判断正误,对的打T,错的打F,并改正1.Are there anybody at home ?2.Have you been to BJ,Jack?3.My dog is much cuter than yours.4.They will go to the seaside if it will not rain tomorrow.5.She is a six-years-old little gril.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 02:14:53

判断正误,对的打T,错的打F,并改正1.Are there anybody at home ?2.Have you been to BJ,Jack?3.My dog is much cuter than yours.4.They will go to the seaside if it will not rain tomorrow.5.She is a six-years-old little gril.
1.Are there anybody at home ?
2.Have you been to BJ,Jack?
3.My dog is much cuter than yours.
4.They will go to the seaside if it will not rain tomorrow.
5.She is a six-years-old little gril.

判断正误,对的打T,错的打F,并改正1.Are there anybody at home ?2.Have you been to BJ,Jack?3.My dog is much cuter than yours.4.They will go to the seaside if it will not rain tomorrow.5.She is a six-years-old little gril.
T 这句话是对的,加个时间状语更好
1.Are there somebody at home
2.Have you ( ever )been to BJ,Jack?
3.My dog is much cuter than yours.
4.They will go to the sea if it will not rain tomorrow.
5.She is a six-year-old little gril.

判断正误,对的打T,错的打F,并改正1.Are there anybody at home ?2.Have you been to BJ,Jack?3.My dog is much cuter than yours.4.They will go to the seaside if it will not rain tomorrow.5.She is a six-years-old little gril. 判断正误 对的打对号 错的打错号 判断句子的对,错对的打(T),错的打(F) 判断正误 (语法错误,对打T,错打F并在横线上改正)The boss has tae last word.( ) _________________The boss has the last word.( )———————————— 判断正误,错了的改正, 判断正误,并改正 判断下列史实的正误,对的打钩,错的打叉并加以改正(1).商鞅变法后,秦国实力最强,不断兼并土地( ) 改( )(2)我国历史上第一个统一的多民族的中央集权国家是秦国.( ) 改正( ) 判断下面句子说法是否正确,对的打“√”,错的打“×”,并改正.这两年,电视机的质量有了明显的改善.( )改正:我校分别在球场和教室里举行篮球比赛和智力竞赛.( )改正: 判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写T,错的写F,并改正. 判断下列说法的正误,再括号内打“√”和打“x. 1.“张口结舌”的反义词是“对答如流. (判断下列说法的正误,再括号内打“√”和打“x.1.“张口结舌”的反义词是“对答如流.( )2. 判断正误.T.F. 急求高手解答 计量经济学问题判断正误:当随机解释变量与误差项相关时,t 检验和F检验失效,但拟合优度仍是准确的.请判断正误并注明理由.对解答者感激不尽. 判断正误,写在正确的句子后写T;在错误的句子后写F,并改正,.Have you finished wash the dishes?( ) ___________________________________________ 54.Please give your parents my regard when you go back home.( ) _________________________ 判断题.对的打v,错的打x 判断中 对的打勾 错的打叉 判断,对的打√错的打× 判断,(对的打√,错的打×. 甲乙丙三人回答同样的七道正误判断题,按规定凡答案是对的,就打一个√,答案是错的,就打一个×,结果发现甲乙丙三人回答同样的七道正误判断题,按规定凡答案是对的,就打一个√,答案是错的