
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 16:17:51


New York:
The most beguiling city in the world,New York is an adrenaline-charged,history-laden place that holds immense romantic appeal for visitors.Wandering the streets here,you'll cut between buildings that are icons to the modern age – and whether gazing at the flickering lights of the midtown skyscrapers as you speed across the Queensboro bridge.There's no place quite like it.
When most people think of Chicago,they envision Michael Jordan and the six-time World Champion Bulls,Al Capone,the original Mayor Daley and 25 inches of snow.Little do they know that Chicago is one of the most culturally diverse and fun cities in the world.Chicago is often referred to as the Windy City,but we would like to start a trend to call it the "Everything City."

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