给文章修改,提点意见(300字英文)It the widely using of robots will bring our human beings danger,use your own view and thoughts on it:a blessing or a curse?The issue of whether or not widely using of robots has a positive influence to socie

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/10 18:23:53

给文章修改,提点意见(300字英文)It the widely using of robots will bring our human beings danger,use your own view and thoughts on it:a blessing or a curse?The issue of whether or not widely using of robots has a positive influence to socie
It the widely using of robots will bring our human beings danger,use your own view and thoughts on it:a blessing or a curse?
The issue of whether or not widely using of robots has a positive influence to society has been hotly disputed in public.Some people contend that robots bring plenty of benefit for society,making our life more convenient and effective; quite a few experts,however,believe that over depending on robots will jeopardize society in some aspects,such as unemployment and losing some basic skills.The purpose of this essay is to evaluate both sides of controversy and present my own view about this phenomenon.
The advocates of widely using of robots hold a strange belief that a large amount of advantages will be contributed by the advanced robots technology.To be specific,productivity will be improved in the factory if they use robots instead of workers.This is because robots can handle every difficult procedure,making the product more accurate.Therefore,it will increase the profit for factory and provide a positive predominance in the market.Moreover,some danger works,like porters and chemical workers,can be replaced by robots,which strengthen the security rate.Hence,it can be concluded that robots provide a lot of advantages for the society.
Some social experts,particularly those who work in the employment department,argued that widely using of robots bring a wealth of negative effects for society,such as increasing the unemployment rate,extinct traditional culture and skill.More specifically,high unemployment rate can be mainly attributed to the widely relying on the advanced robots technology.The reason is that some manual workers can be easily replaced by robots and they cannot find other jobs.Therefore,the consequence of this phenomenon leads to increasing burden of welfare state,more people are suppose to supported by government.Another issue cause by the robots is that some basic skills have disappeared rapidly,including handcraft and calculating.The fact that handcraft is one of the traditional culture,which can represent the history of country,has been underestimated in public.Therefore,citizens are supposed to protect those of useful skills in society.
To sum up,regardless of the fact that robots bring a lot of merits to society,its still make a lot of demerits,which may lead our life become more detrimental.Overall,in my own view,people are supposed to restrain to use robots in labour market.

给文章修改,提点意见(300字英文)It the widely using of robots will bring our human beings danger,use your own view and thoughts on it:a blessing or a curse?The issue of whether or not widely using of robots has a positive influence to socie
It the widely using of robots will bring our human beings danger,
1.It is the widely use of robots that bring our human beings danger.(It is 强调)
2.Is it the widely use of robots bring our human beings danger
3.Is the widely use of robots will bring our human beings danger?
use your own view and thoughts on it【on it 可以删掉】
The issue of whether or not widely using of robots has a positive influence to society has been hotly disputed in public
【whether的用法不对(建议专门看下语法书讲whether的),应该这样说:whether the widely use of robots has a positive infuence on society(have an influence on 是固定搭配,不用to)】
bring plenty of benefit for society
present my own view about this phenomenon.
【view on sth 】
The advocates of widely using of robots hold a strange belief
【of widely...robots删掉,支持者就可以了,读者可以看懂】
some danger works,
【dangerous 是形容词,danger是名词,work不可数名词:some dangerous work】
which strengthen the security rate
【strengthen的意思是加强,而这里说的是安全率,应该用提高:increase,raised...或是说ensure the safety of workers...】
Hence,it can be concluded that robots provide a lot of advantages for the society.
【这句话表明,The advocates 的观点是正确的,本段开头就不应该用strange来评价他们的观点 ,另外我觉得可以改成:we can get the conclude that...it can be 用的有点频繁了,多变换句式增强文章的可读性.】
negative effects for society
【effects on sth 固定搭配】
The reason is that some manual workers
The fact that handcraft is one of the traditional culture,which can represent the history of country,has been underestimated in public.
【我的修改是,the fact that handcraft,as one form of expression of the traditional culture,represents the history of a country,has been underestimated by public.】
its still make a lot of demerits,which may lead our life become more detrimental
【1.it still make...2.我的修改:which may threat the healthy development of our society.】
一些词:widely ,lead,suppose,view,demerit……
还有一些句式 xxx is that xxx ,the fact that ……频繁出现,就是那种这句出现了,下句马上又出现了的,这种不好,不是说不能用个第二次.

给文章修改,提点意见(300字英文)It the widely using of robots will bring our human beings danger,use your own view and thoughts on it:a blessing or a curse?The issue of whether or not widely using of robots has a positive influence to socie 给文章修改,提点意见(300字英文)Economy is considered as an important criterion to a country’s success.But others think there are still other factors that can measure a country’s success.What do you think are other factors?Which is more 给英语课提点意见, 请对我的英文书写提点意见 请对我的英文书写提点意见, 请给我的英语书写提点意见 请提点意见. 作文修改,提点建设性意见,作文太长.见回答1楼 小学生该不该在学校多学英语?我们是反方,英文比赛,中英都行.给我提点意见.英语的 用清晨写一篇文章注意*不要写风景和别人的事,写早上在干什么.【包括语言和对话,自己的一些想法】真实地记录早上的生活~300字,提点意见也行 我想给宝宝洗澡,什么温度比较适宜?希望前辈们能够提点意见. 求一封给外教的信,英语的,主要是提点意见见 三分钟演讲.给个文章...意见... 综合材料立体构成,帮忙写一份200字的文字说明.请大家提点意见, 如何解决食品安全问题,需要英文的各位有能力的网友提点意见呗,大概三百个单词的 我英语过了四级510分 考托业能过吗 考托业需要重点复习什么 大家给提点意见 跪求CF队名(女战队)想起一个好听又霸气带符号的英文加中文战队名字我想起一个战队名,但又想不到好一点的,希望大家多提点意见,我会帮你们打分. 谁能帮忙给我的英文演讲稿提一下意见,还有做一下修改.演讲时间大概为一分钟,谢谢啦~~~~~ 文章如下The days we had togetherGood afternoon, everyone, I am Yang Xie comes from Class5. I am glad to share my experience wi