
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/03 23:22:28


The Frog in the Shallow Well
The Frog in the Shallow Well
a Chinese Fable
Once a frog that lived in a well bragged to a turtle that lived in the Sea.
"I am so happy!" cried the frog, "When I go out, I jump about on the railing around the edge of the well.
When I come home, I rest in the holes inside the wall of the well.
If I jump into the water, it comes all the way up to my armpits and I can float on my belly.
If I walk in the mud, it covers up my flippered feet.
I look around at the wriggly worms, crabs, and tadpoles, and none of them can compare with me.
I am lord of this well and I stand tall here. My happiness is great.
My dear sir, why don't you come more often and look around my place?"
Before the turtle from the Sea could get its left foot in the well, its right knee got stuck. It hesitated and retreated. The turtle told the frog about the Sea.
"Even a distance of a thousand miles cannot give you an idea of the sea's width; even a height of a thousand meters cannot give you an idea of its depth.
In the time of the great floods, the waters in the sea did not increase. During the terrible droughts, the waters in the sea did not decrease.
The sea does not change along with the passage of time and its level does not rise or fall according to the amount of rain that falls. The greatest happiness is to live in the Sea."
After listening to these words, the frog of the shallow well was shocked into realization of his own insignificance and became very ill at ease.
从前,有一只青蛙住在一口井里.一天,他遇见一只东海来的海龟.他立刻对这只海龟说:“你看,我住的地方多好.如果我高兴,我就跳上去看看天.我要是累了,就找个洞休息.你瞧瞧这些可怜的螃蟹、蝌蚪,他们怎能跟我比?我才是这的主人,我的家是世界上最好最舒服的地方.如果你愿意,你可以到我这来参观.”青蛙的话打动了这只海龟.他就向青蛙的家爬去.可刚刚开始爬,就绊了一跤.他向青蛙抱怨道:“这地方这么小有什么好,你到我的家东海去看看,你就会知道什么是好地方.那里可大呢!” 可是青蛙从没见过海,根本想象不出海有多大. 后来,人们就用“坐井观天”来比喻一个人的思想狭隘.
Look at the sky from the bottom of a well
Long long ago, a frog lived in a well. One day, he met a turtle who came from the Eastern Sea. He boasted to the turtle: "Look, how nice my well is! If I'm in high spirits, I 'll jump on the rim of the well and see the sky. If I 'm tired, I 'll find a hole for a rest. Look at these poor crabs and tadpoles, How can they compare with me? I 'm the master here and my home is the best place in the world. Would you like to have a visit?" The turtle was fascinated by his sweet words. Then the turtle crept to the well. As soon as the turtle began to move, he stumbled over the railing. Then he complained to the frog:" What a narrow place! If you see the vast Easton Sea where I live, you'll know how happy life there can be." The frog could not imagine how vast the sea is, as he has never seen it. Later, people use it to describe the ones who have a very narrow view.

英语翻译我需要一篇大约200字”坐井观天”的英语短文作演讲,还有我也需要那篇短文的翻译.谢谢你们 谁能给我一篇作文 主题是坐井观天大约500字 谁能给我1篇坐井观天的作文 任何角度都行 大约500字 我需要写一篇关于蝴蝶画的论文,大约1000字 我需要一篇四年级的关爱生命发展的作文要大约250个字 雅思口语话题:Describe a special meal 我需要一段话或者一篇短文,大约100-200字左右 我需要一篇题目是 【我爱英语】的中文短篇作文.大约是 我要一篇咏物抒情的文章,谁能给我?大约200字. 一篇作文,大约要六百字,我环保 ,我快乐! 我想找一篇结合中国当今社会的一篇马克思主义论文!大约需要5000—6000字. 我需要一篇关于友情的作文(急)字数大约800左右(急) 我需要3篇作文我需要一篇好的作文,要真情实感.内容丰富.大约要500字左右的. 英语高手快来吖!我需要一篇:给地震地区的孩子们的一封信 不要写的太高级,我初中而已- -..大约70个字 我急需一篇关于剪纸的作文符合三年级水平(大约200个字)越快越好! 给一篇‘我的发现’作文大约500字范文 一篇大约700字的中秋节征文、我初四... 英语翻译我需要一篇介绍广州的文章,要英语的!500字 雅思口语话题:Describe a type of music that is popular in China 我需要一段话或者一篇短文,大约100-200字左右的