一些lsat的题,怎么都看不懂呢..1.a former employee of an employer whose products or services are in universal semand and whose customers were obtained by simple house to house solicitation,may solicit those customers of his former employer w

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/28 10:32:56

一些lsat的题,怎么都看不懂呢..1.a former employee of an employer whose products or services are in universal semand and whose customers were obtained by simple house to house solicitation,may solicit those customers of his former employer w
1.a former employee of an employer whose products or services are in universal semand and whose customers were obtained by simple house to house solicitation,may solicit those customers of his former employer whose names and addresses he recalls.
2.a business firm which seeks to dominate or controp one or segeral industries thereby ciolates the anti-trust laws.

一些lsat的题,怎么都看不懂呢..1.a former employee of an employer whose products or services are in universal semand and whose customers were obtained by simple house to house solicitation,may solicit those customers of his former employer w
第一句讲 一个已经离职的员工可能利用他以前的雇主的客户,因为该雇主的产品较为普通.

如:semand, controp->control, segeral->several, ciolates->violates

一些lsat的题,怎么都看不懂呢..1.a former employee of an employer whose products or services are in universal semand and whose customers were obtained by simple house to house solicitation,may solicit those customers of his former employer w 如何提高LSAT成绩?上次LSAT只考了150这次怎么突破呢? 请问新东方的LSAT黄皮书里面全是LSAT真题吗?还是老师自己编的题啊?在淘宝上买黄皮书的影印版怎么样?怎么有些价格出入很大嘛~我疑惑了...另外请推荐LSAT书籍,我是刚开始学LSAT的哦,打算自学 LSAT阅读怎么提高速度 宝贝坦克的风力系数图要怎么看呢?就是怎么都看不懂耶.. lsat词汇量考过lsat的朋友能告诉我lsat大约需要多少词汇 考试看不懂英语作文要求怎么办?明天就要考英语了,可是通常都看不懂英语作文的题干.看不懂那就不知道怎么写.为了不挂科.可不可以自己随便写一篇呢.这样会不会得分. 我怎么看不懂呢就是这张图上的题 英语阅读很差,看不懂,怎么提高呢?原因:生词多,就算一些老词的意思也多种多样,就算认识单词也翻译不出来啊!还有就是句子太复杂了,很多语法都不懂.总之就是看不懂看不懂!有没有什么好 怎么写啊.我都看不懂的. 王芳传到底在说些什么?我都看不懂,一女人做梦,然后醒了之后?怎么又做一些重口味的事情呢?不然我一头雾水~ 数学论文怎么都看不懂? 高中数学我怎么一点都不感兴趣呀,甚至课本的题都看不懂!怎么办? 新东方lsat哪位上过新东方的仁兄能告诉我一下都发了什么书了吗 怎么判断灯的亮度,答案怎么都看不懂 我想读JD,现在大一要准备LSAT了吗,要怎么准备LSAT很难,要怎么准备美国的学校是不是很看重本科学校是不是211工程的,如果我不是,那怎么办 定积分的题!题目都看不懂,? U ,N,R等字母都代表什么胰岛素?这里用胰岛素的糖友经常说到自己用的胰岛素,怎么都用一些字母表示呢?我一点儿也看不懂,又是R又是N之类的,我准备用胰岛素.