高三单选题一道——Lend me some more money,will you?——Sorry,I‘ve got——at hand myself.You know the MP3 player cost all I had just now.A.nothing B.no C.none D some

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/08 00:48:37

高三单选题一道——Lend me some more money,will you?——Sorry,I‘ve got——at hand myself.You know the MP3 player cost all I had just now.A.nothing B.no C.none D some
——Lend me some more money,will you?
——Sorry,I‘ve got——at hand myself.You know the MP3 player cost all I had just now.
A.nothing B.no C.none D some

高三单选题一道——Lend me some more money,will you?——Sorry,I‘ve got——at hand myself.You know the MP3 player cost all I had just now.A.nothing B.no C.none D some
C.none 是对的.
none=none of the money,指那天带的钱全花完了.

你好。none=not any/not one 即“一点也没 一个也没有” 即对于【数量】的概念 即可指人也可以指物 指物时可以是上文提到的事物 含有特指概念 。 此题中,填空处即一点钱都没有 钱在上文中已提到 即特指上文的事物。

空根据词意,应填no money, 抱歉,我也没钱了,刚买Mp3把所有钱都花光了,
none为代词:一点儿也没有,相当于no money

高三单选题一道——Lend me some more money,will you?——Sorry,I‘ve got——at hand myself.You know the MP3 player cost all I had just now.A.nothing B.no C.none D some 一道英语特殊句式选择题Let me lend you a hand,——————?A.shall I B.won't you C.shan't I D.will you ---Could you lend me your dictionary?I left ____at home?A.it B.yours C.one D.mine这是一道单选题(初中英语)但我不会选.顺便告诉我不能入选的选项错在哪里,考察了什么知识点, Could you lend your pen to me?(改为同义句) Could you —— —— your pen? lend me it 还是lend it to me 关于lend和borrow的题目Can you lend me your new bike?——Of course,I can ____ it to you.那个空填lend还是borrow?答案是borrow,我怎么感觉是lend.是不是答案错了?哪儿来的borrow to 词组啊.如果我错了, Lend me your whole life 英语单选题 Could you please lend me some money.I have .Apass on B run out C run away D go out Would you please__(lend)me some money?为什么填lend? lend 和borrow 怎么用?eg:can you lend me yours 为什么用lend 不用borrow 一道政治多选题 一道单选题 一道单选题 初三化学一道单选题 一道单选题, —I don’t have——English novels.Can you lend——to me?—SureA.any;some B.some;anyC.some;some D.any;any Can you lend me the book ——the other day?A.about which you talked B.that you talked 为什么不选B ——I have ( )money.Can you lend me some?——OK.——I have ( )money.Can you lend me some?——OK.But you must return it to me next week.A.run away B.been run out C.run out of D.been run out of