求雅思复议过的人帮我看下写的复议申请信是否符合要求Dear Sir or Madam, My name is XXX. I took part in the IELTS test (Academic Training) on 03-27-2010 in your centre for the purpose of pursuing the undergraduate diploma abroad

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 05:41:59

求雅思复议过的人帮我看下写的复议申请信是否符合要求Dear Sir or Madam, My name is XXX. I took part in the IELTS test (Academic Training) on 03-27-2010 in your centre for the purpose of pursuing the undergraduate diploma abroad
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is XXX. I took part in the IELTS test (Academic Training) on 03-27-2010 in your centre for the purpose of pursuing the undergraduate diploma abroad. 61546 is my candidate number. I am writing to apply for the reassessment of my speaking test results.
As pre-requisites of profession assessment, I was informed that I have to take an IELTS test and reach at least level 5.5 on all four components by a university. However, my speaking is only at 3.5. I have been prepared the IELTS for nearly one year. I talked to native speaker (from England) in English everyday at least 2 hours in the past year. I think my English speaking should have reached at level 6. My poor score of speaking maybe is due to little nervous during the beginning of speaking test, after all i got 5.5 band score in my first time to take part in the speaking test of IELTS on 12-19-2009 and my score is only 3.5 during the second time. Also my writing band score seems not reasonable. Personally, i think my writing score is at least 5 . I will lose the golden opportunity of applying the good reputation university if I wait for three months for the next test. Therefore, I will appreciate if my speaking part to be remarked. Enclosed are my original test results and the payment for this application.
Any helps from you will greatly be appreciated.
帮我看下 哪里有错误的 语法有没错的 还有这样子要求 是否可行.谢谢了

求雅思复议过的人帮我看下写的复议申请信是否符合要求Dear Sir or Madam, My name is XXX. I took part in the IELTS test (Academic Training) on 03-27-2010 in your centre for the purpose of pursuing the undergraduate diploma abroad
用签字笔写,centre name是你考试地点的拼音,要大写
北京 :(010) 65906903 ext.312(受理在北京,天津,哈尔滨,沈阳,长春,大连,济南,青岛,西安,乌鲁木齐,郑州,武汉参加考试的考生申请 ) 广州 :(020) 83351316 ext.273(受理在广州,深圳,福州,厦门,南宁,海口和长沙参加考试的考生申请 ) 上海 :(021) 63912626 ext.270(受理在上海,杭州,南京和合肥参加考试的考生申请 )
重庆 :(023) 63736888 ext.238/225( 受理在重庆,成都,昆明和贵阳参加考试的考生申请 ) 28天之内申请就可以.不会因为你提前申请就提前下成绩的.

求雅思复议过的人帮我看下写的复议申请信是否符合要求Dear Sir or Madam, My name is XXX. I took part in the IELTS test (Academic Training) on 03-27-2010 in your centre for the purpose of pursuing the undergraduate diploma abroad 雅思复议问题我觉得口语太低了,想申请复议,是单独复议口语呢,还是一起复议,单独复议口语的话,他们会参考我的其他单项成绩吗? 雅思申请复议后,我的成绩会下降吗 雅思复议~急我写作6,口语只有3.5.这种情况可以复议吗?是只复议口语呢,还是两科都复议?需要写申请信吗?对于复议结果有影响吗? 雅思!复议额外成绩单!雅思复议成功!但是复议成绩寄到家里了!我想再申请一份寄到国外!我现在人已经在国外了!他们说不可以寄额外的复议!成绩! 雅思复议还需要写复议信么?影响大不大,应该写往的地址是哪? 请问雅思复议申请表是手写还是打印?申请日期格式是年月日 还是 日月年?我没有什么可以说明的问题还要不要写申请信?手机号码前是否加中国区号? 雅思复议需要写复议信吗 雅思成绩复议需要写申请信吗?雅思成绩复议有没有必要同时提交一份申请信呢? 雅思复议成绩的方式 我的雅思成绩是 听力6 阅读6.5 写作5 口语7分 总分是6 我想申请复议写作,不知道希望大不.最起码写作复议到5.5才正常啊,5分让我好尴尬.不知道各位有没有有经验的人给个建议,需不需要复议, 我的雅思成绩是 听力5.5阅读5写作5.5口语4.5 我准备申请复议口语,请问复议成功几率大吗我总分想达到5.口语能达到5吗 雅思复议信需要写吗?我复议成功率是多大呢?在网上看到不少复议信模板,但又听说考官是看不到我写的申请书的,写了也白写,到底哪种是对的?我4月21日雅思成绩:听力9 阅读8.5 写作7 口语6 ( 听力4.5阅读5.5写作4.5口语3.5,我想考5分我雅思复议的成功率大吗我考过三次了 ,这次成绩是第三次 。前两次口语都是3.5.我想申请口语复议,因为这个成绩离五分已经不远了 我的雅思作文复议能成功吗? 雅思口语复议成功的进,问下口语6分究竟是个什么水平?我雅思总分7,口语考了5.5,考虑复议 雅思复议申请表上的remittance number是填什么 雅思成绩复议需要多长时间我知道雅思成绩的复议时间是8周,请问会不会有可能短一些呢.因为我三月底就必须得拿出成绩了,在犹豫要不要复议呢