python中for i in range(0, 3.0 , 0.1)为什么错?如果想要输出公差为0.1的等差数列呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/07 11:08:03

python中for i in range(0, 3.0 , 0.1)为什么错?如果想要输出公差为0.1的等差数列呢?
python中for i in range(0, 3.0 , 0.1)为什么错?

python中for i in range(0, 3.0 , 0.1)为什么错?如果想要输出公差为0.1的等差数列呢?
>>> print range(2,15,3)
[2, 5, 8, 11, 14]

def floatrange(start,stop,steps):
    ''' Computes a range of floating value.
            start (float)  : Start value.
            end   (float)  : End value
            steps (integer): Number of values
            A list of floats
            >>> print floatrange(0.25, 1.3, 5)
            [0.25, 0.51249999999999996, 0.77500000000000002, 1.0375000000000001, 1.3]
    return [start+float(i)*(stop-start)/(float(steps)-1) for i in range(steps)]

>>> print floatrange(0.25, 1.3, 5)
[0.25, 0.51249999999999996, 0.77500000000000002, 1.0375000000000001, 1.3]

python中for i in range(0, 3.0 , 0.1)为什么错?如果想要输出公差为0.1的等差数列呢? python新手关于编写函数的问题sum = 0def sum(i1,i2):result = 0for i in range(i1,i2 + 1):result += ireturn resultsum = sum(1,9)print sum(1,9)显示错误,但第8,9行交换下位置,如下所示:sum = 0def sum(i1,i2):result = 0for i in rang python 3.1.怎么我下了python的3.1.3版本,结果在解释器里连 “for i in range(0,3):print i”这样的语句都执行不了,说是语法错误.请大虾指教! python for i in range(2):for i in range(2):print(i,end=' ')i = 0print('hello')为什么输出是0 1 hello 而不是 0101循环 Python中+=是什么意思 The telephone rang ______ I was in the garden. 关于python中 集合(set) 的语法疑问在python中输入:[x ** 2 for x in [1,2,3,4]]结果是:[1,4,9,16]而输入:{x ** 2 for x in [1,2,3,4]}结果是:{16,1,4,9}怎么会这样?虽然集合好像是不分顺序的,但是这样乱排序 Python 中的for line in 我这个会报错,不知道是什么原因,报错如下: python 在随机数列中找第二大和第二小的数字import random def RandomList(length=10,low=-10,high=10):RandomList=[] for i in range(length):RandomList.append(random.randint(low,high))这是现在已有的.急 求解释python中这几句话的意思bi = [0.0 for i in range(itemNum)]bu = [0.0 for i in range(userNum)]temp = math.sqrt(factorNum)qi = [[(0.1 * random.random() / temp) for j in range(factorNum)] for i in range(itemNum)]pu = [[(0.1 * random.random python中strip()作用是什么? 求python l = [random.choice(range(n)) for i in ral = [random.choice(range(n)) for i in range(N)]是我不好,我想问得是:for 前面 为什么有东东···和for结合起来是什么逻辑关系n的···我明白 几个高二英语选择I had hardly got in the house -----the phone rang.( )a.until b.unless c.thile d.whencould you watch the dishes for me?----after i finish the rang .a.what if b.what for c.what until d.what aboutEven if you are n the right track As soon as the bell rang for break,the door opened and in came Mr Black. python英文题目求解答!~~~~Given dictionaries, d1 and d2, create a new dictionary with the following property: for each entry (a, b) in d1, if a is not a key of d2 (i.e., not a in d2) then add (a,b) to the new dictionary for each entry (a, b) in One day,I was cooking in the kitchen _the telephone rang 是哪篇文章? I was in the kitchen ____something when the doorbell rang求空白处的答案 The telephone rang while I was taking a bath.从句中那是主语 那是谓语?