
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 14:42:22


Americans think muche about time.From children they _1_ to
value(珍惜)time.As children they are taught to be on time _2_
to school,to work and to do everything.When they are having a
good time,they _3_that time flies.When a person is dying(生命垂危)
they say he is living on _4_ time .
Time is money.Time is _5_ in America.A working American has to
work hard for eight hours a day or forty hours _6_.This is the
working time.In his free time,he also works hard _7_ more
money.Even on Saturday and Sunday he aslo works hard as
usual.In the street you can _8_ see that a man walks slowly.
They walk very fast.In fact,they are running.
They love _9_because time can bring them money and a lot of
things.But sometimes they also _10_time,because they feel that
they have become serants(仆人)of the clock.
1.A.teach B.learn C.work D.play
2.A.going B.go C.to go D.went
3.A.say B.tell C ask D speak
4.A lent B borrow C lend D borrowed
5.A something B anything C everything D nothing
6.A a day B a week C a month D an hour
7.A for B on C with D at
8.A nearly B hardly C almost D always
9.A money B work C time D knowledge
10.A hate B love C feel D like
Once there was a boy in Toronto.His name was Jimmy.He started drawing when he was three years old,and when he was five he was already very ___1___ at it.He drew many beautiful interesting pictures,and many people ___2___ his pictures.They thought this boy was going to be ___3___ when he was a little older,and then they were going to ___4___ these pictures for a lot of money.
Jimmy's pictures were quite different from other ___5___ because he never drew on all of the paper.He drew on ___6___ of it,and the other half was always ___7___.
"That's very clever," everybody said."___8___ other people have ever done that before."
One day somebody asked him,"Please tell me,Jimmy.Why do you draw on the bottom (底部) half of your pictures,___9___ not on the top half?"
"Because I'm small," Jimmy said,"and my brushes (毛笔) can't ___10___ very high."
1.A.poor B.sad C.glad D.good
2.A.bought B.brought C.sold D.took
3.A.different B.clever C.famous D.rich
4.A.buy B.show C.leave D.sell
5.A.men's B.people's C.boy's D.child's
6.A.half B.part C.side D.end
7.A.full B.empty C.wrong D.ready
8.A.No B.Some C.Any D.Many
9.A.then B.and C.but D.or
10.A.change B.turn C.pull D.reach
Monday is the beginning of the week; it is the day most Americans like worst.The day they ___1___ most is Saturday.Saturday is the ___2___ of the workweek; it is the beginning of the weekend.
Life is ___3___ on the weekend; most Americans ___4___ care of their houses,cars and gardens.They sleep ___5___ in the morning.They enjoy the feeling that the time ___6___ to move more slowly.
The workweek is for things you ___7___ to do; the weekend is for things you ___8___ to do.Some people may get in a car for a ___9___ in the country.They like to take part in a sports activity out of doors.And on Saturday night they might go to public eating ___10___ or a film.
1.A.like B.dislike C.spend D.leave
2.A.middle B.beginning C.end D.day
3.A.worse B.difficult C.better D.different
4.A.make B.take C.look D.pick
5.A.earlier B.later C.faster D.shorter
6.A.decides B.wants C.spends D.seems
7.A.enjoy B.hate C.have D.find
8.A.like B.start C.get D.check
9.A.drive B.walk C.fishing D.washing
10.A.place B.house C.room D.apartment

给我一些初2数学和英语题目.不要太容易,不要扯太远.数学主要是做图题,难点好.英语主要是完型填空谢谢初2上册的,不要弄错了。 请给我些2009年六上的数学题目!急请给我些2009年六上的数学题目,也不要太简单,容易错的题目就可以了 六年级上册语文、数学、英语期中考试复习重点不要习题,讲一些考点和容易弄错的题目【语文 人教版 北师大版 英语 PEP人教】 能不能给我讲解一下单项式、多项式、系数、次数、常数项、几次几项式和整式,我对这些概念有点不清楚.最好能多举一些类似的题目,让我容易理解,不要太深奥,尽量凭自己的理解,不要复制 我要一些英语练习题?最好有答案的题目多点不要太简单的 马上要竟选组长的演讲稿 我想要英语组长长一些,也不要太长就是给人容易理解 思品课故事我要在思品课上讲故事...希望大家给我推荐一些历史名人的故事...要容易背的.篇幅不要太短... 用英语怎么说请不要和我开感情的玩笑,我太年轻,容易当真请不要和我开感情的玩笑,我太年轻,容易当真根据语感可以有所改变, 求一篇英语作文!】作文题目“I Love My family”我现在读的是新概念英语 2册2单元 所以作文不要太容易了,我家就是我爸爸 妈妈和我.作文最好就是有一点概念的.还有啊,就是我财富值不多了,不 我要一些高难度的题目,也不要太高,比如:星星之火下一句是什么,或是难一点的题目,试题,请给我,有分酬谢! 请给我一点关于复习小学数学、英语、语文的题目最好不要重复, 求一篇英语作文【要原创的!】作文题目是“I LOVE MY ROOM”我现在学的是新概念英语 2-2【第二册的二单元】所以作文不要太容易, 谁能给我一些初中3年级的数学奥赛题要有题目和答案的 给我一些初三的数学函数题目 给我一些比较有趣的数学小题目, 以祖国在我心中为话题的作文一定要取新颖一点的题目,内容也不要太沉重.可以再给我一些具体文章吗 初3的数学经常考的一些题目给点我 求一些小学数学/语文/英语的总复习资料!数学和语文都是人教版的,英语是人教PEP的,3年级开始学的那种.尽量不要给我连接,复制粘贴也行,我很着急!