how can i tell u now why u won't even know? 求助下这句话应该怎么理解 我应该怎么告诉你为什么你会不知

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 21:42:02

how can i tell u now why u won't even know? 求助下这句话应该怎么理解 我应该怎么告诉你为什么你会不知
how can i tell u now why u won't even know? 求助下这句话应该怎么理解 我应该怎么告诉你为什么你会不知

how can i tell u now why u won't even know? 求助下这句话应该怎么理解 我应该怎么告诉你为什么你会不知

"You now why weren't work?" She asked. "My duty." Young man said, "leave me to switch with an hour. We can meet again?" "I don't


how can i tell u now why u won't even know?
为什么你会不明白/知道, 现在我要怎样告诉你才好?

“连你自己都不知道、不懂(这个事情),那我该怎样跟你说呢?” 意思是表达了对对方的无奈、不理解事情的困惑。
当然也可以说是: “如果连你自己都不知道、不懂得原因,那我就更不晓得如何去告诉你了、如何去说明白了!” 都是表达了对当事人的不满、无奈、困惑等等。


“连你自己都不知道、不懂(这个事情),那我该怎样跟你说呢?” 意思是表达了对对方的无奈、不理解事情的困惑。
当然也可以说是: “如果连你自己都不知道、不懂得原因,那我就更不晓得如何去告诉你了、如何去说明白了!” 都是表达了对当事人的不满、无奈、困惑等等。


how can i tell u now why u won't even know? 求助下这句话应该怎么理解 我应该怎么告诉你为什么你会不知 英语翻译 I'm so happy I can stand here tell u how much I love u. what can i do to tell u how i still love 请问这句话怎么翻译? okso where r u now?and how i can connect you .翻译 外国朋友来信.,如何回复?Dear John,Im in vietnam now,n everything be ok.How about Where r u now?Beijing?John,tell me more about u,i wanna know more about u.And can u send me ur pics?Ann上面来信,怎样回复一封. girls only(13-15)can u be my friend?How o r What's ur name?Can u chat to me?please,don't Deceive me.I am not looking for Translation.I am looking for answer.girls,If u me.And tell me.what time is ur country?now. Tell me how I can be 英语翻译帮忙翻译下i know u said dat its over now,how can i b so damn demanding? baby tell me how can i tell you中文歌词 谢勒! 英语翻译can u do that?Can you please take some pics of u right now of ur dressing of ur legs or ur stomach,back so that i can see how u look right now How so,who can tell me how I i can not tell u how much i am in pain because i am hurting the one i am in love.翻译成英语 谢 寻找一首英文歌baby tell me how i can tell youbaby tell me how i can tell you.touch me how i can touch you CAN U TELL ME can tell me how I can get to the mall? who can tell me how can I recite English word? Who can tell me how can I do for myself? Can you tell me how I can be brave?