大侠,我在用adams 2007进行仿真时,出现以下提示,仿真失败,请问是什么原因谢谢啦!文字描述是:ERROR: The simulation stopped at time = 0.0. The equations of motion can not be solved at this point because of a sing
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 13:15:40
大侠,我在用adams 2007进行仿真时,出现以下提示,仿真失败,请问是什么原因谢谢啦!文字描述是:ERROR: The simulation stopped at time = 0.0. The equations of motion can not be solved at this point because of a sing
大侠,我在用adams 2007进行仿真时,出现以下提示,仿真失败,请问是什么原因谢谢啦!
ERROR: The simulation stopped at time = 0.0.
The equations of motion can not be solved at this point because of a
singularity in the Jacobian matrix. This singularity is due to the
equation for PART jiyi_test.PART_10 ( PART/10 Xdot ).
ERROR: The matrix is numerically singular.
ERROR: Abnormal termination encountered in Adams/Solver.
大侠,我在用adams 2007进行仿真时,出现以下提示,仿真失败,请问是什么原因谢谢啦!文字描述是:ERROR: The simulation stopped at time = 0.0. The equations of motion can not be solved at this point because of a sing
可能是PART jiyi_test.PART_10的质量等于0造成的.检查一下PART jiyi_test.的质量.方法是右击PART jiyi_test.——>"Modify".