关于 The users of financial accounting information 的论文请教这是一篇Literature review.我对论文的问题不是很明白,请高手指教一下.问题如下:Your review should allow you to reach some personal conclusions on the followi
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/04 10:39:33
关于 The users of financial accounting information 的论文请教这是一篇Literature review.我对论文的问题不是很明白,请高手指教一下.问题如下:Your review should allow you to reach some personal conclusions on the followi
关于 The users of financial accounting information 的论文请教
这是一篇Literature review.我对论文的问题不是很明白,请高手指教一下.问题如下:
Your review should allow you to reach some personal conclusions on the following points:
1. who are the potental users of financial accounting?
2.who actually makes use of the information?
3. How strong is the evidence for the existence of users of financial accounting information? 这一问很不解,要怎么证明,需要什么样的EVIDENCE
4. How strong is the evidence that they use information in the ways predicted? 这个问题非常不解,不知道究竟什么意思,和要证明哪方面的东西.
5. why might the potential users not be actual users of financial accounting information? 这个问题不知道从何下手
关于 The users of financial accounting information 的论文请教这是一篇Literature review.我对论文的问题不是很明白,请高手指教一下.问题如下:Your review should allow you to reach some personal conclusions on the followi
Abstract:That accounting information plays role in the process of society development of the economy,is comprehended without being told.To accounting information user Er Yan ,they need to know true finacial status of enterprise and economic performance not only.And hope acquisition all-round ,accurate ,timely other accounting information.And if the human resources accountant ,the community responsibility accountant compose in reply environment accounting information,maximize according to these information carries out decision-making such as investment credit ,and inspection,to use self efficacy.But accounting information provider,during the period of accountant information disclosure,stop revealing ,not revealing since are driven or the factor effect ,their possibility will be other by self-interest even false reveal the enterprise accounting information.Such only is capable to do the contradiction between arousing accounting information supplying with need.How,resolve or harmonize this one contradiction.With guarantee quality of accounting data,reach the balance that accounting information supplies with need ,be a problem remaining to be solved.
The users of financial accounting information
[这个应该是你“reviewed article"所讨论的中心问题了,在你的“literature rev...
The users of financial accounting information
[这个应该是你“reviewed article"所讨论的中心问题了,在你的“literature review”中应该重新定义这个问题,使其所论证的范围更加有针对性。]
Your review should allow you to reach some personal conclusions on the following points:
你个人的观点是什么?无非就是和“reviewed article”中的观点“一致”、“相反”、或者“另有补充/细化说明”,说出原因即可(但原因以及补充/细化说明必须得有“参考文献[其他article]”的支撑,或者有逻辑推论[这个比较难,你这篇文章也就是个freshman的水平,所以我看你还是算了吧])
1. who are the potental users of financial accounting?
你觉得external users有谁?除了“reviewed article”里指出的,做一个PEST分析看看还有谁。
2.who actually makes use of the information?
你觉得第一问中指明的那些potential users里面,谁真正在用这些information--我个人不大相信一般投资者有处理financial accounting information的能力,他们主要还是听宣传、信小道消息、看其他人的行为、甚至抛硬币~
3. How strong is the evidence for the existence of users of financial accounting information? 这一问很不解,要怎么证明,需要什么样的EVIDENCE
诚然,你没能正确地理解这个问题。从你的疑问中,我可以看得出你误解了evidence的出具方!这个evidence指的是“reviewed article“中叙写出的evidence,这个evidence是为了说明,“有”还是“没有”对financial accounting information的user.
4. How strong is the evidence that they use information in the ways predicted? 这个问题非常不解,不知道究竟什么意思,和要证明哪方面的东西。
首先你要把文中“predicated ways”具体说明一下,然后比对users的实际运用——个人举个例子,好比参加了保险的食品厂垃圾仓库着火了,烧掉了一些过期还没有扔掉的土豆片——financial accounting information中公司资产反而盈利了,不同的users怎么看——govt可能会无视,因为对环境造成了危害;消防署可能也会无视,因为安全措施不达标;保险公司可能会觉得:不带这么玩的,以后要加保费!普通小股民恐怕一听说:啊!着火了,赶快抛,赶快抛!!等等等。
5. why might the potential users not be actual users of financial accounting information? 这个问题不知道从何下手
potential users就是“可能是“也“可能不是”的users,很随意。这个你得结合reviewed article来谈。我上面谈到的“观察角度(环境、安全措施)”和“处理信息的能力(小股民的轻举妄动)”只是两个方面,当然还有其他方面。