
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/03 15:22:20


TCM(Traditional chinese medicine) uses the inductive and synthetic method; WM(western medicine) uses the reductive and analytical method. TCM is individualized; WM is standardized. TCM is experience based; WM is evidence based. TCM is a summary of clinical observations; WM is the result of laboratory experimentations. TCM is a healing art; WM is strictly a science. TCM emphasizes the role of the body in healing; WM mainly relies on medication and procedures. TCM uses herbs and natural agents; WM uses pure chemical compounds. TCM looks at the behavior of the system as a whole; WM looks at the structure and function of the parts. TCM works to maintain health; WM manages disease.
In the modern era of science and technique, it is not surprising that WM has become the main system of medicine while TCM became so called alternative or complementary medicine.
The open, large, and complex human body system consists of reducible and non-reducible, linear and non-linear, definite and random, sequential and non-sequential parts. Thus, it is nearly impossible to understand the mechanisms of body by using a purely reductive method. The reductionism of WM distorts the true nature of a complex system, the human body and this is where the behavioral and experience-based method of TCM can provide the means to see the body as a whole system. TCM was developed through thousands of years of "trial and error", and is a result-based black box model. TCM analyzes multiple variables of output from the body (the black box) to define the status of the system (diagnosis). Then, using corrective inputs (treatment herbs) as intervention, the system is brought back into balance based on trial and error. The lack of understanding of the detailed internal mechanisms of the human black box is the shortcoming of the TCM. Thus, it is unable to study the detailed mechanisms of treatments that are effective.
For the past forty years, researchers and doctors in China have been developing an integrative medical system that uses the diagnostic tools of WM to identify the mechanisms of TCM. The chemical make-up and active ingredients of thousands of TCM herbal medications have been clearly identified and studied. In practice, we can now use the anatomical and microbiological knowledge of WM to explain the concepts of TCM. Combined with the diagnostic powers of WM and the phyto-pharmacology of TCM, treatment for infectious diseases such as Hepatitis C can be more individualized and comprehensive. While treating a WM diagnosed infectious disease, the integrative treatment not only deals with the etiological factor to eradicate the pathogenic microbial (WM approach) but also supports the body's immune function (TCM approach). This integrative approach to medical care will be very beneficial to the patients it serves.
The integrative method is the foundation of my protocols for treating viral Hepatitis. In designing herbal protocols for treating Hepatitis C, I utilize the diagnostic tools of WM as a guide for finding the corresponding treatment herbs. Phyto-pharmacology research identifies the active ingredients, which is isolated in the formulas for increased potency relative to using raw herbs in TCM. Blood test panels using WM diagnostics monitor the patient’s treatment progress and the majority of the results have been positive. Although this type of integrative treatment method is only beginning in the United States, I feel it is a step in the right direction. As the need for complementary solutions rise with the incidence of chronic illnesses, integrative medicine will be leading the search for better healthcare.

中药和西药的差别(用英语讲)希望有人能用英文讲一下两者的差别,药效等方面,时间在一分钟左右 中药和西药分别用英语怎么说 急求中药和西药的相同点是什么?中药和西药的相同点是什么啊? 几乎所有西药的化学成分在中药中恩找得到,那中药和西药有什么区别呢?又为什么说中药副作用小些呢? 翻译:没有证据显示:中药可以有效的治疗SARS,即使中药,西药同时用 和胃整肠丸是中药还是西药 中药和西药有什么区别 比较中药清热解毒药的抗菌作用和西药抗生素的抗菌作用差异? 西药(翻译英语) 结合了传统中药和现代西药 英文翻译 中药和西药怎么区分呢?就是说我到药店里买了一种药,我怎么知道它是中药还是西药,是不是药店里的药都...中药和西药怎么区分呢?就是说我到药店里买了一种药,我怎么知道它是中药还是西 什么样的药品才叫西药?中药西药是怎么区分的? 什么西药可以快速麻醉动物的中枢神经?中药是什么 英语 西药 好处求西药的好处,英文的,辩论要用, 西药的化学成分是从哪里提取的?从植物中提取的化学药品到底称中药还是西药? 某种中药的价格为7.8元,相当于同等西药价格的7分之6,求这种西药的价格 你喜欢中药还是西药?英语作文150—200字左右. 为什么西药和中药不同,不是都利用药物中的化学成分治病吗 以( )成分为主的是中药,以( )成分为主的是西药