的了。

J : 我也想要买中国式一些家具。

L : 并且我可以告诉你到哪里买到最好的。

J :太棒了!

C : 有什么可以帮助的,先生?

J :好的,我可以看一看你的公寓吗?

C : 当然,请跟我来。

J : 好。

C : 看。 我们有一个电话和电视在每栋公寓。

J : 您是否有热水?

C :当然,我们每天24小时都有热水。 现在我们看一看卫生间,好吗?

J : 好。

C : 这是开关。

J : 非常好。 我我和妻子商量一下,明天将给您一个答复。

C : 没问题,就这样吧。

J :您这个院子太漂亮了, Liuyang!

L : 谢谢,约翰。 我对这种花很感兴趣。

J : 有没有玫瑰?

L : 有,在那。

J : 噢,它们太漂亮了! 您真是一位巧妙的花匠

L : 客气了,我只是喜欢园艺。 我读了很多书关于植物的书并且从卖花人得到一些建议。

J : 为什么没有种植一些果树?

L : 啊,我也正在考虑呢。

J : 您什么时候种呢?

L : 明年春天吧。



Smithson Foulsham修建了房子,并且dtory去那乔治,年轻威尔士王子,爱上了美丽的夫人Kitty Wake,一致第一Foulsham阁下的狂欢会。 许多了不起的人在小山有rieedn在Foulsham议院附近,并且许多好夫人在绿色屋子采取了茶。

房子有八间卧室、三barthrooms、二个客厅和一个饭厅。 绅士的图书馆有一个好看法在公园和河。 所有房间是轻和通风,与好,高窗口和木地板。

在房子的后面,有buidings,并且著名第三个阁下Foulsham曾经收留马那里。 现在其中一个大厦成为了一个车库为四辆汽车。 在许多其他方式, 18世纪90年代的这个房子可能甚而适应21世纪的需要。

