cctv英语演讲比赛的题目Culture Smart or Science Intelligent? 有人可以讲讲你们的理解吗?

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cctv英语演讲比赛的题目Culture Smart or Science Intelligent? 有人可以讲讲你们的理解吗?
cctv英语演讲比赛的题目Culture Smart or Science Intelligent? 有人可以讲讲你们的理解吗?

cctv英语演讲比赛的题目Culture Smart or Science Intelligent? 有人可以讲讲你们的理解吗?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Science refers in its broadest sense to any systematic knowledge-base or prescriptive practice that is capable of resulting in a prediction or predictable type of outcome. In this sense, science may refer to a highly skilled technique or practice.
可以看出,科学定义就是建立在不断探索中得到的知识,用这样的知识去探求新的创立解决问题的方法,然后用这个方法去探求新知识,得到新方法,Science Intelligent 就是我们使用方法来解释自己,得到合理答案;我们暑假的辅导材料里面全部都有;稿子里最大的错误应该是把科学和技术混为一谈;
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
an integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learning
the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization or group
Culture Smart 就是我们用人的思考来得到知识(信仰、价值观、目标)来解释自己行为,得到合理答案;我们暑假的辅导材料里面全部也都有;下面有篇稿子只谈smart和intelligent区别,谈自己的看法,很有见解,请点击阅读
Culture smart or Science Intelligent?(参考阅读)
To use unusual statistics;使用一些不平常的数据;主要集中在常识上,变得更有说服力,
To ask the audience a challenging question;问观众一个挑战性的问题;目的是增加互动效果
To conclude with dynamic body language (结尾用丰富的肢体语言,而不是喊口号,)
11日新收集到的题目,请赛友将自己的题目发到[email protected],我们在一起交流;暑假到现在共收集了267个不同的题目,谢谢各位网友和赛友的鼎力支持:
Judgment Versus Opinion (判断与观点,文化和科学没有取舍)
The Gift of Our Talent (我们能力带来的惊喜,)
I am simply myself (不要失去自我)
Following Up my own directions (永远不改变方向)
Add, not to divide (从乔姆斯基由数学家变成伟大的语言学家联想)
Finding my own Path (数学推理与英语翻译)
If we would never have had computers ? (如果有一天计算机消失了,父子俩坐在一起品茶和读书的感觉)
Think before we act (三思而行)
If I would choose again (选择志愿不要忘记自己的乐趣)
Beyond my goals (目标之外的联想,真确的方法和理念才能达到目标)
Being an innovator rather than an inventor (居家节能之见解,不去发明而是去改造)
Never Ignore my instinctive (相信自己,一个化工专业的同学发现自己真正喜欢的是绘画)
Guitar and Geometry (弹吉他学几何 )Why Do I love Flight Simulator? (我为什么喜欢飞行模拟器?)
If I were a movie producer? (假如我是一个制片?)Back to the future (回到未来)
From a million to a billion (数字看文字)From mystery to mastery (从幼稚到成熟)
When we believe it (当我们真正相信的时候,天外来客对我们科学和文化的影响)doing our best work (精力而为)
We are decison makers (我们是真正的决策者)Carbon 14 (为什么考古要用碳14?)
Acceptance As Giving (汉语题目未收到)If I designed the Water Cubic (如果我来设计水立方)
Put my feet in others' Shoes (为别人)Seeing is not believing (大学实践课堂的疑惑)
They are still flying (怀特兄弟精神永在)Following the direction (永不迷失方向)
2.把题目中科学看成是做事情的方法,而不是空洞的说辞;Music or Music Player? 两者都不能缺少来引申题目中文化和科学是统一体:
3. 暑假博客中刊登由美国密西根州立大学中国研究中心老师提供的思路看:“张衡发明地动仪”、“汉字输入借助必要的方法”对我们都由借鉴;“古建筑中的抗震原理”;
4. They are still flying (怀特兄弟精神永在)和“人类为什么要从新回到月球”等都是把一种文化理念和做事情的方法结合一起;
Culture Smart or Science Intelligent
Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon.
Have you ever considered that culture is superior to science or science is superior to culture? Have you ever imagined that without culture and science, what our life would be like? Has it ever occurred to you what the relationship between culture and science is? Today, I’m here, standing on the stage, to share my opinions about Culture Smart or Science Intelligent.(这个段落提出了三个问题,这三个问题必须马上解释,可是作者却转移的话题,culture is superior to science or science is superior to culture和Culture Smart or Science Intelligent没有直接关系,)
Some people(用法极端错误,第一段使用的人称是You 和I感觉前后不关联) definitely applaud for the coming times of science and technology. (错误,science and technology和Science Intelligent没有关系)Internet brings us a lot of convenience; different colors and styles present on our clothes; cars, trains and planes are applied in our daily life. However, some people blindly advocate the science-oriented view, ignoring the importance of culture. Human beings have been starting to abuse the power of science. During World War two, the American Army launched two atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which nowadays even has been affecting the local people’s life. It shows that science can do harm to our society.
Culture symbolizes the progress of human liberation and cultivation. Democracy, freedom and equal rights are always human beings’ pursuits. While some people pay excessive attention to the traditional culture, neglecting the significance of science. Devastating and incomplete cultures may bring us demerits. Ancient Imperial Examination System had bounded Intellectuals’ thoughts and provoked an impractical learning atmosphere. We should select the essence and discard the dross.
Just as Jerzy Engel said, “If a nation is going to stand at the highest scientific peak, it will not go without theory, even for a minute.”(错误的引用,因为它没有解释好究竟什么是theory) Well, how do we deal with the relationship between culture and science? (没有说明什么是Culture Smart or Science Intelligent)As we all know that, the CCTV program, Lecture Room百家讲坛 is perfectly popular in China. It’s TV program that makes ordinary people have a better understanding of the masterpieces and history. As it widely reported that the ceremony of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has broadcast Chinese culture vividly and made the culture in a brilliant display of colors. Smart culture and intelligent science influence and promote each other. (奥运会的开幕式是文化的背景加技术的条件,与科学没有关系)With the guide of smart culture, intelligent science won’t depart from his direction and destination. With the guide of intelligent science, smart culture will keep away from absurdity and vulgarity. Therefore, we should integrate them together. Let them do more good to our society.
Ladies and gentlemen, although the history and progress of the development of science and culture is filled with differences and disputes, we should thank those(those 是谁呀?定义很模糊;请大家看今年的演讲冠军清华大学金璐的稿子,她的主线很清晰,就是我对奶奶受现代技术的影响,这个背景是她在给一群孩子上课后得到的) who have made great contributions to the world. Of course, we should thank most of us for the extremely kind and appreciative attitude toward science and culture. All in all, it is smart culture and intelligent science that make us such unique creatures on this planet. (没有例子,没有说明,不能使人信服)


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