
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/22 16:11:02


Abstract: The floral industry is a traditional one with a long history. It is also deemed as a sunrise and profitable history full of energy and vigor with a lot of added value. Lintao County, situated in the middle of Gansu Province, is renowned as "the capital of flowers and plants in China" and "Parterre in Gansu", which guaranteed its important role of China's eco-construction. The floral industry in Lintao plays an indispensible role in the same field all over China. With the recent support of the government, Lintao achieved great progress and made a large profit in floral industry, which has become the keystone industry of raising farmers' incomes in Gansu. By a priliminary discussion of the situation of China's floral industry, this thesis introduces the reality of floral industry development, analyzes the current situation, advantages and problems of this industry and finally elucidate progressive recommendations for the promotion of floral industry in Lintao.

Flower industry is a long history of traditional industries, is also a full of vitality and vigor, and at the same time, the sunrise industry or a higher value-added benefit of industry. Located in th...


Flower industry is a long history of traditional industries, is also a full of vitality and vigor, and at the same time, the sunrise industry or a higher value-added benefit of industry. Located in the central LinTaoXian of gansu province, known as "the Chinese flower township", "on the properties of flower beds, is the national ecological construction, LinTaoXian flowers in the county flower industry plays a decisive role. In recent years, local government's vigorously support in the flower industry, LinTaoXian has achieved great development and good economic benefit LinTaoXian, now the flower industry has become the focus of the effective improvement of farmers' incomes. Based on understanding of Chinese flower industry development present situation, the development of the flower industry LinTaoXian introduction and analysis of practical significance LinTaoXian flower industry development present situation, the advantage and the existing problems and the development of the flower industry LinTaoXian for some advice.


The floral industry, which has long history, is a dynamic, fast-growing industry with high value-added in pro...


The floral industry, which has long history, is a dynamic, fast-growing industry with high value-added in profit.
Lintao County, which located in the mid of Gansu Province, played a key role in constructions of state eco-system. Known as "Gardening Country","Garden of Longshang", Lintao contributes a lot to domestic floral industry.
With fully support by local government, floral industry were well developed and provided significant income this years -- Thus local peasants had benefited a lot.
This paper is focusing on floral industry in Lintao Country, presenting, analysing & discussing the development issues within.


英语翻译如题摘要:花卉产业既是一个历史悠久的传统产业,也是一个充满生机和活力的朝阳产业,同时,还是一个附加值较高的效益产业.位于甘肃省中部的临洮县,素有“中国花木之乡”、“ 英语翻译摘要:随着朝阳产业---旅游业的发展,会展旅游成为一个新兴的行业,会展旅游可以为举办地带来巨大的社会效益和经济效益,被誉为“旅游皇冠上的宝石”.改革开放之后,我国经济发 英语翻译摘要:旅游业是朝阳产业,对地区的经济发展有着很大的推动作用,南京的旅游业不断发展,已经成为城市经济发展的一个重要增长点.而在南京众多知名景点中,夫子庙秦淮风光带一直 花卉店英语翻译 第几产业是什么意思如题,谢谢~! 英语翻译论财务会计目标[中文摘要]财务会计目标是财务会计基本理论的重要组成部分,即期望会计达到的目的或境界.会计目标既是一个理论问题,又是一个实践问题.会计目标虽然是人们主观 英语翻译国内外旅游电子商务发展比较研究 摘要:旅游与电子商务在我国同是一个新兴的产业,而旅游电子商务也正处于发展期.随着我国旅游业与电子商务的同步发展,两大产业的有效嫁接与 云南发展花卉产业的优势自然条件是 三大产业的比重怎么样就算合适?如题,三大产业的比重怎样就算最好,最好能提出一个合适度的计算方程,使得可以比较出各种产业比重的优劣,使用数学建模方法. 播种繁殖的花卉有哪些?如题 一个口字加一个既是什么字拜托各位了 3Q如题 英语翻译摘要:面对飞速发展的汽车维修业,我们目前的管理工作已经显得有些落后了.作为一个新兴行业,一个朝阳产业,如何让它更好地适应市场的变化,在我国汽车保有量不断增加的现实情 英语翻译论文摘要 英语翻译会计英语摘要 印度发展服务外包产业的有利条件如题 温带海洋性气候适合发展什么产业如题 我国的第四产业含那些产业?如题 英语翻译本文通过湖南动漫产业发展历史及产业发展的现状和发展趋势,认为湖南动漫产业发展的优势主要体现在先发、媒体、技术、生产等方面;虽然定位不准、人才匮乏、资金短缺是湖南