求批改TOEFL独立写作,11月26日考,急独立写作.同意否“提高教育水平的最佳方法是提高教师工资”"The best way to improve the quality of education is to increase teachers' salaries'."In the modern life,almost all the peop

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/31 00:40:46

求批改TOEFL独立写作,11月26日考,急独立写作.同意否“提高教育水平的最佳方法是提高教师工资”"The best way to improve the quality of education is to increase teachers' salaries'."In the modern life,almost all the peop
独立写作.同意否“提高教育水平的最佳方法是提高教师工资”"The best way to improve the quality of education is to increase teachers' salaries'."
In the modern life,almost all the people put the education in the most important position of the life.We view that,if we want to have a beautiful life,we must have good education.Not to mention,teachers play a necessary roles in education.Therefore,we try many ways to improve the ability of teaching,such as increasing the salary.However,as far as I am considered,the most efficiency way is let teacher get class to learn how to teach students.
First of all,if we make teachers attend some classes,they will improve their ability of education basically and quickly.On the contrary,if we only give them more money,their ability and passion of teaching will not be increase.For example,in my middle school,the schoolmaster found various ways to improve the teachers’ ability.At first,he just raised the salary,but the teachers were just the same as the past,because the ability is not improved,in fact.After a few days,he set up a class and let all the teachers attend it.Undoubtedly,the class teaches teachers how to pass the knowledge to students,and how to let students get more knowledge at less time.Not last long time,the students scores got improve.Meanwhile,the teaching ability of teachers also gets improve.For that,we are able to see clearly,if we want to improve the education level,we need improve the ability of teaching,but not the teachers’ salary.
In addition,it not means that giving more money to teachers will have no influence.The teachers' ability of teaching can also be improved,but it will only get a little progress.The reason is when we give teachers more money,they maybe will think about how to teach better.Nevertheless,they have to improve their ability by themselves.Therefore,they will only get progress in the range of their own ability.On the contrary,if we provide them a class to help them,their ability will improve by a big step.Thus,making teachers to attend class is the best way to improve the educational capacity.
In summary,thinking for the children's future,we ought to let our teachers attend the class to improve their ability of education,but not only increase their salary.

求批改TOEFL独立写作,11月26日考,急独立写作.同意否“提高教育水平的最佳方法是提高教师工资”"The best way to improve the quality of education is to increase teachers' salaries'."In the modern life,almost all the peop
1.toefl 作文分数与你字数无关,我考得时候390+个字 27分
2.toefl作文一般在开头就直接亮出观点,你第一段前面废话太多了吧...beautiful life 和你教师有什么关系啊.我一般都是直接用背景式开头(With the development of XXXXXXXX,XXXXXX),第二句直接写 题目转化 (就是把题目转化为另一种说法,不是照抄),第三句就In my opinion,XXXXX亮出观点.
3.toefl作文一般都是局三方面,你可以3个都反对或支持,或者一对立两正立的写法,你写的貌似没有达到well developed(作文评分标准)的要求啊.
我想了下,你可以这样写这样三点:正方:high salaries impel the teacher/make teacher a more competitive job 两个反方:cause of the low quality of education is complex 然后举出另外两个导致的原因.第二段开头一般On one hand,XXXXX,第三段On the other hand,第四段We cannot deny that...等各种模版,楼主去小马网上下载个toefl作文模版额
4.关于你内容...我想说...很空洞额..而且句式也略显简单了点,单词用的也不高级(很少看到有新意的词汇),而且重复词语有点小多哦!TOEFL作文里如果重复词组多了是要扣分的(电脑自动辨别的),而同根词 同义词多了是会加分的,所以楼主最好把几个常用的意思多被几个单词.
6.逻辑看上去不错,但是你难道不觉得一句话就一个关联词看上去很累么 = =特别还都是meanwhile这种..
7再说说你第三段,你开头说 it not means that giving more money to teachers will have no influence.意思就是其实more money还是有用的咯?但是你下文又说没用,到底是有用还是没用?你要知道开头句一般都充当topic sentence...你TS说有用,下文说没用,明显逻辑错得离谱啊...
“ the most efficiency way ” efficiency是名词不能修饰way
“their ability and passion of teaching will not be increase. “应该是increased
“At first, he just raised the salary, but the teachers were just the same as the past”一句话用两个just么.前面换个only吧
“, the class teaches teachers how to pass ”the class怎么teaches的?总得给个例子吧!..
“ but not the teachers’ salary. ”双重否定就肯定了!就直接not the salary
“they maybe will think about how to teach better”双情态动词...
还有,你难道没发现你写了两大段其实都在写同一个东西么...第二段写class improves capacity..第三段还是讲这个.其中,你也只写了一个校长的例子而且还没怎么写 就寥寥带过了..第三段就不说了.
第四段同样的...but not only increase their salary.
说实话= =不想刺激楼主.你有上过作文课么.

求批改TOEFL独立写作,11月26日考,急独立写作.同意否“提高教育水平的最佳方法是提高教师工资”The best way to improve the quality of education is to increase teachers' salaries'.In the modern life,almost all the peop 马上要考托福了,求高手批改托福独立写作作文!谁能告诉我怎么发全文上去?. 托福作文和Gmat作文能一起准备吗?我10月23号考TOEFL,11月12号考GMAT,所以时间很紧,我想作文一起准备.我觉得托福的综合写作很像Gmat的Argument.托福的独立写作很像Gmat的issue,这两个可以一起准备吗 马上要考托福了,求高手批改托福独立写作作文!题目:你愿意住在大城市还是小县城?这么写能有多少分? toefl独立写作官方要求字数是多少? 跪求2010年11月21日TOEFL机经 万谢!邮箱[email protected] toefl独立写作如何举例toefl独立写作举不出例子怎么办 托福10月28日独立写作是什么题目? 求2010年10月23日雅思写作,小作文考得什么 今年10月,11月托福目前为止都考过什么独立写作题了?考过的同学们吱一声啊 求高手批改托福独立写作作文!你愿意住在大城市还是小县城?这么写能有多少分? 托福作文求批改~12月8号马上要考了 独立还是时间不够.题目People who cannot accept criticism为什么原文黏贴不了 超过字符?尼玛 百度知道怎么变这样了 5月20日考雅思——求祝福(写作7分)泪流满面,5战雅思. 求8月14日托福预测机经8月14就要考TOEFL了 收集下各类预测最后复习 [email protected] 感激不尽厄 我是不是太没品了 文件权限错误打不开 请问!2010年11月21日托福toefl的机经范围 求2011年11月5日雅思预测.求11月5日杭州同考烤鸭. 求点评,TOEFL 独立写作我现在是个初二学生,决定高中去美国读,第一次考了80分,现在在练习作文,挑了个topic写,望大家给予一点点评正文:Being a controversial issue,telephone has greater effects on human kind 红delta阅读模拟题分析我刚刚做完红DELTA冲刺题第一套的阅读 70分得了63分 具体分数分布如下 10+13+14+13+13 另外我12月5日就要考TOEFL iBT 阅读还不错 担心写作 打英文慢 这段只是个背景 不需要回