
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/02 15:26:39

[关键词] 工伤赔偿 商业人身损害赔偿 民事侵权损害赔偿 缺陷 完善

Abstract ] This article first (compensation) and so on the elementarytheory makes the brief summary from the injury on job and with itcorrelation workers' compensation insurance,harms relational,theinjury on job compensation and the general civil right infringementdamage compensate relations through the elaboration injury on jobcompensation and the commercial person,discovers our country presentinjury on job compensation system existence the question and proposed11 consummations suggestions,how this article emphatically does studyreasonably fills the injury which the injury on job possibly brings,how determines the injury on job civil compensation and workers'compensation insurance compensation being suitable in particular.Theauthor suggested,when solution industrial accident,must provide themain compensation origin by the workers' compensation insurance,simultaneously retains suffers injury the staff to obtain the civilcompensation the right,the civil right infringement compensation tookthe additional source relations,and the actual harm which receives bythe injury on job staff is the ceiling,thus the realization fillinjury on job staff completely harms the goal,will develop in view ofthe future proposed the legislation suggestion,advocated theimplementation supplement pattern,finished the full text by this.[ Key word ] the injury on job compensation commercial person damagecompensate civil right infringement damage compensate flaw is perfect

First this text is from the industrial injury and wait the basic theories with its related industrial injury insurance( indemnification) to make the synopsis to generalize, pass the relation, the indu...


First this text is from the industrial injury and wait the basic theories with its related industrial injury insurance( indemnification) to make the synopsis to generalize, pass the relation, the industrial injury indemnification that elaborate the industrial injury indemnification and the business Human bodies' damage with general relation of the civil case infringement indemnity, find out the current industrial injury of our country to compensate the problem of the system existence and put forward 11 perfect suggestions, this text emphasizes the research to fill up the injury that the industrial injury may bring reasonably, is how to make sure that the industrial injury civil case compensates to compensate with the industrial injury insurance particularly of apply.The writer suggestion, while solve industrial accident, should be provided the main indemnification source by the industrial injury insurance, reserve to victimize the right that the officers and workers acquires the civil case indemnification at the same time, compensate the civil case infringement the conduct and actions complement source relation, and take the actual damage that officers and workers be subjected to of industrial injury as the tallest quota, thus carry out to fill up the industrial injury officers and workers all purpose of damage, put forward the lawmaking suggestion to future development, lay claim to practice to add the mode, end the full text with this.


英语翻译[摘要]本文首先从工伤及与之相关的工伤保险(赔偿)等基本理论作简要概括,通过阐述工伤赔偿与商业人身损害的关系、工伤赔偿与一般民事侵权损害赔偿的关系,找出我国现行工伤赔 英语翻译本文在阐述会计监督相关概念的基础上,首先从法律机制,会计监督基本职能及采取方法等几方面分析了会计监督存在的问题;接着从监督机制、人员素质几个方面分析了原因;最后 英语翻译幂零矩阵性质及应用摘要:幂零矩阵是一类特殊的矩阵,在矩阵理论中有重要的作用.它具有一些很好的性质.本文从矩阵的不同角度讨论了幂零矩阵的相关性质.幂零矩阵与若当形矩阵 英语翻译本文介绍了全自动粘箱机的基本工艺和流程,并通过研究设计一套基于PLC控制的粘箱机控制系统.文章首先介绍了基于PLC粘箱机控制系统的工艺及相关流程,控制系统硬件结构及设计、 英语翻译本文首先介绍了招投标的研究的目的和意义,国内外招投标现状,其次,介绍了招投标相关概念,招投标过程及形式,第三,本文分析了我国建设工程招投标的现状及存在的问题.最后,本文 英语翻译我是通信工程本科段的,希望英语牛比的兄弟帮小弟一下,中文摘要本文首先简要的介绍了有关3G方面的技术术语、 3G的发展历程、现状,以及相关的产业链等.接着详细介绍了3G中的三 英语翻译【摘要】本文首先引入了自然垄断的理论及政府管制的理论的了解,介绍了自然垄断理论的发展演变,及政府管制的界定与适用范围.为后文做好理论铺垫.第三部分介绍了我国自然垄断 英语翻译中医对专方专药的认识摘要:专方专药,古即有之.如何理解专方专药,及与辨病治疗、辨证施治之间的关系,本文从以下四个方面重点辩证分析了专方专药,即理论基础(矛盾唯物辩证 英语翻译摘要:本文根据笔者在闵行区颛桥镇第一幼儿园实践的心得与感受,初步分析、探讨同伴的选择方式对中班幼儿英语游戏活动的影响.在研究中,笔者首先分析同伴的概念及良好的同伴关 英语翻译从“摘要”开始翻译. 英语翻译本文以营口市唯美品格小区住宅为例阐述了高层住宅楼的雷电风险评估.首先阐述雷电灾害的严重性及风险评估的必要性.首先根据实际情况和国家相关标准分析了雷电侵入大楼的可 与PH及变色有关的化学题.希望告诉我这道题从哪里着手,还有与之相关的一些原理.D 英语翻译要写文献综述,摘要不知怎么翻译,请高手帮满,万分感激!本文阐述了水稻直链淀粉的结构,理化性质及与水稻食味品质的关系,对水稻低直链淀粉含量QTL研究、相关基因研究、分子标记 英语翻译摘要:关系营销使房地产企业营销策略涉及到所有利益相关者,正确处理好房地产企业与所有利益相关者之间的关系.本文通过对关系营销及其本质特征、营销的对象的深入分析,提出 英语翻译我国会计监督现状及其发展内容提要 摘要:本文分析了我国会计监督的现状,对存在的相关问题提出一些措施,从社会、国家和企业的角度对会计监督做出展望,要提高会计信息的质量 哪位大侠有空帮我把摘要译成英文!虎虎虎!房地产投资时机是房地产投资三要素之一.本文对房地产投资时机进行了详细的研究.首先,介绍本文涉及的房地产相关知识,并指出了房地产投资时机 英语翻译本文结合当前中国突发公共事件现状的实际背景,首先对突发公共事件和预警机制的相关理论进行了阐述,然后综合分析了我国的预警机制现状及公共危机带来的损失情况,再次根据国 英语翻译网络踪迹?最后能给出某篇文献中英文摘要与之对应的例子~