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《苏菲的世界》(挪威语:Sofies verden)是一本乔斯坦·贾德的小说,首次于1991年以挪威语出版.本书多以苏菲和一位神秘人名叫艾伯特(Alberto Knox)的对话录,它一本以深出浅方式简介哲学的悬疑小说.
1990年,苏菲(Sophie Amudsen) 是一位十五岁的挪威女孩,她与她的妈妈和一群宠物一起住.而她的父亲是一位油轮的船长经常离开家几年,他的角色不在本书出现.
艾伯特教授她哲学史.他用浅显易懂的笔触带著苏菲回顾从先苏期的希腊直到尚-保罗·沙特时代的哲学发展.This phrasing later proves to be an integral part of the plot itself,as Sophia and Alberto try and outwit the mysterious Albert Knag,who appears to have the powers of God—something Alberto bitterly resents.
The philosophy itself is creatively and simply presented.Sophie learns about medieval philosophy while being lectured by Alberto,dressed as a monk,in an ancient church,and she learns about Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir in a French café.Various philosophical questions and methods of reasoning are put before Sophie,as she attempts to work them out on her own.Many of Knox's philosophic packets to her are preluded by more short questions (such as "Why is Lego the most ingenious toy in the world?"),which she is given time to puzzle over (it is arguably not possible to actually solve a philosophical question) before the next packet arrives.Each packet of papers has a topic,which will often be related to the preluding notes.
Alberto takes Sophie from Hellenism (perhaps the most famous philosophical period,the age of the natural philosophers),to the rise of Christianity and its interaction with Greek thought and on into the Middle Ages.Over the course of the book,he covers the Renaissance,Baroque,Enlightenment and Romantic periods,and the philosophies that stemmed from them.
Mixed in with the philosophy lessons is a plot rather more akin to normal teenage novels,in which Sophie interacts with her mother and her friends.This is not the focus of the story,however; it simply serves to move the plot along.As the invasive man who acts as God continues to meddle with Sophie's life,Alberto helps her fight back by teaching her everything he knows about philosophy.This,he explains,is the only way to beat the sham-god.
The book is laced with events which are technically impossible (such as Sophie seeing herself wink with both eyes,or actually seeing Socrates and Plato).Being a book based on philosophy,however,it promises—and delivers—an explanation for everything in the end,when Sophie and Alberto Knox escape from Albert Knag.

苏菲的世界有人看过吗?告诉我大概的情节, 有没有人看过相对论求讲解大概内容和基本知识要领,无法理解的可以不告诉我 谁看过苏菲的世界, 《苏菲的世界》说什么的?看过说说感受. 大山里的孩子有人看过吗? 聊斋的大概情节介绍,详细点? 鸣凤之死的大概情节 谁能告诉我蜗居和裸婚讲的大概是什么?因为没看过,所以我想知道大概讲的是什么内容! 《平凡的世界》情节概括500字左右 谁看过《重庆谈判》?谁能告诉我影片中最简单的主要内容?里面主要讲的是谁?里面有哪些印象深刻的情节? 有人能告诉我海贼王的大概内容吗...讲的什么故事?...主要人物及英文名? 类似吞噬星空未来世界 的小说已看过空速星痕.情节类似吞噬.猪脚成长过称要清晰. 哲学入门的书有哪些好?苏菲的世界看过了. 求一些学哲学必读的经典书籍苏菲的世界看过了。 我的朋友梦到我被砍,有什么含义吗如题,今天一上线他就告诉我这些了.有人看过《周公解梦》吗 在《因特网把世界连成一家》中为什么说因特网把世界连成一家.要看过《因特网把世界连成一家》的!希望有人早点回答. 美髯公千里走单骑的情节只要大概内容的情节,字数少点 英语翻译Gallipoli Peninsula是什么?协约国和同盟国的英文名是?达达尼尔战役的大概情节.就是英国战败的那个战役.用中文告诉我就好了...