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There is one thing you ought to know,
I love you more than I love the world and myself.
I can't stop feeling the excitement of our next encounter.
I wanna see you,feel you,
I wanna feel your everything,
Yes,I've fallen deeply in love,
It's a sweet dream mixed with a little sadness,
yet,I thank god for knowing you,
just once,
send my love to you,
may sky and wind be my messengers,
this is how much I feel for you...pellona.

there is one thing you need to know
I love you, you are the most important person in my heart. you are the one, the only one,
This moment is so thrilling to me, I dare not to look into your eyes, I am afraid of lossing you.
I want you, I need you, I want to be with you, I intend to embrace the love of you into your body.
I am falling in love,
It's a sweet dream mixed with a tiny bitterness.
Do you believe in love at first sight? it is the luckest moment to meet you.
I will satisfied, if you knowing my love, even a second.
I made wishes. Listen, my heart, to the whisper of the world which I make love to you.
I love till the end.
Here is to a man I thought I'd never know. The one who stole my heart so innocently, but with care and grace. The perfect thought is us together forever, the sweetest word is your name, and the greatest thing is your love. Every silent prayer that has left my mind, all the empty words that have left my mouth, and all the lonely tears that have escaped my eyes have made me who I am, one to love you more.
I can still remember the first time we holded our hands, the first time we huged each other, the first time kissed. We walked arm in arm, slowly we were getting closer, we went to another level of love.
All the times I felt I've found the one, and all the times I've mourned over a bleeding heart, all the times I've given it all I've got, are as many as I have found my face in the mud. All the guys who just wanted my body, all the pieces of myself I've given away, all the things I wished I'd done, and all the things I wished I hadn't, helps me love you with purity and certainty. All the times we fight feels like we're gambling our lives; I hope we never lose.
I love you so much. Those five words can't have more meaning than anything else possibly could. I love you with all my faults and all my achievements. I love you with all that I am. I love you for who you are. I hope in the quietest part of the night when I whisper out to you, you'll know just what to do. You'll listen to hear my voice echoing how much I love you.

英语翻译想要传达的只有一件事,那就是对你的爱大于世界,大于自己..停止不下和你再次相见的激动想要见到你,接触你..想要感觉你的全部,是的,我已经陷入爱河略带痛苦,但却甜美的梦,即使 英语情诗..坐等英语帝下面是原文:想要传达的只有一件事,那就是对你的爱大于世界,大于自己..停止不下和你再次相见的激动想要见到你,接触你..想要感觉你的全部,是的,我已经陷入爱河略带 世界上只有一件事是唯一且绝对公平的.那就是每个人都会死. 那就是你想要的翻译英文怎么讲? 英语翻译心和心的羁绊之色定会指引你到约定之地想要传达 却传达不尽对你无止尽的思念…ha一旦鼓起勇气便可挥手告别旁观者的日子然而「自由」的定义却宛如秋千般的摇曳?画在五线谱上 英语翻译在迈克想要复仇时,汤姆劝说他不要做无谓的冒险,还发生了迈克怀疑并试探汤姆的小插曲.最后,迈克对汤姆说,“历史告诉我们有一件事是永远正确的,那就是复仇”.很想知道英文原文 课文《我的早年生活》中丘吉尔说:”但只有一件事我会强迫他们去做,那就是不能不懂英语.“你觉得他的说法对吗?简要谈谈你的说法. 英语翻译翻译:只有你我年轻,则总能听到希望的呼唤,总能传达勇气的讯号,总能表现出青春的活力. 生活就像一面镜子,你想让他对你微笑,你只有一种办法,那就是对他微笑.的意思只要回答就是最佳答案(第一名) 每天清晨醒来你和阳光都在那就是我想要的未来 是哪首歌的歌词? 你想要几个的英语翻译 美国航天局把一颗火箭送入太空,为了对太空中可能存在的生物表达问候,火箭搭载了一些代表地球人类文明的作品,其中音乐作品只有一件,那就是《二泉映月》.请问其他的代表人类文明的作 丘吉尔说:但有一件事我会强迫他们去做,那就是不能不懂英语.”你觉得他的说法对吗,并说说理由. 你对视觉传达挺有研究啊~对视觉传达有什么好建议么? 假如我.为开头,写一点小诗传达你对生活的感情 英语翻译如果说有什么让我难过的 那就是 你假装不认识我 我假装不认识你 我想跟你说的是 我从来没有想要伤害你 我只是想要多一点自己的空间 你说那不是背叛 只是一种自由 那是你女朋 执着的对一件事,会有想要的结局吗? 英语翻译我可以说,我会一直在这里等你 但是,这将是一个谎言,是一件相当没意义的事 我可以说,我对你的感情会一直存在 但我要生活,我只有22 你离开后,我肩上这块芯片消失了你离开后,我觉