
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 22:10:33


Future of outlook,the foreign capital bank faces the new opportunity in the Chinese development.While ising a restrict that our country affiliation WTO further reduce to keep to the cancel behind to the foreign capital bank at customer,business with region,can make foreign capital bank developped well its operate the potential with the advantage.Two is a financial control in our country to relax continuously and will give to include foreign capital bank all banks in inside creates new development space.Three is an our country the finance reform continuously deep to turn and will bring with the cooperation of the bank of inside the new opportunity for the foreign capital bank.The silver will encourage the foreign capital bank passes three inside bank,acquiring the breakthrough in the aspects of business,customer with market;At the same time,in company manage,inner-controlledly,risk manage with principle of management brought advanced experience with way of doing,made,the foreign capital bank acquires the common development in cooperation.
The conduct and actions bank takes charge of the authorities,silver meeting will according to take charge of with open the principle that lay equal stress on,enhance to the direct in foreign capital bank,promote its by law steady management,increases continuously risk management level with profit ability,for our country banking with economic health development do the new contribution.

Looking into the future, foreign banks in China are facing a new development opportunity. First, China's accession to the World Trade Organization until further reduction after the removal of foreign ...


Looking into the future, foreign banks in China are facing a new development opportunity. First, China's accession to the World Trade Organization until further reduction after the removal of foreign banks in clients, business and geographical restrictions, foreign banks can give full play to their potential and operating advantages. Second, China's financial control will continue to relax foreign banks, including all banks to create new space for development. Third, China's financial reform will be the continuous deepening of foreign banks with the Bank of China cooperation has brought new opportunities. CBRC encourage the participation of foreign banks by the Bank of China in terms of business, customer and market breakthrough; Meanwhile, In corporate governance, internal control, risk management and business ideas bring advanced experience and practices so that, Foreign Banks in cooperation to achieve common development. As a bank regulator, the China Banking Regulatory Commission will be monitoring both open and the principle of strengthening of foreign banks in China's supervision promote its business according to sound, and constantly improve the level of risk management and profitability. China's banking industry and healthy economic development and make new contributions.


金融方面的中译英,急展望未来,外资银行在中国的发展面临着新的机遇.一是我国加入世界贸易组织后进一步减少直至取消对外资银行在客户、业务和地域方面的限制,使外资银行可以充分发挥 急寻高手帮我翻译下论文的英文摘要,立刻追加50分!标题 :中外资银行经营治理和发展战略的比较 [摘要] 近年来,金融全球化发展趋势越来越快,外资银行纷纷涌入中国,为中国银行业的发展与 英语翻译【摘要】 随着经济全球化的发展和我国金融业的开放,外资银行正在以多元化的手段争相进入我国市场,外资银行机构逐渐增多,业务不断扩大.在我国经济增长潜力巨大和金融服务需 金融方面的 运用理论分析自身展望未来,从政治方面来写,马克思,中国特色社会主义神马的,急 referral 这里使用在金融财务方面的. bail out 在经济金融方面的意思. 英语翻译加入世界贸易组织以后,我国将按照承诺逐步全方位开放金融业,外资银行必将凭借其先进的管理和成熟的经营,首先在业务上与国内银行业展开竞争.中间业务作为金融深化与金融业竞 金融方面的四大啊 关于金融方面的六级英语单词马上要考六级了急求关于金融和金融危机的英语单词 企业英语Amount ,Figure金融产品的交易中应用在?我学金融方面的请帮忙举例理解? 急求一篇关于“总结过去,展望未来”的英语作文 要求120~150字左右 人在 帮忙翻译下以下的银行业相关术语~政策性银行,股份制商业银行,农村合作(商业)银行,外资银行营业性机构,金融资产管理公司,金融租赁公司 什么是fund of funds?金融方面的. financial leverage 啥意思?金融方面的, 像是财务或金融方面的, DCM是什么意思(有关金融方面的) risk exposure这里的exposure应该怎么理解?着重在金融方面的解释 谢谢!