翻译下,下面的短文,要求准确,通顺,合理,急求Mr Johnson had a shop in the center of the town.Nealy ten people worded for him.He told them to work hard and save everything. He tried his best to pay them. He never lent any money to others

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/31 09:42:19

翻译下,下面的短文,要求准确,通顺,合理,急求Mr Johnson had a shop in the center of the town.Nealy ten people worded for him.He told them to work hard and save everything. He tried his best to pay them. He never lent any money to others
Mr Johnson had a shop in the center of the town.Nealy ten people worded for him.He told them to work hard and save everything. He tried his best to pay them. He never lent any money to others though he was the richest man in the town. He walked to his shop every day and never took a bus. He had some bread for breakfast. A lot of people laughed at him for it. But he didn’t mind it at all.
One day the old man went to a market to buy some food.He brought the potatoes carefully and when he was going to pay for them,he found he lost his wallet .
He began to look for the thief there.But he failed.He was so sad that he brought out a knife and was going to kill himself.A few policemen got there at once..They tried to stop him.
“How many dollars were there in your wallet,Mr Johnson?”asked a policeman.
“Ten dollars.”
His made all people laugh.A worker was going to make a joke to him. The man said ,”.I’m giving you 100 dollers if you agree I beat you to death.”
Having heard this,Mr Johnson stopped to think it over for a long time.Then he said,”You can beat me to half death if you give me 55 dollars!”

翻译下,下面的短文,要求准确,通顺,合理,急求Mr Johnson had a shop in the center of the town.Nealy ten people worded for him.He told them to work hard and save everything. He tried his best to pay them. He never lent any money to others

翻译下,下面的短文,要求准确,通顺,合理,急求Mr Johnson had a shop in the center of the town.Nealy ten people worded for him.He told them to work hard and save everything. He tried his best to pay them. He never lent any money to others 求初三英语作文“我与朋友之间一件难忘的事”一篇要求:词汇准确、语句通顺、句式合理、要翻译、80词左右 英语翻译要准确,合理,语句通顺.宁缺勿滥,没有合适的我就关闭该问题. 英语翻译准确翻译,语句通顺. 翻译,要准确,要通顺 根据下列表格所显示的信息,写一篇60词的短文,介绍Ann和Alice的饮食习惯 要求能准确使用6个频度副词.短文要求语句通顺、行文流畅. 用英文写一个有关房间的短文.要求内容叙述合理家具描述准确..开头this is my room.结尾l love my room very 怎样才能把课文翻译的又准确又通顺 假设你是Tom,根据下面的提示,写一段不少于30词的短文描述你的周六的活动及感受.要求语句通顺,书写规范 根据下面的提示,用英语写一篇小短文,介绍一下雨怎样形成的.要求语句通顺不少于五句话.请回答 请根据下列提示下一篇短文假如你叫黄旭,请你根据下信息,写一篇介绍家庭的文章,要求 1.根据信息,介绍用语准确到位.2.语句通顺 流畅 表达正确.3.字数约90字 4.名字:黄旭 14岁 天津 家庭成员: 求英译汉软件可以翻译整个句子的英译汉软件,要求翻译出来的句子通顺、合理,不是直译的,要有逻辑性.ps:如果有可以翻译整段的软件也可以 哪个高手帮忙翻译下,汉译英,要求不用翻译软件,语句通顺,专业词汇翻译准确,翻译的好有追加浓香型白酒生产中窖泥对酒的产量、质量很重要.窖泥中的丝状真菌代谢产生的淀粉酶、蛋白酶、 英语 作文一篇 请根据下面的提示用英语写一篇80--100词的短文.要求结构完整、语句通顺,求快啊 英语 作文一篇 请根据下面的提示用英语写一篇80--100词的短文.要求结构完整、语句通顺,内容 从方框中选择合适的词,并用其适当形式填空,使短文内容通顺、合理 认真读下面的词,然后选4个写一篇作文.要求:1.语句通顺,联想合理2.字数在450字左右翩翩起舞 欢笑 装扮 陶醉 天空 灿烂 沮丧 梳妆........................................................ 英语翻译通顺准确的中文 英语翻译要求是非常准确的翻译