1.What if ____ bring a present to her party?A.everyone other B.other everyone C.else anyone D.anyone else 2.____ make the vegetable go bad,hesold them at half price?A.In order not to B.Rather than C.Instead of D.Not to 请各位说出选项的原因

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/07 19:21:57

1.What if ____ bring a present to her party?A.everyone other B.other everyone C.else anyone D.anyone else 2.____ make the vegetable go bad,hesold them at half price?A.In order not to B.Rather than C.Instead of D.Not to 请各位说出选项的原因
1.What if ____ bring a present to her party?
A.everyone other B.other everyone C.else anyone D.anyone else
2.____ make the vegetable go bad,hesold them at half price?
A.In order not to B.Rather than C.Instead of D.Not to
请各位说出选项的原因 尽量要详细一点

1.What if ____ bring a present to her party?A.everyone other B.other everyone C.else anyone D.anyone else 2.____ make the vegetable go bad,hesold them at half price?A.In order not to B.Rather than C.Instead of D.Not to 请各位说出选项的原因
我认为应该是“everyone else”,可是为什么没这个选项呢?
A的意思是“为了”,加了not后构成反义.那么句意是“为了不让蔬菜变坏,他将它们半价出售.”言外之意是怕蔬菜放久了坏掉而卖不出去,所以降价在它们坏掉之前卖出.本词组in order to,是有目的性的.


You may bring a bottle of wine if you know what the family ____.这一句中该填drink还是drinks? What if everyone else brings a present 的同义句What if [ ] [ ] bring a present 请帮我做下2道英语习题1.What if ____ bring a present to her party?A.everyone other B.other everyone C.else anyone D.anyone else 2.____ make the vegetable go bad,hesold them at half price?A.In order not to B.Rather than C.Instead of D.Not to 1.What if ____ bring a present to her party?A.everyone other B.other everyone C.else anyone D.anyone else 2.____ make the vegetable go bad,hesold them at half price?A.In order not to B.Rather than C.Instead of D.Not to 请各位说出选项的原因 If条件句 请解释下1.If you had stayed here ,you ____(see)him2.If _____(be)you ,I would go at once.3.If she ____(come)tomorrow,she would bring you the book you want4.If he ____(not be)ill yesterday, he would have come to class5.If he had taken t If you had lost way,what ____ you ____(do)? If ____ to bring our tennis packets,so we couldn't play tennis. 帮个忙改两个同义句.If you bring to the party ,the teachers will take it away.=____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____,or the teachers will take it away.If I go to the old folks home visit,I'll bring some flowers.=If I ____ ____ ____the old folks,I'll I think if you don't ____ more exercise you will get fatterA.bring B.take C.give D.stay Do you think ____ they will bring back the death penalty sooner or later? [A] if [B] whether [C] 初二上册英语练习题.money is important,___ its not the most important thing.A.bring B.so C.if D.butMy brother is taking a ____(relax) vacation to ____(relax).There are more and more singers ___ sing in the subway(地铁).A.who B.what C.how D 初中英语,补全句子,在线等!What would you do if you ____ ____ ____ ____(偶然割伤自己) You may bring a bottle of wine if you know what the family ( )是填drink还是drinks? I don't know ——— I should bring a present.A.whom B.if C.what I dont know _____I should bring a present for my teacherA.what B.if C.how D.where选哪一个? he dosn't know ____he should bring a present( ) A.what B.how C.If d.weather (用所给词的适当形式填空)What if everone else _____(bring) a present. ____ you fall hurt your knee?A.If B.Whether C.What if D.Though