
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/27 12:26:53


Picture is introduced
A man's eyes straight forward,while the thin lips tightly,yellow faces serious expressions,nose with meticulous care and round glasses.He dipped into the hands of the mud with a fork,it represents the dominant in agriculture,farmers are industrious cultivation of spirit,also symbolizes the male-dominated society in the 19th century,the male authority and unquestionable.From the composition,the fork and oval face and window behind the gothic characters lines photograph echo.The woman standing beside him,a typical Victorian women's hair,clothing,even from that expression,let a person to associate with Jane eyre.With a man,a woman's face,because the unsmiling in women with rigorous and missish,industrious,keji for virtue.She stood behind man,slightly to man,a little eyes "he is listening".
About the relationship of the two characters,and has been the subject of debate,is it a farm old couples or father and daughter?If husband and wife,a lot of Iowa farmer's wife think this is a pair of image formed their paintings,If the father,so the man is carrying a fork,it is a common cultivation of farmer,or a not jealous to drive the preacher husband pursuers daughter?Understanding of the relationship to delineate the daughter chin and neck critics as "maid of drape the sharp," but also somebody thinks these drape implies daughter doesn't like her dress (clasp tightly sealed neck) so inflexible.

Man in the eyes straight forward head-up, lips closed, Huang Shou's face expression is very serious, meticulous hobble around on the bridge of the nose round glasses. He covered with mud holding a for...


Man in the eyes straight forward head-up, lips closed, Huang Shou's face expression is very serious, meticulous hobble around on the bridge of the nose round glasses. He covered with mud holding a fork, both represent the dominant in the era of agriculture, farmers cultivate the spirit of hard work, but also a symbol of the patriarchal society in the 19th century, the unquestionable authority and power of men. From the composition point of view, this fork oval face with characters and character lines of the body late Gothic windows echoes. Beside him stands a typical Victorian woman's dress women, from hair to clothes, even to the expression, are reminiscent of Jane Eyre. As with men, women also stern expression, because women of that era with strict, reserved, hard-working, self-denial as a virtue. Man standing slightly behind her, eyes look to the man, a little "only he is listening to" the mean.
About painting the relationship between the two figures, it has been a topic of debate all, in the end are a pair of old farm couple or father and daughter? If the husband and wife, many Iowa farmer's wife that this is a smear their image of the painting; If the father and daughter, then a man holding a fork, in the end is that an ordinary farmer farming, or a place not without jealousy daughter who passed away Randolph pursue it? Understanding the relationship between father and daughter critic for the chin and neck to fold her daughter as "the sharp old maid," but also suggested that these folds suggests that her daughter does not like her dress (buttons tightly sealed neck) as rigid .


英语翻译画面介绍男人的眼睛直直地向前平视,双唇紧闭,黄瘦的脸上表情十分严肃,鼻梁上一丝不苟地架着圆圆的眼镜.他沾满泥巴的手里拿着一个叉,它既代表了在农业占主导地位的年代,农民 为什么男人喜欢眼睛直直地盯着女人看暧昧或者是有好感的,男人是不是就喜欢眼睛直直地盯着女人看?我就觉得很尴尬啊!男人是怎么想的? 解释下列句子的含义:她直直地注视着这个美国青年的眼睛.她是一个幸福的女人. 缩句、(1)昔日充满欢声笑语的漂亮三层教学楼已变成了一片废墟(2)这位父亲眼睛直直地看着这些好心人 给别人指路的英语句子比如说顺着街道直直向前走,左转弯等 英语翻译学会平视 (作文) 假如有一头猪费尽了大半生终于跳出猪圈,疯狂的向前跑,直直的撞到一棵树上……… 用简要的语言介绍画面 形容高高直直的词语 男人的眼睛!女人的眼睛!有什么区别? 男人用眼睛看着女的的眼睛什么意思 男人吻女人的眼睛是什么含义 平视父亲的背影 启发 改病句 突然爸爸的脸涨得通红,直直地睁着两只大眼睛,微微张着嘴,止住了呼吸,猛地从椅子上站起身来,紧握着的拳头狠狠地朝靠背椅上敲去,发出一声长长的叹息,无力地坐倒在靠背椅上. 手比头高 原文——常记起父亲发脾气的样子:眼睛直直瞪着你,喋喋不休地高声数落.在我顶嘴拒不认错的时候,他甚至会粗鲁地攥紧老拳,连眉毛都竖了起来,样子可怕极了.记得刚参加工作的那 手比头高相关问题常记起父亲发脾气的样子:眼睛直直瞪着你,喋喋不休地高声数落.在我顶嘴拒不认错的时候,他甚至会粗鲁地攥紧老拳,连眉毛都竖了起来,样子可怕极了.记得刚参加工作的那 手比头高 常记起父亲发脾气的样子:眼睛直直瞪着你,喋喋不休地高声数落.在我顶嘴拒不认错的时候,他甚至会粗鲁地攥紧老拳,连眉毛都竖了起来,样子可怕极了.记得刚参加工作的那些日子, 手比头高阅读答案原文:常记起父亲发脾气的样子:眼睛直直瞪着你,喋喋不休地高声数落.在我顶嘴拒不认错的时候,他甚至会粗鲁地攥紧老拳,连眉毛都竖了起来,样子可怕极了.记得刚参加工