complementary to是什么意思

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complementary to是什么意思
complementary to是什么意思

complementary to是什么意思
complementary to的意思
例句:双语英语1.Scholars believe that domestication and foreignization are mutual exclusive rather than complementary to each other.
2.Vertical search databases are complementary to broad-based search engines.
3.This video is complementary to the previous chapter.
4.Their economies are highly complementary to china's economy.
5.The capture nucleic acid fragment and the probe nucleic acid fragment is complementary to the other part of the targe nucleic acid gragment.

complementary to是什么意思 complementary complementary 余函数(complementary function)是什么?斜三角形(oblique)是什么? complementary是什么意思 complementary是什么意思 英语翻译Secondly,on the basis of complementary advantages to promote pragmatic cooperation.主谓语成分呢? complementary acquisitions 任何翻译谢谢 supplementary 和complementary的区别? 可以么?7.(a) Find the angle that is complementary to 40°(b) Find the angle that is supplementary to 75° complementary practitioner是什么意思不要告诉我是什么 互补的医生···有没有具体解释 比如这个职业是干嘛的 At your disposal for any complementary information complementary 是Telecommunication Trade Fair 的ticket 请问complementary business是什么意思?(勿用机器) 互补金属氧化物 的来历Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor的英文直译过来的Complementary Metal是什么为什么这么叫难道这种金属可以互补?(给人的感觉就是这样)金属怎么能互补呢?这两个词怎么能 In recent years,several large cities have stepped up their commitment to public transportation,combining futher investments with complementary policies to restrict auto use.结构复杂的简单句分析、谁能帮忙分析一下这英语句子?的 Actually,work and study are complementary to each other rather than in conflict.我想问问rather than 后面的 in conflict 怎么觉得rather than 后面接介词短语这么别扭呢? 求翻译帝翻译下一段话Owing to the complementary roles of NEP and APN inenkephalin inactivation, selective inhibition of only one of thetwo peptidases, such as thiorphan, gives weak antinociceptiveresponses even after central administration i