
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 06:25:53


International economic environment.① international capital flows,affecting domestic interest rates by changing our country's money supply.; ② the level of interest rates in our country also has something to do with the international impact of commodity competition; ③ China's interest rate level is also connected with the country's foreign exchange reserves the amount of and the use of foreign policy.
Capital supply and demand situation.when the average profit margin set ,the interest rate changes will depend on the average profit for the division of interest and the proportion of corporate profits.The ratio of loan capital from both the supply and demand determined through competition.
In general,when the loan capital are in short supply,both lenders and borrowers to promote the competition results will promote rise of interest rates; On the contrary,when an over-supply of loan capital appears,the result of competition will inevitably lead to a decline of interest rates.
In China,under market economy conditions,because as a financial commodity in the market "price" - interest rates,like other commodity prices which are affected by the same law of supply and demand constraints,thus the supply and demand conditions on the funding level of interest rates still play a decisive role.

The international economic environment. 1 international capital flow through the change of China's capital, affect supply rates, 2 our interest rates even by international commodity competition, 3 our...


The international economic environment. 1 international capital flow through the change of China's capital, affect supply rates, 2 our interest rates even by international commodity competition, 3 our interest rates, but also by the country's foreign exchange reserves and use of foreign policy.
Capital supply and demand. On average, the changes in interest rates set depends on average profits for interest and the proportion of profits. But the proportion of capital supply and demand is by borrowing of both sides through competition. Normally, when borrowing capital shortage, both competition will promote the rise in interest rates, Conversely, when borrowing capital demand, the result of competition will inevitably lead to lower interest rates. Under the conditions of market economy in China, due to the financial markets as the goods "the price", interest rates, and other commodity prices as well as rules restricting the supply-demand, capital of the supply and demand of interest rate level is still decisive role.


International economy environment.①The international fund's flowing, through changes our country's fund supply capacity to affect our country's interest rate level;②Our country's interest rate level m...


International economy environment.①The international fund's flowing, through changes our country's fund supply capacity to affect our country's interest rate level;②Our country's interest rate level must receive the international commodity competition the influence;③Our country's interest rate level, but also receives national foreign exchange margin how many and the use foreign capital policy influence. fund supply and demand condition. When the average rate of profit decides, the interest rate change is decided by the average profit division for the interest and the profit of enterprise proportion. But this proportion is definite by loan capital supply and demand both sides through the competition. Generally, when the loan capital falls short of demand, the lending money both sides' competition result will promote the interest rate rise; On the contrary, when loan capital supply in excess of demand, the competition result causes the interest rate to drop inevitably. Under our country market economy condition, because as money market's in commodity “the price” - - the interest rate, with other commodity's price the supply and demand rule's restriction, therefore the fund supply and demand condition was still had equally to interest rate level's height the decisive effect.


The international fund's flowing, through changes our country's fund supply capacity to affect our country's interest rate level

英语翻译国际经济的环境.①国际间资金的流动,通过改变我国的资金供给量影响我国的利率水平;②我国的利率水平还要受国际间商品竞争的影响;③我国的利率水平,还受国家的外汇储备量 国际市场营销的经济环境怎么理解? 分析影响我国利率变动的因素从利润率的平均水平、资金的供求状况、物价变动的幅度、国际经济的环境、政策性因素等分析 汉译英.机翻勿扰.在2 1世纪经济日益全球化的今天,国际间的交流与合作日益密切.在这样的一个环境里,国际商务谈判受到各自国家、民族的政治、经济、文化等多种因素的影响.而其中最难 如何看待当前中国所处的国际经济环境 关于国际友情的名言或诗句最好不要古体诗重点是国际间友谊 求标准的汉译英,我的论文摘要内容如下;国际保理是国际金融的重要分支——国际结算的组成部分.它是集贸易融资、国际间银行信用于一身的,发生在国际贸易结算环节上的资金及信用融通范 英语翻译中文:政治与经济息息相关,一个稳定的政治环境是经济健康发展的基础.但目前,国际政治环境中仍存在诸多不和谐因素,比如因伊朗核问题.自欧盟宣布对伊朗石油禁运以来,国际石油 国际经济新闻报道的概念 金融危机下中国所处的经济、政治环境(国际和国内) 拉美的国际市场营销环境(经济环境,社会文化,科学技术等方面)?简述拉丁美洲的国际市场营销环境,从 经济环境,社会文化,科学技术等方面全面客观的阐述,最好有客观的数字报告说明.及中国 欧洲的经济环境 英语翻译“国际金融危机还在蔓延、仍未见底.国际市场需求继续萎缩,全球通货紧缩趋势明显,贸易保护主义抬头,外部经济环境更加严峻,不确定因素显著增多.”PS:用免费翻译软件弄出的, 英语翻译“在经济全球化趋势的今天,国际间的商品流通日益频繁.越来越多的中国企业和商品进入了国际市场,同时也有越来越多的外国企业及其产品进入了中国市场.广告作为营销手段之一, 英语翻译财务环境是指拟投资的房地产项目所面临的资金、成本、利润、税收等环境条件. 国际间文化的交流有哪些好处 请问“国际间竞争”的语病是什么? 国际间的矛盾与冲突主要涉及________、________、________等方面的问题.国际间的矛盾与冲突:如:巴以冲突;世界油价波动;克什米尔争端;国际恐怖主义等.主要涉及________、________、________等