英语翻译U.S.officials say Sudan has apologized to visiting Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice after members of her staff and reporters traveling with her were manhandled by Sudanese security personnel in Khartoum.Miss Rice had expressed outrage

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/17 16:24:14

英语翻译U.S.officials say Sudan has apologized to visiting Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice after members of her staff and reporters traveling with her were manhandled by Sudanese security personnel in Khartoum.Miss Rice had expressed outrage
U.S.officials say Sudan has apologized to visiting Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice after members of her staff and reporters traveling with her were manhandled by Sudanese security personnel in Khartoum.Miss Rice had expressed outrage and demanded an apology after the incident,which occurred as she met with President Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir at his residence for talks on the situation in Sudan’s Darfur region.U.S.officials say security personnel shoved members of Miss Rice’s staff as they tried to enter the meeting.Later when Miss Rice arrived in Darfur,her spokesman said she had received a personal phone call from Sudan’s Foreign Minister apologizing for the incident.

英语翻译U.S.officials say Sudan has apologized to visiting Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice after members of her staff and reporters traveling with her were manhandled by Sudanese security personnel in Khartoum.Miss Rice had expressed outrage
美国官方人士称苏丹方面已向到访的美国国务卿康多利萨* 莱斯道歉了.该道歉是莱斯一行人和随行记者在苏丹保安部门护卫下进入喀土穆后进行的.莱斯女士曾勃然大怒并要求苏丹方面在事后作出道歉,此事发生在她与苏丹总统 President Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir 在其官邸会晤并讨论苏丹达尔夫尔(Darfur)地区形势的时候.美国官方称该事件的起因是保安人员猛推正进入会场的随行人员.在莱斯女士抵达达尔夫尔时,其发言人说她已接到苏丹外交部长打来的因该事而进行的道歉电话.

英语翻译U.S.officials have never publicly acknowledged the missile strikes against militants in Pakistan's tribal areas,but have anonymously confirmed such attacks to various news outlets. U.S.officials are at odds over Libya outcome求标题翻译, 英语翻译U.S.officials say Sudan has apologized to visiting Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice after members of her staff and reporters traveling with her were manhandled by Sudanese security personnel in Khartoum.Miss Rice had expressed outrage 英语翻译Weather officials said Hurricane Earl was moving northward off the U.S.coast,after skirting parts of the eastern Caribbean this week,and that residents in low-lying areas should be prepared to evacuate if needed.气象局说“厄尔” 英语翻译ㄒu saīs cē que c' est íe sentīment.大概意思...越具体越好. Afghan officials cite security firms with U.S. ties for violations,求标题翻译,谢谢~不要机器翻译!!! 将句子的有直接引语改为简介引语Would Beijing encourage Chinese consumers to spend more U.S goods? said the American to the Chinese officials.The American______ the Chinese officials _______ Beijing_______ _______ Chinese consumers to 求中译英,分Thailand need a third round of parliamentary elections following boycott,ballot destruction and an apparently wholesale rejection yesterday of ruling party candidates in the country's insurgency-wracked southern provinces,officials sa 英语翻译Paris,April 15,2013 -BioAlliance Pharma SA (Euronext Paris - BIO),announced the receipt of marketing authorization from the U.S.Food and Drug Administration (FDA) forSitavigin the treatment of recurring Herpes labialis,marking the success 英语翻译U.S.health officials are expressing cautious optimism the virus causing swine flu A-H1N1 may not be as virulent as initially feared,but they say aggressive steps to combat the infectious disease are still warranted.怎么翻译的流畅 英语翻译U.S.President Barack Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao met behind closed doors at the White House for several hours Wednesday as top officials from both countries worked to address a range of issues tied to the global economic crisis, 英语翻译1、As U.S pushes China on currency,small manufacturers say they're already hurting2、ISRAEL:Officials find Morocco a tough room these days 3、Bomb Plot Shows Key Role Played by Intelligence4、Brazil steps toward post-Lula era with Rou 英语翻译翻译~在今天的国家地理官网daily news 里Ecuadorian police pose atop what U.S.officials called a game changingsubmarine built by drug smugglers on July 2 near the town of San Lorenzo (map),just south of the Colombian border. 英语翻译U.S.officials said earlier that phone-call data isn't looked at unlessinvestigators sense a tie to terrorism,and only then on the authority of ajudge.这句话怎么翻啊,在报纸上看到的,感觉语法好乱啊,感觉是想到什么 英语翻译chi kyu u gi wo ma wa shi te se ka i hya ku shu ryo koki mi ga ha sha i te i ru ma bu shi i hi to mi dehi ka ri no u shi ro ga wa shi no bi yo ru ka ge bo shina tsu ka shi no ki no u wa i ma a me no na ka niya sa shi ku na ri ta i ya sa s accounted for在这句话中是什么意思All U.S.personnel at the embassy were accounted for,but a badly burned body,apparently the remains of a protester,was found inside,U.S.officials said. 英语翻译The full NPC officially selects the PRC’s president,premier,and cabinet-level officials,allowingthe PRC government to assert that these officials have been vetted through “elections” byrepresentatives of the Chinese people.For much 英语翻译翻译:To avoid any hint of disrespect,most countries sent their most senior officials to represent them at the President's funeral.其中hint做何理解?