If i had 7 days left living in the world

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/19 14:16:52

If i had 7 days left living in the world
If i had 7 days left living in the world

If i had 7 days left living in the world
I'm so scared that my life left only 7 days.I love the peace world,the birds in the tree and the smile on my friend's face.I am still hardly to receive the truth because I enjoy all the things I own.
The first day,I will .When the second day is coming,.On the last day,.(自己按想法扩充)
When I complete all of these,I'll close my eyes contently and say goodbye to the world.Now the most important sentence in my brand is what around me should be cherished.

Life is short and therefore, we cannot afford to waste a single minute of it. Once, when I was young a friend asked me a very tough question, i.e., what I would do if I had 7 days left living in the w...


Life is short and therefore, we cannot afford to waste a single minute of it. Once, when I was young a friend asked me a very tough question, i.e., what I would do if I had 7 days left living in the world.I did not pay any attention. Fifty years later, when I grew older and was again confronted with the same question, I was so scared not because I was afraid of death, but rather I felt I had so many things to do. Yet, it's impossible to finish all of these things within 7 days. Then I realize that the true meaning of an old Chinese saysing, that is, when you were young and did not make full use of the time to do things, its too late to regret it when you grow older. The realization makes me feel a lot better, because I have workded very hard throughout my life and accomplished a lot which were admired by many. In short, if I had 7 days left livng in the world, I will still do my daily routine and don't have to rush to do things.


好的开始是成功的一半。  这是一句值得怀疑的“真理”。  第一步本来只是若干步中的一步,在事物的发展过程中起着同等的作用,却因其“第一”的头衔而备受关注。无可非议,“第一步”作为事物的开端,有着超越其本职属性的功用。走好第一步,能够振奋士气,为最后的成功打下基础。可是过于看重“第一步”却是当事人浮躁肤浅不重内在的表现,会成为事物发展的隐患,甚至导致事业的最终失败。  还记得那个可悲的方仲永吗?他凭...


好的开始是成功的一半。  这是一句值得怀疑的“真理”。  第一步本来只是若干步中的一步,在事物的发展过程中起着同等的作用,却因其“第一”的头衔而备受关注。无可非议,“第一步”作为事物的开端,有着超越其本职属性的功用。走好第一步,能够振奋士气,为最后的成功打下基础。可是过于看重“第一步”却是当事人浮躁肤浅不重内在的表现,会成为事物发展的隐患,甚至导致事业的最终失败。  还记得那个可悲的方仲永吗?他凭借文字的天赋与作诗的兴趣被人们誉为“神童”。他的天资被他的父亲发现后拿去到处炫耀,未曾埋没。可以说,他成功地走出了“第一步”。然而,后天培养的缺乏最终令他“江郎才尽”,沦为平庸之人。小仲永与他的父亲掌握住了“第一步”,却未抓住下一步,导致了一颗新星的沉沦。过分重视“第一步”,会导致先天条件优越者的骄傲自大,毁掉更多天才。许多集团企业搞活动之前总要举行开幕仪式,请人剪彩、挖第一锹土便代表着活动、工程开始。这样的第一步够气派够豪华,可多数却与最终结果无多大关系。计划的周密、施工的高质量才是活动、工程成功的关键,若是过于奢华的“第一步”引起了浮躁萎靡之风,“好的开始”倒成了失败的一半。  有些同学写作文注重开头的精美、词句的华丽。殊不知,这只做到了“凤头、猪肚、豹尾”的“第一步”。充实积极的内容才是佳作的本质特征。只看第一步,忙于优美开头的积累,而不注重自身文学素养的提高,必然会导致写作的失败。  “第一步”没有想像的那么重要。是不断进取、把握每一步的精神铸就了美丽灿烂的人类文明,而非单一空虚的“第一步”。   在人生的旅途中,我们应该淡化“第一步”的观念,把每一步当作“第一步”。不跌倒于“第一步”的失败阴影中,不溺死在“第一步”的华美优越里,以最初的激情、最初的梦想、最初的坚持,一直达到成功的彼岸。这才是对待“第一步”的正确态度。  “行百里者半九十”,小小的“第一步”在全过程中的作用可忽略不计。轻“第一步”,重下一步,你的人生才能步步生花,节节高升!
