指出英文句子错误之处这句话短语运用以及句法有点错误:At the end of the day,a score on a paper doesn't mean much in the bigger picture.请改写这句话,并且指出错误的地方.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 07:07:51

指出英文句子错误之处这句话短语运用以及句法有点错误:At the end of the day,a score on a paper doesn't mean much in the bigger picture.请改写这句话,并且指出错误的地方.
这句话短语运用以及句法有点错误:At the end of the day,a score on a paper doesn't mean much in the bigger picture.

指出英文句子错误之处这句话短语运用以及句法有点错误:At the end of the day,a score on a paper doesn't mean much in the bigger picture.请改写这句话,并且指出错误的地方.
in the end,the score on the paper does not mean anything in the blue print for your life.

指出英文句子错误之处这句话短语运用以及句法有点错误:At the end of the day,a score on a paper doesn't mean much in the bigger picture.请改写这句话,并且指出错误的地方. 指出电路的错误之处 求大神指出错误之处 No nature has no man 指出这句话的错误点并且最后写出一个正确的句子! 请翻译下面句子并指出是否有错误之处:We have not received the application form until now. ‘我的国籍’这句短语的英文拼写.以及英语句子改错.英语句子改错;This is my teacher.-Nice to look you.I know her .She name is Wei Fang.Is you a student?-No,I‘m not. 请问这句英文有没有错误,请指出?Let's look at the book on my book. 指出春江花月夜这首诗暗示运用之处不要解析,直接指出暗示运用之处就可以了 如图所示,指出电路图的错误或不妥之处 指出句子一处错误 Daming and Lingling are American 求看指出这段英语作文错误句子 请帮忙找一些关于奥运和地震灾害的英语词汇和短语,以及这两方面好的英文句子, 七年级下期英语短语以及运用. 唯美英文短语.句子, 句子逻辑错误1.尽管这位美丽多情的女人身边不乏有山清水秀,芳草连天,渔舟唱晚的迷人美景,可还是难平心中对爱的执著与深深地思念之情.上面这句话语法和逻辑方面是否有错误,请指出后帮 指出如图所示家庭照明电路的错误之处有5处错误! 英语句子有错误,请指出.这句话到底哪里错了,难道是我眼花了?Jim is from England.He is an English. 这个句子 Is very sweet,very bitter,and that is love.如对的,如果不对,请指出错误之处?