帮我写几篇英语的电影概要几篇简短的关于英语电影的概要《神父》《后天》《TROY》《博物馆之夜》《life is beautiful》30字左右就可以了(很少吧>.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/02 09:20:23

帮我写几篇英语的电影概要几篇简短的关于英语电影的概要《神父》《后天》《TROY》《博物馆之夜》《life is beautiful》30字左右就可以了(很少吧>.
《life is beautiful》

帮我写几篇英语的电影概要几篇简短的关于英语电影的概要《神父》《后天》《TROY》《博物馆之夜》《life is beautiful》30字左右就可以了(很少吧>.
God Father:
At a meeting with the heads of crime families from all over the nation,Don Corleone coins a phrase for the underworld that Puzo says will one day be as famous as the expression "Iron Curtain" that Winston Curchill used to describe the separation between communist and democratic countries.The phrase,cosa nostra,means "our land," and the Don uses it to explain that he and his peers are free to live by their own rules,required to follow no laws.It occurs in the sentence,"We will manage our world for ourselves because it is our world,cosa nostra." In the same speech,he says,"We are all men who have refused to be fools,who have refused to be puppets dancing on a string pulled by the men on high."
The day after tomorrow:
This movie takes a big-budget,special-effects-filled look at what the world would look like if the greenhouse effect and global warming continued at such levels that they resulted in worldwide catastrophe and disaster,including multiple hurricanes,tornadoes,tidal waves,floods and the beginning of the next Ice Age.At the center of the story is a paleoclimatologist (a scientist who studies the ways weather patterns changed in the past),Professor Jack Hall (Quaid),who tries to save the world from the effects of global warming while also trying to get to his son,Sam (Gyllenhaal),who was in New York City as part of a scholastic competition,when the city was overwhelmed by the chilling beginnings of the new Ice Age.In addition to all of the other challenges Dr.Hall faces,he's also going against the flow as humanity races south to warmer climes,and he's nearly the only one going north...Written by [email protected]
TrotParis and Hector are brothers,both princes of Troy,(sons of Priam) Paris steals Helen,(the queen of Sparta) or Menelaus' (king of Sparta) wife.Menelaus gets his big brother Agamemnon to join forces with him and attack.
To win the war,Agamemnon knows he has to have the best (and in that time period it was Achilles (the greastest warrior that ever lived)).So he recruits Achilles to fight with the Greeks.When they attack Troy's beach (and win it) the soldiers find Briesis (cousin of Hector and Paris) hiding in the temple and bring her to Achilles to "amuse him".He starts off playfully provoking her but she and he eventually fall for each other,which creates trouble for the himself and the royal family in "The war that will be remembered for one thousand years."
Submitted by Hector Keate - Troy hater
A night in the museum:
In New York,the unemployed divorced Larry Daley is a complete loser.His son Nick is very disappointed with his father that is gong to be evicted,and Larry accepts the job of night watchman in the Museum of Natural History as the substituted for three old security guards that have just retired to raise some money and pay his bills.In his first nightshift,Larry realizes that everything at the museum comes to life at night.The Museum transforms in a complete chaos with the inexperienced Larry,and he learns that since an old Egyptian stone came to the Museum in 1950,the was statues comes to life until dawn.When Larry brings his son to spend a night with him,the three old guards break in the Museum to stole the magic stone.Larry organizes the historic characters to help him to arrest the criminals and save the museum.Written by Claudio Carvalho,Rio de Janeiro,Brazil
Life is beautiful:
Guido lives in a pre-WWII Italy.He wins over the woman of his dreams with his sense of humor and ability to make any situation positive.They have a son.He teaches his son with the same zest for life.When they are thrown into a concentration camp together,he tells his then 6-year old son that it is a game and if they play by the "rules" and win all the "points" that they will win a real tank.Guido never reveals the horrors of what is really happening all around them.

帮我写几篇英语的电影概要几篇简短的关于英语电影的概要《神父》《后天》《TROY》《博物馆之夜》《life is beautiful》30字左右就可以了(很少吧>. 关于爱国电影的观后感 简短 麻烦帮我写篇英语作文!关于我最喜欢的学科.哪一科都行...简短点.一百字左右. 傲慢与偏见英语主要内容请用尽可能简短的语言来描述《傲慢与偏见》的故事概要,一定要简短!70~80.英语喔!如果有我会给分. 诺曼底登陆故事概要【简短点的】 哪位哥哥姐姐能帮我写一篇简短的英语作文啊?题目“关于童年回忆、或者一件事”就是一篇简短的童年趣事!谢咯 请帮我推荐几部关于气象灾害、地震、传染病、火灾、有毒气体方面的电影.请告诉我电影的名字 请帮我找一首关于马的英语诗所以简单一点,简短一点~最好带翻译 请帮我推荐几部好看的英语电影,谢谢不要恐怖的,顺便简单的介绍一下电影内容.Thanks! 需要几篇关于环保的简短点的议论文! 谁帮我介绍几部英语原声电影 好看又可以练听力和口语的 帮我概要的写几件国际国内发生的事情, 求英语电影经典的两人对白,简短些,几句话就行.一定要两人的. 我需要几篇简短的英语小笑话,要带上翻译噢. 谁帮我写下有关于喜欢什么电影的英语小短文啊?不要介绍电影内容的短文.带翻译. 帮我写两篇100字左右的英语电影观后感什么电影都行 简短的几句话英语日记 收集几条简短的英语笑话!