
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 13:29:44


一 、重点单词及词组分类
科目subject:geography, history, science, math, music, Chinese, English, P.E., art,
家务chores:make the bed, 整理床铺polish the shoes擦鞋,wash the clothes洗衣服,clean the house/room,打扫房子/房间 dust the furniture,掸去家具上的灰尘 walk the dog,遛狗 wash the dog, 给狗洗澡feed the dog/bird/fish,喂狗/鸟/鱼 set the table,摆餐具 wash the dishes,洗餐具 clean the table,清理桌子 put away dishes, 把餐具放回原处water the flowers and plants给花和植物浇水, wash the family car,刷私家车 help with shopping, 帮忙购物help make breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper, 帮忙做早饭/午饭/晚饭take out the trash, 扔垃圾cut the grass锄草
运动sports:ski-skiing-go skiing, ice skate-ice skating- go ice skating, swim-swimming- go swimming, play football/ soccer, basketball, volleyball, tennis, table tennis, badminton, baseball, go bowling, do karate,run-running, do the high jump跳高
形容词:happy/glad-sad, hot-cold, warm-cool, young-old, thin-fat, fast-slow, short-long, new-old, right-wrong, 正确的-错误的hungry-full,饿的-饱的 good-bad, interesting,令人感到有趣的 boring,无聊的easy,简单的 difficult,困难的 excited,兴奋的 exciting,令人兴奋的
surprised, 吃惊的surprising,令人吃惊的 funny,有趣的 busy, 忙碌的free,有空的 important,重要的 great,好的,伟大的 healthy,健康的 friendly, 友好的scared,害怕的 worried,担心的 dizzy, 头晕的terrible, 糟糕的sick,生病的 latest,最新的 deep,深得 sure, 确实的angry,生气的 bored,无聊得-形容人broken坏的, rich-poor富有的-穷的 nice好的,strong强壮的, high高的
频率副词:always,总是 usually,通常 often,经常 sometimes, 有时hardly ever/seldom, 很少,几乎不never从不 表频率词组:once a week, twice a day, four times a month, every day/week/month/year, on Sundays
服装:单数:belt, baseball cap, shirt, skirt, dress, jacket, coat, sweater. 复数:sunglasses, shoes, sweatpants, shorts, trousers, socks, jeans, gloves, ski gloves
注意:a pair of: 一双、一副、一条… 在复数服装前加上这个词组,复数名词看成一个整体,变为单数
How much __does_ the pair of gloves cost?
It costs 10 dollars.
How much __do___ these gloves cost?
Those cost 10 dollars.
国家country: China, America/ the USA, Britain英国, England英格兰, Japan, Canada, Italy意大利, Mexico墨西哥,France法国
特殊疑问词:who, what, when, where, whose, how, how many, how much, how often, how long, how about+名词/ doing sth.
电脑computer: screen, switch, mouse, keyboard, disk, hard disk
介词:in,on, under, behind, in front of, in the middle/center of, on the left/right, on the road/avenue, in the street, think of 想,思考
It’s very kind of you. at eleven o’clock, in spring, in November, play with friends
Thank you for your help/letter/advice. every day每天 each time每次
I’m thinking of going on vacation.
My father bought a gift for me.
Do you know the girl in red?
He prefers clothes with some style.
名词:experiment, club, health, classmate, weekend, popcorn, ice cream, neighbor, neighborhood, drawing, painting, person, people, street, avenue, road, information, partner, gym, mall, an hour, an idea, an accident, style, some advice(不可数名词),manual, problem, city, countryside, pollution, pyramid, lake, mountain, class, lesson, name, age, sport, chore, subject, hobby爱好, language语言 the past过去 Olympic奥运会 runner, player, candy-candies, day-days, week, month, year
动词:meet-met, move,搬家,移动:move to …搬到…, join, live, like, prefer,更喜欢 forget-forgot,忘记remember记住 think-thought,认为,思考 buy-bought,买(三单buys) , stay(三单:stays)cost-cost,花费 spend-spent花费(spend… on +名词/doing sth.), press,按 explain to sb.,向…解释 tell-told,告诉,讲 understand-understood,理解,明白 check,检查,核对 play, work,工作,运行 have-had, take-took, get-got, fix-repair修理
其它:really, especially, still, only-just, this, these, that, those, should/shouldn’t + 动词原型
重点词组:make a cake, make a snowman, make a telephone, make breakfast, make more friends, make the class interesting
do the homework, do practice, 做练习do karate,练习空手道 do chores做家务 do sports/play sports 做运动
have English classes,有英语课 have ski class,有滑雪课 have dinner吃…(eat dinner for fish)have a headache, 头疼have a stomachache, 胃疼have a toothache,牙痛 have a rest,休息 have a problem,有问题/麻烦 have a look,看一看 have free time有空 have a picnic去野餐 have to do sth.不得不做某事 have a lot of fun玩得开心 have enough time/money有足够的时间/钱, have my hair cut剪头发
watch TV/the television, watch a video, watch a football game;
play the piano/flute/violin/guitar/drums, play a video game玩电子游戏, play computer games;
get up, get warmer; 变得更暖和
visit grandparents, visit the art museum, visit the dentist, visit the doctor;
see a movie,看电影see an English movie看英文电影 see a doctor 看医生
write an e-mail,写邮件 write a letter to sb给某人写信;
look at,看 look for寻找, look after-take care of照顾, look like看上去像, look good看上去好;
take the umbrella with you带上雨伞, take a shower洗澡, take some medicine吃些药, take deep breaths深呼吸;
receive a gift收到礼物, receive an invitation收到邀请;
work hard努力工作, work out at the gym在健身房锻炼身体;
wear a hat戴帽子, wear a coat穿大衣;
turn on打开/off关上/up调高声音/down调低声音,;
tell your parents告诉你的父母,tell a story讲故事 talk to Mom和妈妈说;
go to bed early/late早睡/晚睡, go back回去,go to the club去俱乐部 go shopping去购物 go bowling,打保龄球come back回来go on vacation去度假; go to the beach 去海滩
listen to the music/radio听音乐/广播, ask your friends for advice向朋友寻求建议
keep healthy, 保持健康eat fast food,吃快餐spend much time on the computer,在电脑上花费太多时间 surf the net,网上冲浪 stay at home,待在家里/be at home在家 drink much water, 多喝水read a book/read an English book,看书 fell tired感觉累,be tired累的(be动词随人称变化而变化)sound(s) good听上去好 need a partner需要搭档, find the gift, study-studies-studied
sit down坐下 every day每天 each time每次
