take how 我读书不行啊

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take how 我读书不行啊
take how

take how 我读书不行啊

take how 我读书不行啊 英语,我不行啊 (How long does) it take you to walk from your home to your office?为什么是How long does?How long is为什么不行 16岁.我不想读书.一见到课本就烦.之后的路该怎么走啊!很厌读书,看到课本就烦.家人老说不读书没前途.没出路.但是我不行读.也不行以后被人踩在脚下.之后的路该怎么走啊!不甘.初1下学期时 _____ does it take you to go to the Great Wall from your school by bus?A.How far B.How long请问A为什么不行? 赠别元十八协律六首(之一)的意思(读书患不多,思义患不明.患足已不学,既学患不行.的意思文字解释)不要误导我啊,乱打的不要来快啊急 读书真让我着迷作文,够四百字即可,太多不行! 我知道读书犹如登山渡海,不勤奋刻苦是不行的. Matthew grew up in a rich familiy but he was always ready to___heavy responsibilities.为什么选take on而take over不行.我知道take on是承担的意思,它是对的,但是take over heavy responsibilities我感觉也可以啊!难道take over所 对“It's ten minutes' walk.”的提问应该是什么?用“How long does it take?”行吗?还是“How far is it?”老师说是how far,为什么how long不行呢??? how,what能引导宾语从句吗,为什么我看到有人说不行? 闻一多关于读书的名言,两句就够一句可不行(-.-) take能用于花费金钱么?句型是什么?为什么有人说行有人说不行啊?? 我的语文很差,文言文不行啊. 把陈述句改成反问句,只有两小道~1.我忘不了那激动人心的时刻.2.一个人不读书不行 有关英语的问题啊 You can not imagine__________when they received these nice Christmas presents A.how they were excited B.how excited they wereC.how excited were they D.they were how excited我选了B 我就想知道为什么A不行啊 不是 ( )everything into consideration ,you should carry on this good job.A .Taken B .Taking C.To take D .Take .我不懂为什么C不行 how long will it usually take to pass the customs?哪位英语达人帮我分析下句子成分啊!it 在此有什么作用 take和to起什么用 我英语不好谢谢!期待你的详尽回答!