delphi编译问题:line too long(more than 1023 characters) if showbox(QMessTitle,'确定要删除信息吗?如果删除,信息将不能恢复!',2,Question) <> mrOk then begin get_exec('delete from t_member where memno in(select memn

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/07 10:48:35

delphi编译问题:line too long(more than 1023 characters) if showbox(QMessTitle,'确定要删除信息吗?如果删除,信息将不能恢复!',2,Question) <> mrOk then begin get_exec('delete from t_member where memno in(select memn
delphi编译问题:line too long(more than 1023 characters)
 if  showbox(QMessTitle,'确定要删除信息吗?如果删除,信息将不能恢复!',2,Question) <> mrOk then    begin     get_exec('delete from t_member where memno  in(select memno from t_memcard where cardno  not in '      +'(select cardno from t_ryxs where oprtdate<=getdate()-365 group by cardno having max(oprtdate) >0))');      get_exec('delete from t_jfkczda where cardno  in(select cardno from t_memcard where cardno  not in '      +'(select cardno from t_ryxs where oprtdate<=getdate()-365 group by cardno having max(oprtdate) >0))');      get_exec('delete from t_ryxs where cardno  in(select cardno from t_memcard where cardno  not in '     +'(select cardno from t_ryxs where oprtdate<=getdate()-365 group by cardno having max(oprtdate) >0))');      get_exec('delete from t_jfxx where cardno  in(select cardno from t_memcard where cardno  not in '      +'select cardno from t_ryxs where oprtdate<=getdate()-365 group by cardno having max(oprtdate) >0))');      get_exec('delete from t_jfxf where kh  in(select cardno from t_memcard where cardno  not in '      +'(select cardno from t_ryxs where oprtdate<=getdate()-365 group by cardno having max(oprtdate) >0))');       get_exec('delete  from t_memcard where cardno   in(select cardno from t_ryxs where oprtdate<=getdate()-365 group by cardno having max(oprtdate) >0)');      get_exec('delete from t_ryxs where cardno in(select cardno,max(oprtdate) from t_ryxs where oprtdate<=getdate()-365 group by cardno)');   end;在begin行提示的错误

delphi编译问题:line too long(more than 1023 characters) if showbox(QMessTitle,'确定要删除信息吗?如果删除,信息将不能恢复!',2,Question) <> mrOk then begin get_exec('delete from t_member where memno in(select memn

delphi编译问题:line too long(more than 1023 characters) if showbox(QMessTitle,'确定要删除信息吗?如果删除,信息将不能恢复!',2,Question) <> mrOk then begin get_exec('delete from t_member where memno in(select memn 编译原理 四元式问题,a 8086汇编line too long汇编,我用8086汇编时,定义一个字变量:a,然后往里面存100个字:a dw 1,2...,100,编译时提示这行太长了(line too long),那该怎么办啊?那个a的内容不是1到100,我只是举个例子而已.对 SEGMENT TOO LARGE 错误C51 COMPILER V6.23a - SN:K1RIP-M2192ECOPYRIGHT KEIL ELEKTRONIK GmbH 1987 - 2002C51 COMPILATION COMPLETE.0 WARNING(S),1 ERROR(S)ERROR C249 IN LINE 92 OF CHESHI1.C:'DATA':SEGMENT TOO LARGE编译/汇编过程中发现错误.汇 missing '{' before '*' 程序设计中编译显示出错的问题 delphi中dimens[1]. c语言问题,并说明 char line[ ]=china char*prt=line; 求line[1],line[5]的值 line line line LINE 新视野大学英语书第三册问题,疑似打印错误在书P125 line32I notice that these too are ice cold.我觉得应为two,否则too为“太”,P182 line 8Yes,a rose is a rose is a rose.不觉得后面的a rose 是多余么line 12on the '90s 英语趣味问题Line AB isn't as long as Line CD.Line CD is as long as Line EF.Line GH is longer than Line CD,Which line is the longest one? delphi group project 怎么用? Delphi中的Assigned和nil 三元组顺序表的存储结构形成数据结构问题用C语言编译 'list index out of bounds(0)'怎么处理?我用delphi编程序,编译没错误,一运行就蹦出了 'list index out of bounds(0)'登录后显示主窗口.可主窗口不能正常显示涉及代码://显示当前的系统时间procedure TMain_Form Delphi编译错误:Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window 5 - 解决时间:2008-6-7 17:15 这个窗体是在一个主窗体的popupmenu中调用显示此模块,可是出错.我的那个被调用的窗体是从别处加载过来的,如果不