一道关于where修饰抽象名词的选择42.----What do you think of teaching,Bob?-----I find it fun and challenging.It is a job_____you are doing something serious but interesting.A.where B.which C.when D.thatD为什么不对?that后的成分修

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/06 06:31:06

一道关于where修饰抽象名词的选择42.----What do you think of teaching,Bob?-----I find it fun and challenging.It is a job_____you are doing something serious but interesting.A.where B.which C.when D.thatD为什么不对?that后的成分修
42.----What do you think of teaching,Bob?
-----I find it fun and challenging.It is a job_____you are doing something serious but interesting.
A.where B.which C.when D.that
D为什么不对?that后的成分修饰a job,看作一个同位语从句
是不是以a job做先行词的定语从句是不是后一定是where?point.case.activity.situation.position这几个词为先行词引导的定语从句是不是一定后面跟where做关系副词?如果不是,给句两句例句做比较.

一道关于where修饰抽象名词的选择42.----What do you think of teaching,Bob?-----I find it fun and challenging.It is a job_____you are doing something serious but interesting.A.where B.which C.when D.thatD为什么不对?that后的成分修
本题空格后的句子you are doing something serious but interesting不缺名词性成分如主语或宾语(that/which代替),缺的只能是状语(when/where代替).
1)This is the museum _____ we visited last summer.(that)
从句中的visit 缺宾语.
2)This is the museum _____ we met Mr.Bush last Summer.(where)

一道关于where修饰抽象名词的选择42.----What do you think of teaching,Bob?-----I find it fun and challenging.It is a job_____you are doing something serious but interesting.A.where B.which C.when D.thatD为什么不对?that后的成分修 同谓语从句修饰抽象的名词,定语从句修饰人和物.请问定语从句可以修饰抽象名词吗? big可以修饰抽象名词吗 关于抽象函数的一道证明题, 后面接where的抽象地点名词都有啥.我记得有一个situation where 抽象名词的具体化 direct的抽象名词 不是说用来修饰抽象名词时常用不定式作定语的吗 定语从句case作为先行词,总是把他当作抽象的,继而where修饰>? 英语常用的关于物质的名词、抽象名词等各类名词越多越好 抽象名词做先行词时需要定冠词修饰吗 英语关于形容词修饰名词顺序好吧....多个形容词一起修饰名词时的顺序! 抽象名词与形容词的区别是什么?比如“传统”是抽象名词,但是作为抽象名词的“传统”又可以受程度副词“很”的修饰,抽象名词看不见摸不着又能受程度副词的修饰,那么为什么把它化成抽 抽象类的抽象方法可以用private修饰吗 抽象类的抽象方法可以用private修饰吗 抽象的名词 都是不可数名词吗? a few 可以修饰比较级的程度吗有一道中考题 We can wait for more minutes.选择a few 还是a littlefew 说是因为分钟是可数名词,但是我没有听过a few修饰比较级... 抽象名词的概念什么才算抽象